Oklahoma State Council


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2017-2018 Officer & DD Installation


SD John Pierce and IPSD Robert Melko

State Chaplain, Very Rev. Price Oswalt blessing the Officer and DD medallions.

State Chaplain, Very Rev. Price Oswalt receives his medallion.

State Secretary, Matthew Maly, receives his medallion.

State Officers and DDs take their oath of office.

State Treasurer, Dennis Kunnanz, receives his medallion

State Advocate, Chris Victor, receives his medallion.

State Warden, Miguel Grijalva, receives his medallion.

DD James Judge receives his medallion.

DD Michael Ortega receives his medallion.

DD Mark Janda receives his medallion.

DD Zachery Kastl receives his medallion.

DD Steven Reynolds receives his medallion.

State Officers with Archbishop Emeritus Eusebius Beltran.

State Officers and Wives with Archbishop Emeritus Eusebius Beltran.

DDs and Wives.