Texas State Council


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Saturday, May 18, 2019

from 10:00 am 'til 1:00 am

Host Council:  Longview Council #2771

I have been pestered by several councils about a Major Degree for our Diocese before June 30, 2019.  I am happy to announce we have a Major Degree scheduled. Council 2771 & District 133 has agreed to host the event.

Please inform all councils to send candidates to ST. Theresa of the Infant Jesus Parish, 10138 Union Grove Road, Gladewater, TX 75647, May 18, 2019.  Candidates need to arrive by 10 am at the latest.  Degree to start at 10:30 am.  Cost is $20 per candidate with your Council providing the medallions.  $25 per candidate without medallions.

Lunch will be $5 for members.  Council 2771 will be having a 50/50 raffle so bring some loose cash to help offset their cost.

 We need at least 25 members, which we should have since I have been asked by so many councils.  This will be just in time for those 1st degree members to make 3rd degree so they can hold office next year.

I would like a ballpark number by May 14, 2019 so the council can prepare enough food. Contact DD 133 - Corky Valentine -  cgvalentine272@gmail.com


Thank you Council 2771 & DD133 for hosting!


Vivat Jesus!  Viva Cristo Rey!


David Zeigler, FDD, PGK, PFN

Tyler Diocesan Deputy

5420 Annette St

Marshall, TX 75672



Event Location
ST Therssa of
10138 Union Grove Road
Gladewater, TX 75647 US