Texas State Council


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Sunday, November 13, 2016

from 8:00 am 'til 1:00 pm

Host Council:  Dallas Council 799 Council #799

The Major Degree will start with 8:00am Mass at St. Patrick's Church.  All Candidates and Members are encouraged to attend Mass.  We will line up in front of Church to precess in at the beginning of Mass.  After Mass all Candidates will reconvene at the Council 799 KayCee Hall for complentary light breakfast and registration.  The degree will start at 9:30am.  All Candidates and Members will be required to present a valis membership card in order to be admitted to the degree.  Please dress appropriately for Mass and the ceremony.  Candidates should be acompanied by a member of their home council.  The Financial Secretary or Grand Knight of each home council should provide a 3rd Degree Medallion for each candidate at registration.  A complimentary light lunch will follow the completion of the Major Degree.

Key contacts are:  Grand Knight Thomas Kelton; t_kelton@hotmail.com; 512-297-0363 OR District Deputy Reed Fontenot; reed.fontenot@att.net; 501-920-0102.

Event Location
Council 799
10110 Shoreview Road
Dallas, TX 75238 US