Texas State Council


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Thursday, November 20, 2014

from 6:30 pm 'til 1:30 pm

Host Council:   Council #11862

Ronald Waldie is the Event Chairman for this event
E-mail Me

Exemplification begins at 7:30 pm in rooms 100-150 in Curran Hall, following the Council meeting. Candidates are to be present no later than 6:30 pm in the hallway outside these rooms.

Complete registration includes a complete degree kit presented by a council officer to the host council registrar. A complete kit consist of the following: completed form 100, KofC Rosary, KofC lapel pin, "These Men They Call Knights" booklet, completed Membership Card. The Candidate's form 100 will be returned to the council officer once registration is complete and the Candidate's council will be responsible for submitting it to the Supreme Council.

If you have a Catholic friend or family member who might be interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please invite him to join by contacting your Membership Director and/or Grand Knight to arrange a meeting with him as soon as possible. As a fellow Brother, please make every effort to attend and support the candidates who will join our brotherhood at this time.

For more information please contact:

NAME: Ronnie Waldie
TELEPHONE: 214-668-6029
EMAIL: justin060415@yahoo.com

We look forward to your participation.

Event Location
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
950 Trails Parkway
Garland, TX 75080 US

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