Dr. Steve Brown
Robert Schumacher
Tod Brill
Jeff Paine
Martin McDavitt
Michael Pelfini
Howard Lopez
Robert Schumacher
SK Pat Mohn
Jerry Warych
Ramon De Los Santos
Howard Vill Neuve
Denis Dolan
Dr. Stephen Brown
John Crandell
Michael Pelfini
Andrew Chantri
Martin McDavitt
Michael Pelfini
Michael Chaump
Calen Wells
Michael Pham
Daniel Deblasio
Christopher Gorham
Chris Ordonio
Andrew Chantri
Dave Patula
Fr Honesto Agustin
Gary Verbeke
Tod Brill
Edwin Strickland
Bill Jacques
Howard Vill Neuve
Paul Mc Elroy
Michael Downey
Dr. Thomas Dose
Jobert Lacebal
Tom Muller
SK David Patula
Richard "Junior" Simons
John Paul Thompson
Robert Hamon
Father Patrick Klekas
SK James Demetrio, S.K., O.P.
Thomas Rammel
Robert Hamon
Edwin Strickland
Patrick J Perry
Patrick Mohn
Dennis Saxon
SK David G Patula
Paul F Fromherz
SK Matthew P Mareno
SK John Long
SK Jim Demetrio
Frank Noski
Marco Lamas
Chris Watters
Brother Chris Watters is very active in our parish life programs. He is the chairman of the Right to Life committee and very dedicated to pro-life issues.
Michael Pelfini
Jobert Lacebal
James Pellegrino
Senen "Chiqui" Gabaldon
Matt Mareno
Brent Collamer
Steve Rachuy
Cecil "Mac" Mc Natt
Robert Hamon
Chris Welsh
Griff Turner
Al Goulart
Ed Strickland
John Wilkins
Jim Demetrio
Chris Watters
Patrick Mohn
Robert Hamon
Paul McElroy
Bill Jacques
Howard Villnueve
Fr. Tom Nelson
Steve Rachuy
Andy Chantri
Ed Strickland
John Long
Chiqui Gabaldon
Cecil "Mac" Mc Natt
Recognized for his eagerness to fully immerse himself in our council by attending several meetings, helping out a numerous events and attaining his 2nd and 3rd degree.
Al Sheakley
Recognized for his leadership with, and successful promotion of, the very successful parish wine tasting.
Billy Clifford
Billy is one of our council's newest members. Since joining he has volunteered to help in virtually every way possible. He has taken his 3rd Degree and has expressed an interest in taking on a position of responsibility in our council.
Bret Scoggin
Bret has been an active, supportive knight for many years, most particularly involved with working at our social and fundraising activities.
Since the beginning of the current school year, Bret has also been the school principal of our parish school, St. Albert's. Since assuming that role, he has made consistent efforts to foster a closer relationship between parents and the Knights. Thanks largely to his initiative, we have shared profits of our breakfasts this year with the 8th grade class to help their financing of their trip to Point Bonita and to increase our attendance at the breakfasts...a win-win for both school and council. He has also been informing parents and encouraging their participation in our upcoming wine tasting.
Chris Gorham
Chris took multiple overnight shifts in support of both the Advent and Lenten Adorations of the Blessed Sacraments, enabling us to keep the church open for everyone even during the wee hours of the morning.
Brian Bartlett
Brian is a great example of a knight new to our council who immediately "steps up" and supports our charitable and religious efforts. Most recently, Brian distinguished himself taking personal initiative to see that he represented the knights as needed during our Lenten Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Albert's.
Andy Chantri
Andy organized members of our council's fundraising through the Street Vibrations event in Reno this fall. He also spearheaded our council's Fundraiser for the Support of those with Intellectual Disabilities (Tootsie Roll Drive) this year.
Joe Labuda
Joe has devoted numerous hours in service to the Knights of Columbus and our council in particular. He has been a regular member of degree teams that initiate and advances our brothers throughout northern Nevada. He has been a consistent volunteer at our council's UNR beer booths, an important fundraiser for us.
John Crandell
John is our Family Director. He has successfully managed and promoted council and parish events beneficial to not only our council families, but the whole parish community as well.
Fr. Honesto Agustin
Fr. Honesto has been a very active, supportive and motivational chaplain for our council since he came to St. Albert's Church. He is now just beginning his new assignment as pastor of St. Albert's. We wish to congratulate him in his well-deserved new responsibility, and express our confidence that he will be a truly inspirational leader for our parish.
Rev. Mark Hanifan
Rev. Mark Hanifan, the pastor of St. Albert the Great Church, has been a consistent supporter of our council throughout his time in the parish. Our members have successfully consulted and collaborated with him concerning numerous projects and events over the years, and we appreciate all his efforts on the part of the parish community of St. Albert's.
As he prepares to leave St. Albert's for a new assignment, we wish to honor him for all he has done...and for all he has helped our council to do.
Tod Brill
Tod is both the warden and church director of our council; he is also the "music man" for our 1st Degree team. He is a strong advocate for our council's support of veterans' causes. Most importantly, he always helps us focus on what is most important in everything we do and is always there to help whenever asked.
Chuck Baird
Brother Chuck Baird is treasurer of our council; he carries significant responsibility for the financial health of our council and for keeping our members informed regarding our council's assets and investments.
In addition, Chuck recently volunteered to chair our spring wine tasting event (March 14th at Aspen Lodge, Sierra Canyon in Del Webb) and to donate the lodge rental fee.
Jose Salguero
Jose is a new knight, having joined our council only about four months ago. He has set a great example for new members, already participating in a number of activities and consistently attending our meetings.
Rev. Arlon Vergara
Fr. Arlon is the pastor in Portola and Loyalton, two of our three roundtable communities in northern California.. Along with all his work on behalf of all his parishioners, he has also been a consistently strong advocate for the knights and our role in supporting Catholic values.
Terry O'Rourke
Terry took charge of the Coats-for-Kids Program for our council this year. He advocated for the program and took the lead so that we obtained coats early enough to get ahead of the cold season. All together, thanks largely to his efforts, we donated over 120 coats.
David Queen
David Queen served as GK from 7/1/12-6/30/14 working countless hours on behalf of the knights and the faith community. Since the end of his term as Grand Knight, he has continued to work tirelessly for the council on numerous efforts and activities. He has also offered invaluable support and counsel to the current Grand Knight.
Jess Fitch
Jess, one of our brothers from northern California, is being recognized for his significant efforts in support of our Roundtable. Since the Roundtable is still small, there are relatively few men to share all the work, but Jess is one of them. He is consistently willing to help and do whatever is needed.
Tyler Allen
One of the items purchased at our council's wine tasting this year was for four knights to spend four hours doing yard work.
Tyler stepped up and agreed to organize and supervise four knights who successfully fulfilled our obligation.
Matt Mareno
Matt gets an A+ for effectiveness, conscientiousness, and reliability. He is always "there" for his council and is most deserving of the honor of being our June 2014 Knight-of-the-Month.,
James Demetrio
Jim Demetrio was selected by the Brothers of Council 7322 as our Knight of the month for May. Jim's committment to serve the Council as the next Financial Secretary is very much appreciated. He has spent the last six months shadowing our current FS Roy Gulla to learn the ropes so that we may transition seamlessly into this coming Columbian year. His dedication and attention to detail will continue to help our Council be one of the leading Councils in the State of Nevada. Congratulations and Thanks for all you do Brother Jim.
Don Fregulia
Congratulations to Brother Don Fregulia, the Council's acting Roundtable Chairman, sa our co-Knight of the month for April! Don has led our Portola Roundtable by helping bring in new members, hosting Corporate Communion, conducting monthly meetings, by participating in Lenten Soup suppers, the annual Parish BBQ, Youth BBQ, and by spearheading the Portola Community Dinner in May 2014 to help the Knights make a presence in the local community and at the Holy Family Parish! Thanks Brother Don for all you do!
Joe Labuda
Congratulations to PGK Joe Labuda for being selected as co-Knight of the Month. Brother Joe consistently performs as the DGK on our 1st degree teams. He can be counted on to present the part of DGK, by rote, with dignity and eloquence as he imparts upon our new, and existing members every time we hear it, the lessons of the 1st degree, especially that of Charity. Thanks Joe for your support of Council 7322 and setting a great example to our new Knights.
David Bradley
Congratulations to Brother David of the Council 7322 Roundtable for being selected as our Knight of the month for March. David remains involved by driving in from Calpine, CA to attend Council meetings as well as the monthly Roundtable meetings in Portola. He helps with the Stations/Soup Suppers in Portola and assists at the Parish level when he can. He attended the most recent 2nd/3rd degree in Sparks to support the new candidates from 7322. We appreciate all you do for the Council and the Roundtable Brother David.
Roy Gulla
Congratulations to Brother Roy who was selected as Knight of the month for March! As our Council Financial Secretary, Roy works tirelessly at keeping the books, ordering supplies, billing for dues, issuing membership cards, completing ceremonial and recognition certificates, processing Wine tasting monies, and working with the accountant to make sure our taxes are filed properly...and that's just on Mondays! Thanks Brother Roy for all you do for the Council and Parish.
Tony Pineda
Congratulations to one of our newest Brothers, Tony Pineda, who in his first three months as a Knight, has become the Field Agent for the Reno/Sparks territory, Chaired the Caroling to the homebound, attends our 1st Friday and Council Rosaries, volunteered for our Advent 24 hour adoration. is a leader of the Parish Filipino ministry and Director of the Filipino choir. He is a great and enthusiastic example of getting involved as a Knight of Columbus. Thanks Brother Tony for all you do.
Robert Ferguson
For his dedication to the Keep Christ in Christmas program during the Christmas season and for his work as our Church Director. Thanks for your support of and participation in the Parish and the Council Brother Robert.
John Crandall
For his leadership as the Council Family Director in coordinating and participating in the Council Family Events including the Parish Family Picnic, Parish Italian Dinner, and our Council Turkey Bingo. Thanks for all you do John.
Ron Rountree
For his diligence, enthusiasm, and encouragement for seeking out new candidates for membership in the Knights of Columbus Council 7322 as our Co-Membership Director.
Arch Ruth
Brother Arch has continued to set the examples of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity through his leadership as our DGK/Program Director by volunteering and serving at pretty much every event in which our Council is involved. Whether attending meetings, breakfasts, UNR beer booth, Parish Picnic, weekly Mass, yard work commitments, Roundtable events (the list goes on), Arch can be found alongside his Brothers as a volunteer and Leader. Thanks for all you do Brother Arch.
Jim Pellegrino
For single handedly restoring the Church apron with brick separators and for the example he sets for his Brother Knights by participating in our meetings as an officer and in our events as a volunteer, i.e. Breakfasts, UNR games, Usher, 1st degrees, Color Guard, etc.
Claudia Cervantes and Family
Jim and Judy Fox
The Ortega Family
The Victor Valdez Family
Danielle Porchot and Family
Mark Stone Family
The Wyatt Family
Jobert Lacebal Family
Matt Ellis Family
Jeffry Paine Family
Randy Pajarillo Family
Calen Wells Family
The McElroy Family
The Mareno Family
The Pat Mohn Family
The Michael Chaump Family
The Gabaldon Family
The Ortega Family
The Lacebal Family
The Connolly Family
Pat Mohn Family
The Tennant Family
The Randy Pajarillo Family
The Phil Mareno, Jr. Family
The Robert Johnston Family
The Samuel Whitten Family
The John Crandell Family
The Phil Mareno, Jr. Family
The John Wilkins Family
The Michael Chaump Family
The Janet Lanham Family
The Dr. Brian Struby Family
The Michael Pelfini Family
The Tod A Brill Family
The David Willems Family
The Sam Whitten Family
The Liz Tenant Family
The Pat Mohn Family
The Pat Mohn Family was selected for their continued involvement in our parish and council. They are generous with their time and a model of our Catholic family values. SK Pat recently completed his 4th Degree and was the chairman of tootsie roll drive, helped with the May Walk to Mary event. and our Sunday hospitality after mass. Pat and Marilyn are always willing to help were needed.
The Jim McClenahan Family
The McClenahan family was selected for their continued involvement in our parish and council. Jim is in the Diaconate Formation Program at the Reno Diocese and Karen is president of the Als GALS at St Albert the Great Church. They are also very involved with the RCIA Program. They are strong in their faith, generous with their time and a model of our Catholic family values.
The Juan P Sandoval Family
The Sandoval Family was selected for their continued involvement in our council and parish. Juan is a 3rd Degree Knight. He and his wife are very active in many of our Faith in Action programs. There are also very active with the Spanish masses at St. Albert the Great Church. The Sandoval Family is strong in their faith, very generous with their time and a model of our Catholic family values.
The Tod A Brill Family
The Tod Brill Family was selected for their continued involvement in our council and parish. Tod is our past Warden and currently serves as our Outside Guard and Lecturer. Tod and his wife are very active in many of our Faith in Action programs such as the Marian Icon Prayer Program, Silver Rose and our Rosary Program. Tod's wife is also involved with the Filipino ministry and the Legion of Mary. The Tod Brill Family is strong in their faith, very generous with their time and a model of our Catholic family values.
The John Crandell Family
The Crandell Family was selected for their continued involvement in our council and parish. John is our Faith in Action Family Director. John and his wife are very active in many of our Family programs such as the annual council picnic, turkey bingo night, 4th of July at the Reno Aces baseball game and many more. Due to COVID 19 John has had to improvise how we hold large family events. For example, this year’s Turkey Bingo Night was converted into a raffle. We were able to provide 26 turkeys to our families and raise some funds. The Crandell Family is strong in their faith, very generous with their time and a model of our Catholic family values.
The SK Michael Pelfini Family
The Pelfini Family was selected for their involvement in our parish. Michael is a 4th Degree Knight and our Inside Guard. He is also a strong supporter of the This Man is You Program focused on catholic values in the development of male leadership in the modern world. His wife Jennifer is also involved with the Saint ALS Gals, recently participating in fundraising efforts in support of the local Crisis Pregnancy Center. They are strong in their faith, very generous with their time and a model of our Catholic family values.
SK John Wilkins, Jr. Family
The Wilkins Family was selected for their involvement in our parish. Brother John stepped up tp be our Council Financial Secretary for the next three years and is our past Treasurer. He and his family are strong supporters of our parish and council activities. He and his wife are strong in their faith, very generous with their time and a model of our Catholic family values.
The SK Russell K Fromherz Family
The Fromherz Family was selected for their involvement in our parish and leadership in keeping services at Saint Albert the Great Church safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Russ is a 4th Degree Knight and past Grand Knight. He is also a strong supporter of the scouts and organizes the scouts food drive each year for our community. He and his wife Marie work countless events and functions throughout the year. Marie is also a mainstay for the parish, working in the parish office every day. She is the central point of contact to make sure we stay within our limit of 50 parishioners each mass due to the pandemic. They are strong in their faith, very generous with their time and a model of our Catholic family values.
The Deacon Richard Ramm Family
The Ramm family has been selected as our council's Family of the Month for May because of their service and dedication to our parish. Deacon Richard serves the Masses at St. Albert the Great Church as one of our 2 Deacons. Deacon Richard's wife Sally is active with our local Diocese, and is involved with the multi culture ministry. Richard has run a local food pantry for years, and has helped many people and families in need. The Ramm family is a wonderful example of our Catholic values.
SK Deacon Chuck Lanham
The Lanham Family was selected for their involvement in our parish and leadership as one of our Deacon's at St Albert the Great Church. SK Deacon Chuck is a 4th Degree Knight. He is always very busy handling communications, spiritual direction and counseling at our parish. He is a published author and woodworking craftsman. Janet is very involved in many ministries such as Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and the Crisis Pregnancy Center. Janet is also a member of the St AL’s GALS helping those in need. They are strong in their faith and very generous with their time. This family is consistently at many functions we hold and is a model of our Catholic family values.
Martin McDavitt Family
The McDavitt family was selected for their involvement in our parish and leadership as our Worthy Treasurer. Carlita is very involved in the Legion of Mary as their treasurer and FDRC with the Diocese of Reno. They are strong in their faith and very generous with their time. This family is consistently at every function we hold and a model of our Catholic family values.
Steve Rachuy Family
Steve and Shirley attend mass together at St. Albert the Great Church. Steve is a 4th Degree Knight and our Council's Deputy Grand Knight, Program Director and Membership Director. Steve and Shirley are very active members of our parish. Steve is also the Chairman for our Annual Wine Tasting and Auction.
Denis Dolan Family
Denis and his family attend mass together at St. Albert the Great Church. Denis is a past Grand Knight, Trustee and Recorder. He is currently the Director or our Life Faith in Action service programs. Denis and his family always volunteer to help where needed. There family is a model of Catholic Family Values.
The Samuel Whitten Family
The Robert Johnston Family
Tom Muller Family
John Crandell Family
Saxon Family
Maloney Family
Patula Family
Rix Family
Brill Family
Muller Family
Mareno Family
Daily Family
Chaump Family
Fromherz Family
Saxon Family
Maples Family
Steve & Shirley Rachuy
Joe Schenck Family
Don Fregulia Family
John Long Family
John Crandell Family
Ed Strickland Family
Brent Collamer Family
David Queen Family
Dennis Saxon Family
Chuck Baird Family
Recognized for active participation in the parish including their participation in our Centering Prayer, Chuck singing in the choir and Joanne's work as a parish grief counselor.
Pellegrino Family
Recognized for continued service to our parish community, council 7322 and the 4th degree.
Liz Tennant Family
Recognized for all that Liz and her family do for the parish...especially the recent, very successful wine tasting.
Michael Chaump Family
Michael and his family are active members of the St. Albert's Church community. Although very new to our council, Michael has already taken his 3rd Degree and volunteered to help the council in a number of ways.
Tod and Inocencia Brill
Tod is our council Warden and Church Director; he is also one of the first to help out with council events.
Both Tod and Inocencia are very active participants in St. Albert's Church and strong supporters of its Filipino Ministry.
Paul McElroy Family
Paul is one of the main cooks and driving forces of our successful monthly breakfasts. He and his family are consistent supporters of St. Albert's School and its students.
Chris Welsh Family
Chris has been a very active and supportive knight ever since he joined our council. He is currently our Chancellor and Membership Director. Both he and his wife Yolly work particularly hard during this fall's Coats-for-Kids Drive, both picking up and delivering many, many coats for the needy.
Russ and Marie Fromherz
Russ has been a loyal and active member of our council for many years. He is also a strong supporter of the scouts at St. Albert's. He organizes the Christmas Tree Hunt each year for our council, and works at countless events and functions throughout the year.
While Marie joins him often in his support for the Knights of Columbus, she is also a mainstay for the parish, working in the St. Albert's parish office every day.
Both she and Russ diligently promote parishioners' involvement in St. Albert's ministries.
Ed and Jan Strickland
Ed and Jan have been consistently supportive of our council and St. Albert's church. Among the events that they have supported are our UNR beer booths (week after week), the St. Albert's Fall Festival, and the blood drive held on select Sundays throughout the year at the church.
Dennis Saxon family
Dennis and his family have worked many, many hours for our council over the last few years. His family has also sacrificed as Dennis devoted significant time to our council's fundraising and social event efforts.
Randy Pajarillo Family
The Pajarillo Family have been consistent, enthusiastic supporters of St. Albert's Church and Council 7322. They set a wonderful example for Catholic families in their love for their church and community.
Howard A. Vill Neuve
Howard and his family have long supported our council and St. Albert's Church through their consistent efforts in planning, preparing, and serving monthly breakfasts after Sunday Masses.
Howard has also been willing to cook "off-site" as well, having helped to put on parish breakfasts at our Roundtable parishes in northern California.
Brent Collamer Family
Brent and his family are involved with and supportive of youth activities in our parish and community. He is our youth director and a leader for the scout groups our council sponsors.
Steve and Laura Brown
Council 7322 wishes to recognize Steve and Laura Brown for all of their efforts on behalf of the rights of the unborn and the entire pro-life movement.
Russ and Marie Fromherz
Russ organized our Christmas Tree Hunt this year, as he has done for many previous years. He initiated a Family night gathering at (the former) Abel's Restaurant in Verdi in lieu of our Wives Appreciation Dinner on Dec. 30th. In addition to supporting Russ in these endeavors, Marie works in the parish office at St. Albert's.
John & Paula Crandell
John is our council's family director and consistently promotes and works at our family activities...most recently and notably our very successful Turkey Bingo. Paula Crandell works at Casa de Vida, a home for unwed mothers and a source of support for all needy mothers throughout the Reno/Sparks community.
Dennis & Karin Saxon
Dennis and Karin have both supported the council and their parish at every opportunity year after year. They attend and/or work at virtually every event possible.
Clayton Madole
Clayton and his wife are recognized for their support of our council and the St. Albert's Parish at the recent Fall Festival.
David Bradley Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Bradley have been consistently supportive and involved in the Knights of Columbus. Their involvement has repeatedly extended far beyond the Roundtable area to frequent participation in council activities here in Reno.
Randy Pajarillo Family
Randy and his family worked very hard to put on our annual picnic at Donner Lake. Thanks to their efforts, many members and their families spent a most enjoyable day in the Sierras with their fellow knights and their families.
Chuck and JoAnn Baird
Our council has benefitted from the commitment and hard work of the Baird Family for many, many months. They are most deserving of the honor of being our June 2014 Family of the Month.
The Sid Albee family
Congratulations to Sid, Darlyce, Daryl, and Tony Albee for being selected as Christ the King Council 7322's family of the month. They continue to serve the needy of our community by feeding the homeless, serving as extraordinary ministers, and especially this month in spearheading our committment to cook for, serve, and feed almost 400 Special Olympians, Coaches, and volunteers at this years Nevada State Olymics competition. Their committment to the community, our Parish and our Council is an example of the Body of Christ in action.
Steve Hamon and Family
Congratulations to the Hamon family for being selected as the Council's Family of the Month! Steve chaired the 20th Anniversary of our Wine Tasting/Auction with his wife Debbie assisting at the CDC with the sale of tickets and donations of auction items. Steve also sponsored both of his sons Nicholas and Robert in becoming 1st degree Knights this year. The entire family can be seen at the Filipino masses or at one of the masses at which Nicholas or Robert are altar servers or Lectoring. They are all involved in scouting with both Nicholas and Robert being Eagle Scouts. Thank you Hamon's for all you do in support of the Knights and our communities.
Greg Sprigg and Family
Congratulations to our WPGK and current WSS for being selcted as our Family of the Month for March. Brother Greg and his new Bride Rosa are very involved with the Knights at the State level but still find time to attend Mass, volunteer for 24 hour adoration, attend Council breakfasts, serve as Sacristan, and attend Stations of the Cross and Mass with our Roundtable Brothers every chance he can. We appreciate the example of Service in Christ that he and Rosa continue to share with us. Thanks for all you do Spriggs!
Howard Ville Neuve
Congratulations to the Howard Ville Neuve family as Family of the Month for March. Howard is one of our main cooks for the twelve breakfasts our Council hosts each year at St. Alberts as well as at our Roundtable Parishes in Loyalton, Portola and Quincy. Howard is often assisted by his son Brother Andrew and is joined at many breakfast by his better half and wife Deb. Thanks for all you do for the Council Ville Neuve family.
Scoggins Family
Bret, Sylvia, and Ian are involved in the St. Albert's Parish community as Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Alter Server, and with the School PTO. They attend Mass faithfully as a family and are involved in Council activities throughout the year including Wine Tasting/Auction, Parish Picnic, and Turkey Bingo. Thanks for all you do Scoggins Family.
Matt Schmitt and Family
For the outstanding time and effort they put into the cooking, serving, and clean up for the Council Family Christmas Party in December and for their commitment to family through their participation in Scouting, attending Mass together and their involvement in the community. Thanks for a great family example of Christ.
Dan Arata and Family
Congratulations to the Arata family, Dan, Angie, Aidan, and Logan, as our Family of the Month. We appreciate the time and effort they gave to serve the families of St. Albert's Parish during our November Turkey Bingo. The organization, cooking and time they put in helped make this one of our most successful Turkey Bingo events in many years. Thanks for all you do Aratas.
Ed & Jan Strickland
For their dedication and devotion to serving others in our Parish and Knight's community as EM's, Communion to the homebound, Lector, Usher, Wine Tasting Committee, AAT volunteers, blood drive Chair, breakfasts, and pretty much everything they are asked to do. Ed & Jan's exemplification of Christ through service is evangelization at work. Thanks Strickland's for all you do.
Russ and Marie Fromherz
For their leadership and involvement in and commitment to the Parish of St. Albert the Great, Council 7322 of the K of C, and the boy scouts. For organizing and successfully running the Parishes first ministry fair in which over 100 people were added to the Parishes Ministries.