Mike Leumas
Doug Angradi
Stephen Anderson
Mike Luemas
Keith Coates
Herman Stewart
Charles Roswell
Doug Angradi
Bill Blum
John Sniezek
Frank Arlinghaus
Ryan Dworsky
Bryan Teague
Stan Lang
Gary Trotter
Andy Santo
Bryan Teague
Paul Pellegrino
Ryan Dworski
Frank King
Johnny Young, Charlie Roswell, Ben Feaga , Chris Pasis
The Hospitality Team - awesome work adjusting to new rules and procedure & great pork loin and mash!
Brothers Blum and Ostlie
Bros. Blum and Ostlie for their continued and sustained support of Drive Thru confessions and food collection and delivery.
Brothers Angradi, Opatick, Sniezek, Tavary, Stewart, Spain
• The Knight of the Month (for September) goes to Bro. Angradi for all efforts in pulling off the first Virtual Race in our history.
• Knight of the Month goes to Bro. Teague for his continued support of the fund-raising activities.
• The Exemplification Team consisting of Bros. Opatick, Sniezek, Tavary, K. Stewart, and John Spain for the work done on executing the recent Exemplification ceremony.
Brothers Regnier and Dunn
The Knights of the Month (for August) goes to Bro. Regnier for all efforts in pulling off a successful blood drive. Also, to Bro. Dunn for the Adopt A Highway clean-up.
Bros. Dennison, Coates and Arlinghaus
The Knights of the Month (for July) goes to Bros. Dennison (Membership Dir.) and Coates (Family) for assuming directorship positions. Also, Bro. Arlinghaus for jumping in and taking the lead on our LSOP.
James Lazarek
For his support in volunteering for the drive-through confession and with supporting the food drives.
F Arlinghaus
KoC Knight of the Month for running the Free Throw Contest with St. Francis for the Council and District
J Sniezek
KoC Knight of the Month for running the Free Throw Contest with St. Francis for the Council and District.
Hospitality Crew
Our Hospitality Crew!
Rick Opatick
Knight of the Month for Organizing the Christmas Dinner
Brother M. Leumas
Knight of the Month for December 2019.
Brother B. Blum
Brother F. Arlinghaus
Brother J. Knight
Paul and Lisa Pellegrino
Herman and Kelly Stewart
Billy Swann
Mike Leumas Family
Ben & Chris Feaga
Doug Angradi
Billy Swan & Family
Stewart & Arlinghaus Families
Herman and Kelly Stewart Family
Frank and Sue Arlinghaus Family
Bob & Patti Tarka
Keith and Pamela Coates Family
Dan Comeaux Family
John and Ginny Sniezek
Herman & Kelly Stewart
Recognition in support of creation and execution of Food Truck Nights for parish to establish much needed fellowship among parishioners.
The Family of the Month (for October) goes to Bro. F. Kitsmiller and spouse for their continued support of our monthly food collections.
Bro. George Vanisko and spouse for leading our Daily Bread connections and other food drives.
The Family of the Month (for August) goes to Bro. Coates and spouse who have worked in the parish and at the various food drives
To the entire family for the unwavering support toward assisting with the drive thru confessions, coordinating food drive support, and planning for the outdoor Mass.
To the entire family for the unwavering support toward assisting with the drive thru confessions, coordinating food drive support, and planning for the outdoor Mass.
Brother F. Arlinghaus and spouse.
Family of the Month
Brother B. Teague and Spouse
Brother B. Teague and Spouse
Brother J. Sniezek and Spouse
Family of the Month for January 2019
Brother S. Dunn and Spouse
December 2019 Family of the Month.
Brother A. Baturre and Spouse
Family of the Month for Novermber 2019
Brother E. Draminski and Spouse