Texas State Council


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Saturday, September 7, 2013

from 10:00 am 'til 11:30 am

Host Council:   Texarkana Council #1003

DGK / Col E Harper is the Event Chairman for this event
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Thank you for your support to the Charity Events in August, Disability Dance & Randy Sam's. God Bless all that served!
Our lifeline is membership. We have an opportunity to advance some of the first degree members to hold officer positions with the upcoming 2/3d degree in Lufkin. We don't have another initiation until OCT and COL Harper already has 7 members interested now. I am requesting the degree team and available members to vote and welcome the new members in on 7 SEP at the Council Hall with an initiation at 10:00. The degree team should be there around 9:15, Council members arrive not later than 9:45. I would like to have the council called to order vote them in and conduct the initiation at 10:00. This should set us in a great position as if all 7 show up we will have already made this year’s membership goal (MUCH thanks to COL HARPER!). If you are member of the degree team please contact me via phone or email if YOU CANNOT make it, otherwise I will assume you will be there. All members that are available are requested to be at the Hall not later than 9:45 for the 10:00 ceremony. The recruiting effort is paying off as we speak, as we see new members stepping up and helping out where they can. Please support this effort if you can. The benefits of having a larger pool of 2/3d candidates is obvious for our council and shows promising times ahead for the 4th Degree Assembly as well.
14 SEP 2/3 Degree in Lufkin, TX let GK or DGK know if you would like to attend (qualifies you to attend 4th Degree/NO WAIT)
28 SEP 4th Degree in Irving, TX, let Col Harper or Rick Solice know if you would like to attend
Vivat Jesus
Wally Embrey
Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus
402 880 8014 TEXT or CALL