Mark Beussink
Kenny Loos
Tony Mier
Paul Kester
Ethan Watkins
Father Randy Tochtrop
Bob Rafferty
Ralph Wille
Ennis Hinkebein
Brian Nugent
Jack Martin
Tim Ruch
Tim Ruch
Brian Nugent
Brian Nugent
Brian Wibbenmeyer
Brian Wibbenmeyer
Tom Dickerson
Tom Dickerson
Dennis Ruch
Dennis Ruch
Stanley Clippard
Stanley Clippard
Terry Scholl
Terry Scholl
Scholl Terry
Robert (Bob) Thele
Robert (Bob) Thele
Gerald (Jerry) E. Stoverink
Jerry and his wife, Cathi, have four children: Fred, Katy, Becky and Annie. Jerry is a parishioner at IC where he is involved with various ministries. Jerry has been a Knight since 1964, is a Fourth Degree and has been a trustee. Activities and hobbies that Jerry enjoys are Camp Renewall cabin construction, bowling and golf.
Micheal Calahan
Mike is a member of Bishop Timon council 6405. He joined the council in Dec. 1994 and made his 4th degree assembly 2099 Oct 30, 2010. He is on the honor guard team.. He's a member of Immaculate Conception Church in Jackson Mo. where he's a Eucharistic minister and usher. He is married to Joan and they have 3 children. Mike is very willing to pitch in at the hall in all areas from cooking, serving meals to electrical and maintenance or where ever he is needed.
Mike and Kara Schnurbusch
Bob and Charlotte Hall
Tom and Susan Krydynski
John and Deena Allen
Cole and Adrienne Schreiner
Paul and Hilary Kester
Steve and Debbie Beussink
Bob and Susie Rafferty
Dave and Donna Wikel
Rich and Kathleen Hartmann
Bob and Susie Rafferty
David and Donna Loop[
David & Donna Loop
Keith & Bridget Loos
Keith & Bridget Loos
Alvin & Carol Stoverink
Alvin & Carol Stoverink
Gary & Cindy Beussink
Gary & Cindy Beussink
James & Gail Gosche
James & Gail Gosche
Steve & Kaye Brands
Steve & Kaye Brands
Tim & Debbie Beussink
Tim & Debbie Beussink
Herman & Vergie Beussink
Herman & Vergie Beussink
Bob and Suzie Raferty