Texas State Council


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Thursday, September 24, 2015

from 7:30 pm 'til 9:00 pm

Host Council:  ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Council #8954

Adrian Rodriguez is the Event Chairman for this event

St. Joseph Council 8954 will be hosting a First Degree Ceremony on Thursday, Sep. 24, 2015 starting at 7:30 p.m. The ceremony will be held in the Upper Room; located of the north entrance off Jupiter Rd.

Candidates and their council representative are asked to arrive by 6:45 pm in order to start registration. Candidates must have with them in order to sign in a compete First Degree Kit. The kit consist of a K of C Pin, membership card, rosary, booklet entitled "These Men they Call Knights and a Form 100. All required fields must be completed; form signed by the candidate and sponsor.. It is the responsibility of the candidate's council to ensure all required fields are filled before submitting to Supreme; this includes payment of dues. The form 100 will be returned to the council representative at the end of the ceremony.

In order to prepare the anti-chamber for the ceremony, councils are asked to notify the host council as to how many candidates will be attending; this includes council members that will be attending in support of their mew member.