Chesapeake Council Council #8240




May 2023

Brian Yetka

Faithfully serving the Council over multiple years as Recorder.

April 2023

Chris Janes

Support of Council Membership and Special Events.

March 2023

Jacob Meats

In support of the Council Fish Fry's throughout the Lenten season.

February 2023

Michael Corrigan

For SK Michael Corrigan's continued support of faith based programs on behalf of this Council and PoP parish.

January 2023

Sean Quinn, Frank Hunt, and Stephen Clock

Co chairs of the 40th anniversary celebration. In appreciation for a memorable night shared with our Brothers and their families.

December 2022

Jamie Dobraniecki

For his efforts with Christmas Advent Tree to support families in need in our community.

November 2022

Noli Fiesta

October 2022

Frank Hunt

September 2022

Tom Pestka

August 2022

Joe Schaffer

July 2022

Joe Ellenbecker

November 2017

Tom Murphy

October 2017

Jamie Dobraniecki

September 2017

John Richter

September 2017

John Richter

July 2017

Al Frenette

March 2016

John Vetter

October 2015

Glenn Lindholm

Glenn was instrumental in the success of the Prince of Peace Spaghetti Dinner! Good Job!

April 2015

Joseph Scanlon

February 2015

Bob Elko

Robert “Bob” Elko: Bob has been a long time member of our council and put tremendous effort in supporting council events. He was instrumental in providing guidance for our February fish fry and is always supporting First Friday at the church. His great attitude and desire support the church makes him a great asset to the Council and the Knights.

January 2015

Roger Noreau

State Youth Committee Lead for the recently completed Virginia Council Youth Poster Contest (Keep Christ in Christmas). Council FS, chairman for “new” fundraiser for the Council. w

December 2014

Mike Corrigan

Michael was instrumental in coordinating the Christmas Tree lot that brought in a record amount of money for the church. Michael is always a strong advocate for the Knights and lends a hand whenever he can. His great attitude and desire support the church makes him a great asset to the Council and the Knights.

November 2014

Jason Guzman

Jason was instrumental in the success of the Suffolk Peanut Festival. Then on the following weekend, he worked in the kitchen for the parish Spaghetti Dinner. His great attitude and desire support the church makes him a great asset to the Council and the Knights

October 2014

Marty Kelly

Marty was instrumental in the success of the Suffolk Peanut Festival by working 3 shifts over the weekend. Then on the following weekend, he worked in the kitchen for the parish Spaghetti Dinner. His great attitude and desire support the church makes him a great asset to the Council and the Knights.

September 2014

Millet Fadoul

Millet Fadoul for coordinating the Soccer Challenge for the Council and District. On 9/21/2014 we had 6 participants (5 boys & 1 girl) compete in the youth soccer challenge for POP/Council 8240 held at St. Stephen's Church.

August 2014

Ramon Betancourt Jr.

Ramon, a new 1st degree, was instrumental in the success of the parish picnic on August 23rd. His great attitude and desire support the church makes him a great asset to the Council and the Knights.

July 2014

Glenn Lindholm

Glen, as the 1st Degree Coordinator, setup the June 28th special 1st Degree Ceremony on a Saturday that was a huge success with 8 candidates. Glen has been instrumental in coordinating the 1st Degree Ceremonies. Glenn will be mentoring our new 1st Degree Team Captain Frank Kenney.

June 2014

Curtis Lightfoot

Curtis assisted with KOVAR efforts the weekend of June 7th/8th. Curtis attends meeting regularly and is always willing to help out. Curtis enjoys spending time with Brother Knights and is always in good spirits. He also assists in Degree Ceremonies.

April 2014

John Vinett

John Vinett is quiet within our Council, but quitely does a tremendous amount. John is an exemplary model of a Catholic, participating as an RCIA sponsor, a confirmation sponsor, and as a plank-owner in the newly formed Prince of Peace Evangelical Group.

March 2014

Millet Fadoul

Brother Millet helped recruit 12 members of the Great Bridge Football Team to assist with the Fish Fry on March 14th. The players arrived around 6pm and assisted in the kitchen and as food runners. They also assisted with the clean-up (loading of the trailer and breaking down of tables). John Ricci from POP was very pleased with them. They will also assist at our next Fish Fry April 11th. This would not have been possible without Brother Millet's assistance. Millet has also accepted the position of Youth Chairman for next year. Millet also assisted the DGK in delivering the left-over food to the Fire Station on Hanbury Road.

February 2014

Dave Anderson

Recently Dave spent the entire day helping out in the kitchen preparing the meal for joint council 11984/8240 Valentines Dinner Dance. Later that evening Dave assisted with raffle ticket sales. Dave is very active in the Council and is always willing to help with Council events. He enjoys working in the kitchen and preparing meals for council social events. Dave also volunteers as an Usher at Prince of Peace


May 2023

Marty and Suzy Kelly

Continued support of our Council.

April 2023

Chris and Barbara Mulholland

For your continued courage and commitment to our Council.

March 2023

Jerry and Sandy Hart

In recognition of the tremendous efforts in support of Hope 4 Life Baby Bottle Drive.

February 2023

John and Carol Nogosek

For the continued involvement in the parish peace and justice ministry in supporting our needy neighbors throughout the Chesapeake community.

January 2023

Jerry and Sandy Hart and Val and Nelia Macasaet

Support of the 40th anniversary celebration in preparation of the event venue and organizing donations received.

December 2022

Council 8240 Families

To our Council family members for always supporting this Council through the fraternal year.

November 2022

Ed and Eileen Monacchio

October 2022

Jerry and Sandy Hart

September 2022

Vince and Anna Iannacito

August 2022

Michael and Mary Mastro

November 2017

JC and Bea CoBell

October 2017

POP Grand Group

September 2017

Vince and Anna Lannacito

July 2017

Tony Hayward and Family

October 2015


The Monacchio's were not only the Council 8240 Family of the Month for October, but were also selected by KofC Supreme as THE (world-wide) Family of the Month!

April 2015

Rosati Family

February 2015

Padilla Family

Council 8240 selected the Padilla Family for Feb Family of the Month for their help in coordinating volunteers at our Fish Fry. They are very active in the Parish and also in the community.

January 2015

O'Connor Family

Advent Tree shopping and gift wrapping in December. Mike is also the lead on our Family night at Admirals hockey game in February.

December 2014

Murphy Family

November 2014

Ginny McMannus

Ginny was instrumental in the success of the Suffolk Peanut Festival and the Parish Spaghetti dinner. Ginny is always willing to help and support the Parish and Council.

October 2014

Francher Family

The Francher family was very instrumental with Suffolk Peanut Festival by volunteering over 24 hours combined. They are always actively helping out the Council and the Parish. They also take individual photo's at our Annual Valentines Dinner Dance.

September 2014

Vinicio and Vincenza Fabbrizi

Council 8240 selected Vinicio and Vincenza Fabbrizi from Andrea's Restaurant for September Family of the Month. The Fabrizzi family has helped the Council out the past few years by providing food for the Christmas party and pizza for the fish fry kitchen staff. The have always been supporters of the Parish (Prince of Peace).

August 2014

Murphy Family

Tom and Mary Murphy played a huge role in the success of the Parish Picnic. They have also volunteered to take the lead role with Christmas Card sales at POP starting in November. Tom and Mary always have a positive attitude.

July 2014

John and Dorothy Ricci

Council 8240 selected John and Dorothy Ricci for July Family of the Month. John (recently took his 1st Degree) and his wife arranged a beautiful reception for a SK that passed away. The reception was very well organized and had over 75 in attendance. John is also the Maintenance Manager at our Parish (Prince of Peace). John and Dorothy are are always willing to go the extra mile to help with the Council and Parish.

June 2014

SK John Smith and Barbara Smith

. They opened their home to Council 8240 to conduct a Business Meeting on Thursday June 12th. It was well attended and brought a smile to John's face. John really enjoyed seeing his Brother Knights.

April 2014

Tom Daughtrey and Dorothy Hill

Tom Daughtrey and Dorothy Hill Family - they are part of the food pantry, wesely soup kitchen at sacred heart, nest baptism and weddings .

March 2014

Joe and Betty Shaffer

Joe and Betty Shaffer - Joe spent the entire Friday running the kitchen during the Fish Fry. His guidance and experience made the day a successful event for the Council. Betty Shaffer took the lead in recruiting help for the serving line during the Fish Fry. I believe this is the second year in a row she has taken the lead on this. You can also find Joe and Betty helping out the Parish during Mass and other Parish events.

February 2014

Abbate Family

Council 8240 selected the Abbate Family for February Family of the Month. Council 8240 held its Fraternal Benefits and Recruitment Night in February. We had one of our most successful benifts/recruitment night. The Council had over 27 guests in attendance. We could not have accomplished this without the guidance and help from the Abbate Family. Bob came to the event fully prepared to answer all possible insurance questions that might have been asked. He also welcomed in our new Brother Knights.