Delaware State Council

Links of Interest

The Dialog

The official website including an online copy of the up to date periodical for the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington

KofC Vanity Plate

Delaware Knights of Columbus license plates are available to any brother Knight who is a member of Delaware State Council in good standing.  To select a number call the chairman.  The chairman will send the member an approved request.  The approved request is completed by the member and sent to the Department Motor Vehicle (DMV) with nominal one time charge of $10.

When you get a KC tag you keep your present tag. The old tag must be kept in the vehicle at all times and display of either or both tags is legal. The KC tag can be put on a truck up to 3/4 ton capacity.

When you pay the $10 fee and get a new KC plate, it will include a second expiration sticker for the KofC plate.  It takes about 6 weeks to get a new tag from DMV.  When your registration expires and you go to re-register the vehicle the DMV will give you two expiration stickers.

When you transfer your tags to a new vehicle the KC tag transfers at no cost.  The name of the brother Knight to whom the plate is issued must be on the vehicle registration (vehicle may be co-registered with a non-knight such as a spouse).  If a member dies the tag must be returned to the DMV.  Tags are not transferable and they must be returned to DMV. 

James Gardner, PSD
Chairman of the Delaware License Plate Program
229 Galleon Dr. 
Newark, DE 19702 
(H) (302) 737-7364
(C) (302) 276-4021


The official website for the Delaware Columbiettes

Coffee Run Council Mentoring Program

Knights of Columbus


  1. 595

Hockessin, Delaware 19707



 The Council Mentoring effort has three primary objectives: 

  1. To allow newer members and transferees to become quickly and easily familiar with, and participants in, the life of the Council.
  2. To more evenly share the leadership and the good work we do.
  3. To provide for the orderly succession of officers and leaders available over time.

This should increase the service we offer to God, Church, Community and our Brother Knights and their families.

 Who is Included 

Members new to the order in the last year shall be assigned a mentor no later than the next business meeting after their First Degree Initiation.

 Transferees to the Council will be assigned a mentor upon transferring to Coffee Run. We recognize that transferring members have widely differing experience with the Order, and the mentors will take this into account.

 Mentors will be volunteers from among those having experience in the Council. They need not have great depth of experience or seniority. More important is the ability to reach out to the new member, listen to concerns or questions, encourage involvement, and follow-up.  Mentors may also be appointed by the Grand Knight.

     Mentor Responsibilities 

  1. Contact the new Knight promptly, introduce yourself and encouraging him to attend 1 or more business meetings in the first 3 months of his initiation or transfer. Introduce the new member (before the reading of minutes) at his first meeting and ask him to give a short bio. Ask the GK to get all members present to introduce themselves.
  2. Encourage the new Knight to participate in one or more Council scheduled activities.
  3. Learn why the new member chose to become a Knight and help provide opportunities to fulfill his interest.
  4. Encourage attainment of Second and Third Degrees.
  5. Stay in contact during the first year and attend the annual mentoring program review meeting for possibly improving the program.

 Expectations of new members(to be shared with the new member by the mentor) 

  1. Attend 1 or more Council business meetings within the first 3 months.
  2. Become involved in at least one activity, standing committee, service program or Church program sponsored or encouraged by the Council in the first year.
  3. Respond to the mentor’s phone calls, emails, etc. to allow communication.
  4. Consider 2nd and 3rd degree opportunities.
  5. Ask questions and make suggestion when you have them. A fresh prospective is always welcome.
  6. Attend the annual mentoring program review meeting to give feedback on your experience of becoming a Knight and the mentoring program.

   Annual Social Meeting to Improve the Program

 The opportunity to refine and improve our mentoring lies in the experiences of the mentors and new members that have participated. Annually, we will discuss the program, what works and doesn’t, what’s missing or extraneous, and what should be changed for the next year. This will be a meeting open to the Council with a heavy emphasis on mentors and those mentored.

  Ongoing Responsibility

 The program is the responsibility of the Chancellor, The Chancellor shall: 

  1. Work with the GK and the Council to maintain a list of mentors. Rotate mentors to give many a chance to participate.
  2. Match mentors with new members. Monitor compliance.
  3. Discontinue mentor-new member relationship when it is no longer needed.
  4. Report to the Council periodically at a regular business meeting.
  5. Schedule and conduct an annual mentoring review meeting at a social meeting and use other means as desired (personal contacts, survey, etc.).

 Implementation of the Program 

  1. The Grand Knight and Chancellor, along with the ad hoc committee, should compiles a list of who are to be considered “new members”. For the purpose of first implementation, consider reaching back up to 2 years for less active knights.
  2. Mentors are selected from a list of volunteers and may also be appointed.
  3. Schedule a training meeting for mentors.

 By Our Works, All Will Know U

Hard copy