UKnight Market Center

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Products & Services

Presented by Brother Knights for Their Communities


List of businesses within miles of St Peter Damian Council

Business Categories With Active Sponsors

Click Here for a list of all available Business Categories.
The purpose of the UKnight Market Center is to extend the fraternal relationships shared by brother Knights to the marketplace, and to use the power of this market center to provide financial support for your council. Use the Business Categories below to help find a business or service you are interested in. All of these businesses have provided financial support to their council.

This UKnight Market Center contains information relating to business listings. This information has been posted by third parties (independent advertisers). It is provided solely as a convenience to the users of this website. The Knights of Columbus and/or UKnight Interactive do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of any information posted or provided in the business listings. The users of this website acknowledge that any reliance on material relating to such business listings will be at user's own risk.