Peter Bartkowiak
This year the council held a 3rd Degree exemplification in honor of Sir Peter Bartkowiak, FM, FDD, PGK, for his many years of service to our council, the Paterson Federation, the NJ State Council and Supreme. We are proud to call Peter our Brother. Please join us in congratulating, Peter!
June 2016
Robert DiGiovanna, PGK, FDD
Our Knight of the Month for January 2016 is a 39 year member of Our Lady of the Lakes Council #3359.
He has been a very active member of our council and the order from the time he joined the Knights of Columbus back in October 1976. He has taken part in almost every activity that our council is involved in including but not limited to the soccer challenge, free throw, campaign for person with intellectual disabilities, fish and chips dinner and the golf outing. At one time he has served as chairman to many of the programs conducted by the Knights of Columbus.
As a council member he has held a number of officer positions including that of Grand Knight; a position he served with distinction from 1981 to 1983. He has also served this council in various capacities on the various degree teams.
For many years too numerous to count this knight has served this council as the chairman of the service program committee. In fact, he would still be serving in this capacity today, but he wanted other knights to serve so that it would help prepare them for future leadership position within our council and the order.
In addition to serving as a Grand Knight, this knight served with distinction as a District Deputy a position through which he made many lasting friendships within the Paterson Federation and State Council. As a District Deputy this knight also helped influence the work of the Knights of Columbus in a positive way. This knight has been a friend and advisor to many of this council’s Grand Knights, including the present one.
For all of these reasons, and others too numerous to list, we are proud to nominate our friend and brother knight, Bob DiGiovanna, FDD, PGK, as the Knight of the Month for January 2016.
Christopher Cohen
To say that this knight is an active member of our council is an understatement. In fact, one could say that he has a significant impact on every meeting.
This knight is also very active in the various programs that our council sponsors and has served as an officer for many years. Every year he can be counted on to participate in the disabilities drive, tank pull, and polar bear plunge. In addition to participating in the events, you can say that he plays a significant role in making these events fun for his brother knights. Despite the work that needs to be done he laughs and jokes through it all and makes it a pleasure for those volunteering with him.
In addition to volunteering for the programs mentioned, this knight can always be counted on to help out for other major council events that include, among other things, the membership drives and Roses for Life sales. However, despite volunteering for numerous programs this knight doesn’t seek the spot light. In fact, like a true Catholic gentleman he prefers to forego any recognition and can often be found in a kitchen or behind a BBQ grill where his skills shine through. Many consider him a cook extraordinaire.
Our council is blessed to have him as a brother Knight, and it is an honor to award the Knight of the Month for December to brother, Chris Cohen.
Jerry Napolitano
This Knight is active member of the council and his parish. This knight is the chairman of several council committees, and also finds the time to volunteer for numerous council programs such as the Roses for Life sales, council membership drives along with the Keep Christ in Christmas magnet sales. Every November this Knight marches along his brother knights in the Denville parade.
Since joining our council this Knight started getting involved in council activities and can always be counted on to do 2 or 3 shifts during the Campaign for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. This knight is very passionate about his faith and his country. He is not afraid to speak about either one and is a veteran.
I mentioned that this knight chairs several committees, but did not mention them at the outset for fear of giving him away. The committees he chairs are military affairs, Breakfast with Santa and the Lunch with the Leprechaun. That last one is ironic because we have many brothers in our council of Irish decent, and yet to my knowledge this knight does not have a drop of Irish blood in him.
As important as the above committees and programs are, this knight went above and beyond when our council needed someone to join the VFW so that we can have the doors open and stay around after meetings to fraternize. In fact, by joining the VFW he has become very active in that organization as well. We owe him our gratitude for volunteering so much time for our council.
Congratulations from the Officers and all of the Brothers of our council to Jerry Napolitano for being selected as our Knight of the Month for November 2015.
Charles Conklin
This knight represents all of the characteristics one would expect of a Catholic gentleman. He loves his Catholic faith, has always been active in the parishes he has been in, is a very active member of the council and his community. No matter how much is on his plate, he always has a smile on his face and won’t hesitate to help you.
This knight has been a member of our council for approximately 37 years, and has served as an officer. He has the distinction of having served two separate terms to leas our council as its Grand Knight. His first term was in the 1980’s and his most recent term (which lasted 3 years) concluded in 2014. Each year he volunteers for many of the council programs that include the disabilities drive, Roses for Life sales, membership drives, various church related events. This knight doesn’t hesitate to jump in and roll up his sleeves if a volunteer is needed. For many years he has worked hard to make sure that our council holds its annual Memorial Mass in honor of our deceased council members and wives. He also recently volunteered to serve as our council’s youth coordinator and to head up our annual fish & chips dinner when the prior volunteers for those offices moved away. Again, this knight has always taken his service to our order seriously and is a great person to work with. I consider him a great leader and mentor.
Our council is fortunate to have him as a brother Knight, and it is an honor to award the Knight of the Month for October to our brother and past Grand Knight, Charlie Conklin.
John Mikesh
This Knight is quiet and unassuming but he is always around when work needs to be done and does not hesitate to volunteer for any project. This Knight is a Catholic gentleman.
Every year you will see him walking the streets of Denville during the council’s Campaign for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities where he averages 3 or 4 shifts. You will also see this Knight volunteering at events that take place at the churches that we support, especially for his home parish of St. Catherine. This Knights willingness to volunteer knows no limits. He will gladly cook, clean, set-up tables and chairs, raise money for those in need and lend a hand for any building projects.
Our council is blessed to have him as a brother Knight, and it is an honor to award the Knight of the Month for September to brother, John Mikesh.
Dennis Corbisiero
This Knight is always coming up with new ways for our council to raise money so that we can continue to provide funds to the many charities that we support. This Knight also volunteers for many council events whether it’s standing in front of a Shop-Rite shaking a can for the disabilities drive, or helping out any of the many local church events that our council is asked to volunteer at.
This Knight started our council’s “Keep Christ in Christmas” car magnet sales which was a great success in its first year and continues to be so. In fact, this year this Knight is expanding the “Keep Christ in Christmas” sale by adding a pin. This Knight is also adding a monopoly event this year to see if we can raise money that way. When this Knight was asked if he would volunteer to be an officer, this Knight stepped up and agreed. He served as Chancellor and now serves with distinction as our Deputy Grand Knight.
Our council is fortunate to have him as a brother Knight, and it is an honor to award the Knight of the Month for August to brother, Dennis Corbiserio.
Ray Nulk
This Knight is a regular participant in many council activities. Since joining our council this Knight began getting involved and started volunteering in the disabilities drive, membership drives and Roses for Life sales.
This Knight didn’t wait very long before volunteering to help out our council as an officer. However, it wasn’t just any officer position that this Knight helped out with. This Knight took on one of the toughest officer positions. This position has to be tough because many people, including some who have been Grand Knight, are reluctant to volunteer for it. The position is that of Recorder.
Once the council meetings are over, many of us go on with our daily routines until the next meeting. However, this Knight has to go over his notes and recordings of our council meetings in order to take the key items and summarize them into the meeting minutes. As everyone knows, the minutes are extremely thorough and help everyone keep up on council events, especially brothers who can’t regularly make the meetings due to work or family commitments.
Congratulations from the Officers and all of the Brothers of our council to Ray Nulk for being selected as our Knight of the Month for July 2015.
David Gallagher
It is an honor to name David Gallagher the Knight of the month for June 2015.
Dave joined the council in 2003, and immediately began to get involved in many of the programs run by the council.
Dave worked the local Harvest Festival, council Fish Fry, and has always been one of the council's biggest volunteers for the annual Campaign for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. A self-described "introvert," Dave never acted that way when it came to helping the council or the many charities we support. Whether the job required construction skills, painting or just shaking a can for the intellectual disabilities campaign, Dave is always one of the first to volunteer.
Dave was selected as Grand Knight having served 3 consecutive terms with honor. Dave was chosen to be a District Deputy from the Paterson Federation where he has served with distinction for the past 4 years. Despite supporting 4 councils as District Deputy, Dave never lessened his commitment to Our Lady of the Lakes Council #3359.
Rev. Richard Tartaglia
Fr. Rich (as he is known by many) joined the Knights of Columbus as a member of Our Lady of the Lakes Council #3359 in the 1975-1976 Columbian Year and was named Chaplain by then Grand Knight, Eugene Kelly.
It was a great appointment as evidenced by the fact that every succeeding Grand Knight has reappointed Fr. Rich to that position. Fr. Rich is undoubtedly the longest continuous serving Chaplain in the State of New Jersey.
Since joining the council Fr. Rich has attended almost every meeting each year. He has even returned from vacation early on many occasions so as not to miss a meeting. Fr. Rich gives inspirational talks at every meeting and makes himself available after the meetings for anyone who needs some counseling or just to listen if a fellow knight has a problem he needs to talk about. Fr. Rich takes part in many council affairs and is always found participating in and taking photos at the annual Campaign for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, flinging cole slaw at the annual Fish 'N' Chips fundraising dinner. Fr. Rich also marches in the local annual Christmas Parade and attends for every deceased Knight or their family member.
Fr. Rich just completed his 43rd year in the priesthood.
In light of the above, Fr. Richard Tartaglia is Our Lady of the Lakes Council's Knight of the Month for May
Ed Gabel
Congratulations to Ed Gable our Knight of the Month for February