News & Announcements


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Annual fundraiser to support our Clergy and seminarians

Council 10232 is pleased to offer an additional way for parishioners to view, order, and purchase items we’re offering during our annual KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS (KCIC) sale.

KCIC sales will take place in the Church Vestibule following each Mass on the weekends of 16-17 November, 23-24 November, and 7-8 December. You can now view all products at any time on our Council Square Site. You can use the site to examine the items and, if you wish, you can make an online payment for pick-up at our table in the Vestibule on sale weekends. All items, with the exception of the wooden “Reason for the Season” yard signs will be available for purchase in the Vestibule. Should you not wish to place an online order, you can take a note of the item(s) and purchase them at our table in the Vestibule on sale weekends.

Wooden yard sign orders will be available for pick-up in the Basement Hall on Saturday, 7 Dec, between 1000-1400.

Direct any questions to ""

Use this link Visit KCIC site to visit our Square Site for KCIC. Alternatively, use the QR code BUTTON above to open the site.

Silver Rose running


On Sunday September 29 the tradition of Running the Silver Rose was completed between Mercy Council 17519 and St John's Council 10232. The relay of the rose was followed by a prayer service in the Chaspel of St John the Baptist church.

The journey of the rose (1 of 6 that left Canada, culminates in the cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.


Click on the link above to see photographs of the occasion.



(For Members & non-members)

Online payments for a variety of items can now be made at the council Square Site and an online payment made there. The link below will take you to the Square Site Home Page and you can start to view items by clicking on one of the  categories you will find on the site. A list of categories can be seen below the active link.




CATEGORIES on the site include the following -


MEMBERS – DUES (with refreshments options)


  • Shirts
  • Caps
  • Name Badges


(product range under construction)


  • Lenten Fish Fry
  • Mothers Day Flowers
  • Labor Day Rib sale
  • Rocket City Chorus concerts

DONATIONS (all visitors)

  • Ultrasound Fund
  • Seminarians Fund
  • General charity fund
  • Refreshments (Meeting food for those not using Dues options)

Use the link above to visit the site and investigate Council 10232 charity opportunities.


Knights of Columbus’ donations buy pods for MCS Special Education

MADISON – Fraternal organizations at two Madison churches have helped to purchase innovative equipment to help students in special education in Madison City Schools or MCS.


Read th full article by clicking on the link CLICK HERE to view article.


A Short History of Catholicism in North Alabama To The Founding of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Madison


A Short History of Catholicism in North Alabama To The Founding of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Madison is a concise document on our state history that includes early photographs of our parish decelopment and bios of our former bishops and pastors.

Authored by our brother Knight Danny Garcia, it gives a concise insight to our history over the past 5 centuries and will ne of interest to locals and incomers alike.

Use CLICK HERE above to open the document.