Wisconsin State Council


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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

starting at 8:00 pm

Host Council:  John Eisen Council Council #1799

Candidates should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to start time to register. Admission Degree begins promptly at 8:00 PM.

Candidates should already have filled out a Form 100.  If  a Form has not been completed and submitted earlier, a candidate can do so as part of the registration process.  Current members attending the Degree are expected to have their current membership card for admission to the degree.


Preferred attire is business suit or business casual. No shorts or T-shirts please.

To Register, please contact State Advocate, Mike Tomsyck


Telephone: (608) 837-9324

Email: mtomsyck@wikofc.com

Event Location
St. Anthony School Cafeteria / lower level
417 Caroline Street
Athens, WI 54411 US