Wisconsin State Council


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Thursday, January 27, 2022

from 7:00 pm 'til 8:00 pm

Host Council:  Wisconsin State Council Council #98048

To participate in the Online Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity, please read through the Constitutional Roll and Promises below.  After reading please click on the red registration button below and fill out all required fields. 


Knights of Columbus Constitutional Roll


In consideration for admission to membership in the Knights of Columbus, I hereby covenant and agree with the Knights of Columbus as follows:


a. That I am not less than 18 years of age, and I am a practical Catholic man in union with the Holy See, which means that I accept the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, that I aspire to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and that I am in good standing in the Catholic Church.

b. That the Charter, Constitution, and Laws and the Rules and Regulations of the Knights of Columbus, and of any subordinate unit thereof of which I may at any time be a member, which are now in force or which may at any time hereafter be duly made or enacted, shall be binding upon me.

c. That I will abide by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus, or their successors in office, in all matters of difference or dispute between the Knights of Columbus or any council or any officer or member thereof and myself relative to membership or the obligations of membership.

d. That, in accord with the disciplinary and procedural rules of the Knights of Columbus, and the Order’s commitment to a policy of Zero Tolerance of abuse of minors and vulnerable persons, I declare that I am not currently required by law to register as a sex offender or child offender; that I agree to notify my council’s Grand Knight and/or Financial Secretary of any arrest, charge, indictment, guilty plea, criminal conviction, civil judgment, or adverse administrative determination involving either sexual misconduct or an offense against a child; that I agree to notify my council’s Grand Knight and/or Financial Secretary of any felony conviction that occurs after having been initiated in the Knights of Columbus; and that I further agree that any suspension, expulsion, or forfeiture of membership shall not result in a refund of membership fees.

e. That I have read my application for membership in its entirety and am fully acquainted with its contents and I hereby warrant that each and every material statement made by me therein is true.  On my honor as a Catholic gentleman, I declare it to be true.


I am able to respond “I do” to the following questions.

1. Do you promise to conduct yourself as a Catholic gentleman, and to live your life guided by the principles of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity?

2. As a practical Catholic, do you promise to continue to form yourself in the Catholic Faith, to live in accord with the Precepts of the Catholic Church, and to participate in its sacramental life, especially through attendance at Sunday Mass?

3. Do you promise to promote the well-being of your brother Knights, and to support the mission and activities of your council?

4. Having reviewed the Constitutional Roll, do you promise to obey the laws, rules, and lawful authority of the Order?