Don Hemke
Eugene Kane
The December Knight of the Month is Eugene Kane. Gene has provided amble, behind the scenes support to the Grand Knight especially in the development of the Council Calendar and Budget. Rarely a Council event occurs where Gene is not in attendance and a contributor.
William Studenic
One of our newer members Bill has not hesitated to jump in and contribute. As Council Community Activity Director, Bill has been instrumental in the successful execution of a number of our most recent events including Inwood House Halloween Party, Coats for Kids, Box of Joy, State Incentive Raffle and Tootsie Roll Campaign.
Robert Amato
The Knight of the Month October is Bob Amato. Bob has recently taken over the Food for Families Council collections as well as assisting Jim Street during the Tootsie Roll effort and filling in for the Council Warden in providing refreshments for the Council.
Don Hemke
This was a very busy period for our Financial Secretary, not only was he confirming the financial books were in order for the semi- annual Council audit but also provided logistical support during the Installation of Officers, provide day to day support of Council Operations and co-Chair the State Raffle Campaign.
Pete Townson
Pete, is acknowledged for his incredible contributions to the Council over the past Fraternal Year both physically and fiscally. Pete was notably critical in the acquisitions of supplies for the recent Seminarian event.
Walter (Fred) Taylor
Past Deputy Grand Knight, PGK Fred Taylor maintained the continuity and operation of the Council, filling in for the GK during his medical sabbatical as well as advising and encouraging the new Grand Knight in attempting to meander through the logistics the Installation festivities.
Fred Taylor
Bill Kollins
Jim Street
Mark Perez
Pete Townsend
Pete Townsend
Pete Townsend
Bob Amato
Stephen Rinaldi.
Stephen Goldhammer
Mark Fields
Christopher Romano
Walter Daku
Paul Boccabella
Pete Townson
Michael Sanders
John Hartinger
Jim Street
Stephen Sutkowski
Fred Whitman
- Jim Street and Bob Amato
Don Hemke
Ron Herberg
Daniel Musitwa
Msgr. Danald Essex
Paul McFarlane
Joseph Krempasky
Peter Townson
For his work with the council art auction
Stephen C Fontaine
Stephen P Sutkowski
Innocent P d'Almeida
McFarlane Paul
Congratulations! Great job with the Newsletter and Welcome to Spring Party at the Marians Assisted Living Center.
Feakes Jpseph
Knight of the Month for a great 3rd Degree...Thanks always make me look good.
William "Russ" Stronsnider
Chris Romano
Thanks Chris for a great job keeping us fed and hydrated and your efforts to identify and recruit new members. Thank You!
Joe Krempasky
Andy Colliton
Herberg Ron
Recognition for rining another successful Tootsie Roll program for 2013.
Thank's Ron
Don Hemke
For his dedication to the Order and ensuring all our reports for the 1st period of the new fraternal year were submitted in a timely and accurate manner...Thanks Don!
Father Joseph Rogers
Rev James and Paul Boccabella
Together and separately brothers, Father Jim (Council Chaplain) and Paul (Council Inside Guard) are vital contributors to the Council. They continue to provide positive influence as well as spiritual inputs to the ongoing operations of the Council. Their contributions are welcomed.
Steve and Marilyn Goldhammer
Steve (our Life Activities Director), and Marilyn as Council Pro-Life Couple are also very active with the St. Patrick’s parish programs benefitting Shady Grove Pregnancy Center and Gabriel Project Montgomery Cluster through the Baby bottles program and “Baby Shower” items collection.
James and Margret Jane Street
The October Family of the Month is James and Margret Jane Street. Their teamwork was vividly demonstrated during the Tootsie Roll Campaign, especially while recruiting, scheduling and following up with the thirty some volunteers participating in the program.
Jack and Phyllis Giacalone
For their continued overall support of the Council particularly single handedly managing the November State Council Memorial Mass @ Our Lady of Grace
Fred and Elaine Taylor
Their unsolicited support for the Installation Dinner through thoughtful and constructive advice and recommendations was welcomed and especially appreciated. Lanie’s very talented fabrication of table center pieces was inspiring.
Joseph and Susan Krempasky and daughter Kathleen
Congratulations and thanks to the Krempasky’s for their service as our Grand Knight Family over the last fraternal year. Through their herculean effort during the fraternal year, Joe and family managed ensured the success of a variety of Council programs.
Joseph, Susan and daughter Kathleen Krempasky
Martin and Carmen Peschke
Mark and Gloria Perez
Steve and Marilyn Goldhammer
Fred and Elaine Taylor
Fr. Jim Boccabella and Paul Boccabella
Fred and Regina Whitman
Fred and Elaine Taylor
Jim and Janey Street
Don and Barbara Hemke
Martin and Carmine Peschke
Thomas Ordona
Jack Giacalone
Joe Feakes
Stephen Sutkowski
Jack and Phyllis Giacalone
Donald Hemke
Ramon and Terri Bueno
John and Jane Feldmann
John Carr
Joseph Krempasaky
Steve Goldhammer
Joe and Lynn Feakes
Fred and Elaine Taylor
Christopher J. Romano and sons Giovanni and Dominic
Jack and Phyllis Giacalone
James and Janie Street
Ramon and Terri Bueno
Mark and Mary Fields
Jack & Phyllis Giacalone
Homer & Helen Chen
Tim & Lisa McDonald
Joe & Lynn Feakes
Marilyn & Steve Goldhammer
Innocent & Donna d'Almeida
The Glasgow Family
Bob & Barbara Mazonkey
Joe & Lynn Feakes
Sam & Mary Ann Ledden
SK John & Pat Moore
The Council's night out at the Olney Theater, The King and I, was a great success thanks to your efforts. You continue to show your dedication to our council and our order. Thanks to you both
Salah Family
The Salah Family
Innocent & Donna d'Almeida
Innocent & Donna continue their selfless dedication to the Knights of Columbus and St Patrick's Church. Recently doing a great job planning and executing our council picnic in September
The Glasgow Family
The Glasgow family exemplifies the virtue of charity in there undying support of community and church activities. Among them are support of the Knights of Columbus and St. Peter's Church where Beth Glasgow has organized and ran several activities in the past 3 months. A member of our council, son Brendan is a Seminarian at Blessed John Paul ll Seminary and son Daniel is a senior in high schooland just completed his Eagle project at St. Peter's Church. Half of the project was funded by the council. This as an dedicated and devoted family and we are proud to nominate them as our Family of the Month for August
Jim & Kathy Cadigan