2025 Delegate Certification --Click Here--
WHEREAS, Chapter II, Section 12, Supreme Constitution, provides that the State Council shall consist of two representatives of each of the subordinate councils within the State, and it is beneficial that each subordinate council in good standing have two representatives at the State Council Convention meeting each year.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that each subordinate council in the Wisconsin Jurisdiction of the Knights of Columbus in good standing at the time of the 2025 State Council Meeting shall be entitled to have reimbursed two Delegates who attend said State Council meeting in person at the rate of 30 cents per mile for the distance necessarily traveled from the city in which their council is located to the convention and return, said expenses to be paid directly to said Council.
Council shall have two (2) Delegates
Delegates must be the Grand Knight and a Past Grand Knight.
Council shall have two (2) Alternates.
Alternates can be any Third Degree member of the Council.
The DELEGATES CERTIFICATION included in the forms packet is used to identify your Delegates and Alternates. It should be completed and returned to the State Office immediately after your council elects its Delegates and Alternates.