Texas State Council


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Thursday, March 31, 2016

from 7:30 pm 'til 9:30 pm

Host Council:  ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Council #8954

Kevin Quinn is the Event Chairman for this event
E-mail Me

St. Joseph Council 8954 will be hosting a First Degree Ceremony on Thursday, March 31, 2016.  The ceremony will start at 7:30 pm and will be held in the Upper Room, located of north entrance off Jupiter Rd.

Candidates and a council representative are asked to arrive by 6:45 pm to begin the registration process.  Registration will take place outside one of the classrooms to be determined that night.  Candidates will then be asked to gather in the classroom for instructions for the ceremony by a degree team member.

Candidates and a council representative must have a complete First Degree Kit before they are allowed to sign in.  The kit consist of K of C Pin, a K of C Membership Card, a K of C. Rosary, a K of C booklet entitled "These Men they Call Knights and a Form 100 will required fields completed.  The host council will be insuring that key parts of section 1, 2, 3 and 5 are filled in; the candidates council is responsible for ensuring all part are completed before submitting to Supreme.  The Form 100 will be returned the council at the end of the ceremony with date of First Degree entered.

To insure the host council has set up the anti-chamber for the ceremony, councils are ask to contact 8954 with number of candidate that will be attending, as well as council members.

Event Location
St. Joseph Catholic Church
600 S. Jupiter Rd
Richardson, TX 75081 US