David Renard
David Renard was recognized for chairing the recent DDD Tootsie Roll drive, coordinating collection efforts at the parishes and two full weekends at Dierbergs. The final counting showed the best collection totals in many years, generating just under $4,500 that provided for $1,500 contributions each to Our Little Haven, Autism Speaks and The Downs Syndrome Association of Greater St Louis!
John Heck
John joined our Council earlier this year and has already stepped up to the role of Faith Director, which is fitting given his strong commitment to pro-life efforts. John was actively involved in the efforts against Proposition 3 in the last election cycle and was even a featured presenter at the Missouri State Knights of Columbus Convention this year.
We are proud to have such an actively committed Brother representing our Council and we look forward to his efforts as Faith Director to keep us focused on this important issue.
Neil McCloskey
Neil McCloskey is a relatively recent member of Kirkwood Council 2117 and has already become a regular participant at council meetings and events. Neil has brainstormed and presented ideas for new fundraising activities for the council and is an enthusiastic voice for new ideas for the Council and its members. Neil is an example for all new brother knights, that jumping right in is the most beneficial path to meaningful knighthood.
Dan Koskovich
Dan serves as a Trustee for Council 2117, edits the Newsletter, maintains the website, and helps with many behind the scenes chores like database maintenance, graphic design, and financial analysis. Dan was recognized this month for his role as Event Lead for the annual Greentree Festival Beer Booth effort which will net around $8,000 for the Council.
Frank Mostek
Frank Mostek was recognized as Knight of the Month as a new Brother Knight that immediately stepped up to fill the Recording Secretary officer position when it became unexpectedly available mid-term. As a new member, Frank has been actively involved in meetings and council events and is a fine example to new members to quickly become involved as an active Knight!
Zach Bevins
Zach Bevins was announced as Knight of the month for his regular service at many of our most important events. Recently, his key role as pitmaster was largely responsible for the success of our 5th annual BBQ fundraiser.
Keith Beardslee
Keith Beardslee was awarded Knight of the Month at the completion of his two-year term as Grand Knight. During his term the Council added activities, grew membership and achieved Star Council status. His tireless efforts have energized Council 2117 and set it up well going forward.
Chris Sturm
Chris Sturm was awarded Knight of the Month for willingly stepping up to fulfill the role of Council Recorder when the position came open shortly after he joined Council 2117. Even though Chris was new to the Knights, he quickly mastered the minute book format and compiling of the monthly digital minutes for publication.
Dennis Buchheit
Dennis Buchheit was honored with the Knight of the Month award for faithfully representing our Council each year at the Knights of Columbus State Convention. It is important to the Council to be represented at the state level by such a committed, long serving brother as Dennis.
Dan Koskovich
Dan Koskovich was recognized for starting the Council 2117 Scholarship Program in 2019 and for his ongoing leadership of this program for its first 6 years. The program awards a $1,000 scholarship to ten local 8th Grade students choosing to attend a Catholic High School in the fall.
Tony Jarboe
Tony Jarboe was presented Knight of the Month for his dependable presence at meetings, often assisted by his young son (an observant future Knight in development!). Tony is completing his second year as Deputy Grand Knight and is a driving force in new member recruitment that was vital in reaching the membership goals to achieve Star Council status.
Phil Jozwiak
Phil Jozwiak was recognized as December Knight of the Month for his reliable service to the Council. Phil is an active Knight who can be counted on to quietly step up and help at many of our Council activities.
Buzz Jelenik
Buzz Jelenik was recognized as the Knight of the Month for his consistent, committed efforts on behalf of the Council, including his regular and reliable attendance at Council business meetings along with his term as President of the Council’s legacy realty company. With his leadership, a plan was proposed to liquidate the realty company and donate the existing funds to the Council for its charitable activities. The process was recently completed thanks, in large part, to Buzz’s insight and leadership.
David Renard
David Renard was recognized for his role in the success of our busy Fall program schedule, volunteering at the Greentree Festival and leading the expanded DDD Tootsie Roll Drive that included arranging volunteers for four full days at the Kirkwood Schnucks and Sunday Masses at our two big parishes as well as leading the Coats-for-Kids program for the upcoming Christmas season distribution of coats for local school children in need.
David Andereson
Over the years, David has worn many hats for the Council, including serving as Grand Knight.
His time as a Knight is characterized by dedicated service, regular involvement, and long hours helping grow our Council including stepping in to serve out the open term of Council Treasurer. David can be counted on to support all our charitable efforts and acts as a key Council contact at St Gerard Majella Parish.
Leon Goldstein
Leon Goldstein was recognized as Knight of the Month for his selfless acts of service.
Leon, and his wife Susan, took a parishioner to an outpatient surgery appointment. Upon arrival, there was a 4-to-5-hour delay but rather than leave the parishioner there, Leon patiently waited all day at the hospital and then assisted the parishioner during the recovery period.
Leon’s generous actions are an example of just what Fr McGivney envisioned.
Tim Leitner
Tim Leitner was recognized with the July 2023 Knight of the Month award.
Shortly after joining Kirkwood Council 2117, Tim stepped up in a leadership role to fill in as Recorder and since then has become a dependable volunteer willing to serve in numerous Council activities.
Tim as an excellent example of a new Brother Knight quickly involving himself in the activities and support or our organization.
David McCoy
David McCoy was honored for leading the effort to organize the St Peter parish Man-The-Can efforts to raise funds for Sts Teresa & Bridget Food Pantry. For the past several years, his ongoing organizing efforts have ensured that each month we are able to generate the resources required to provide for those most in need of food support.
Tony Jarboe
Tony Jarboe was recognized for his steadfast commitment to helping Council 2117 grow. His efforts were a major reason we were able to reach our annual new member goal for the first time in many years.
Bill Robison
Bill Robison was recognized for his efforts to showcase to his children the importance of our Catholic faith and service to our parish community.
Bill is an usher at St Peter Church Sunday Mass and often has his children help with usher duties, including collections and bulletin distribution after Mass.
In the short time Bill has been a member of Council 2117 he has shown a commitment to helping our Council whenever volunteer opportunities arise.
David Anderson
David was acknowledged for his years of service to Council 2117 and for his ongoing work to ensure the Council has a strong presence at St Gerard Majella parish. David can be counted on to step up and participate in nearly every Council activity.
David Renard
David was acknowledged for his years as Financial Secretary, as he prepares to transition those duties shortly to Tom Foy.
Besides this work, David can be counted on to step up and participate in nearly every Council activity throughout the year.
Dennis Buchheit
Dennis is a long-time member of Council 2117 and Past Grand Knight who has been generous with his time for many years both at our Council and at the 4th Degree Assembly. Dennis has been instrumental in spearheading the Council’s annual community fundraising outreach for Old Newsboys Day for many years, braving many cold November mornings for this charitable endeavor!
Buzz Jelinek
Buzz Jelinek can always be counted on to show up and help our Council with all of our
various service and fundraising activities. His willingness to help has been instrumental in the success of many of our events and he serves as an excellent model of involved Knighthood to others as we seek to expand volunteer involvement to do more for our church and community.
Zach Bevins
Zach Bevins was honored for his many hours and months of work behind the scenes to make our Council’s 3rd Annual Charitable BBQ a success as a core member of the team planning and executing this year’s event. Zach’s mastery of the grill continues to earn rave reviews and we appreciate his work and all the hours he puts into preparing and grilling for this and many other events throughout the year.
Dan Koskovich
Dan Koskovich was honored for the many hours of work behind the scenes to make our Council’s 3rd Annual Charitable BBQ a success working with the core team in planning and executing this year’s event. Dan’s efforts made it possible for customers to order online and pay with a credit card this year and he did the graphic design for the event flyers and banners. Dan also leads our communication efforts with his work on the Council database, the website and the monthly newsletter.
Joe Booth
PGK Joe Booth was recognized for his efforts in guiding Council 2117 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Juggling new technologies to meet remotely and ensure the safety of all members, he was still able to keep the Council active and productive through a period of unprecedented chaos and uncertainty.
Under his leadership Council 2117 relaunched the charitable BBQ and continued to reach out and support numerous community efforts during the various lock-down stages of the pandemic.
Mark Ryan
Mark Ryan was recognized for his regular attendance at Council meetings and dependable assistance with the monthly Man-the-Can efforts at St Peter Church.
Keith Beardslee
Keith was recognized for his dependable involvement in nearly every activity the Council undertakes.
Keith created the role of Communications Director for the Council and has been instrumental in developing a strong connection with our served parishes, coordinating parish bulletin insertions, announcements from the altar and our presence in parish emails and vestibule video displays.
Keith also regularly taps his network of family and friends, with his fundraising efforts being the largest contributor to the success of the charitable BBQ and nativity set seminary fundraiser.
Zach Bevins
Zach Bevins (right) is recognized for his dependable leadership of every cooking activity (BBQs, Men Night of Reflection, Pancake Breakfasts, etc, etc) and his gracious gift of space in his warehouse to safely assemble and store the 250 nativity sets for this season's seminary fundraiser activity.
John Modder
Council Advocate John Modder is recognized for being such a dependable member in support of our many activities! During this last year, with all the pandemic restrictions, John could be counted on to jump in and help…tapping beer at Greentree, running the cashier table at St Peter Fest, assembling Nativity sets…you name it and John was there.
Tom Foy
Tom Foy (left) was recognized for his readiness to answer any call to service, especially during this past year. Tom, a Past Grand Knight, still stepped up to take on the duties of Council Treasurer when the position recently needed filling. His cheerful enthusiasm and commitment to Council 2117 makes him an undeniable Knight of the Month!
Tim Leitner
Tim was recognized as a recent new member of the Council who quickly become active in several activities and enthusiastically volunteered to assume the important role of Recorder when the position recently opened up. Tim quickly mastered the Council Minute Book processes and has become an integral member of the Council Officer team.
Ben Krueger
Ben was recognized as a recent new member of the Council that, in his short time with us, has become active in several activities including helping with the Drive Thru BBQ event and the after-Mass reception for St Peter’s new pastor Fr O’Toole. Ben is a great example of a new Brother Knight getting quickly involved whenever his busy schedule with his young family duties allows.
Kevin Miller
Kevin recently joined Council 2117. After several years of helping with the St Peter Fish Fry dinner team, Kevin shared his culinary skills at the KofC Drive Thru BBQ fundraiser and is being recognized for his efforts procuring, preparing and serving the very popular side dishes that accompanied the BBQ main courses.
David Anderson
Past Grand Knight David Anderson was recognized for his prolific efforts as the lead Knight at St Gerard Majella for the Nativity Set and Drive Thru BBQ parish sales efforts.
Even with the many restrictions presented by the ongoing COVID pandemic, David can be counted on to be the face of the Council at St Gerard Majella parish.
David Renard
GK Joe Booth presented the Knight of the Month award to Brother David Renard (right) in recognition for Dave’s excellent work as Financial Secretary for many years and most especially during the difficult COVID pandemic.
His enthusiastic involvement in nearly every activity of the Council is most appreciated. Congrats to David Renard!
Dan Koskovich
In recognition of his ongoing efforts to improve the Council website and newsletter, database management and the success of the Council 2117 Scholarship Program.
Dan started the Scholarship Program two years ago and the 2021 program was the largest yet: 31 applicants competed for ten $1,000 scholarships which were awarded to the winning graduating 8th graders at St Peter and St Gerard Majella Schools.
Zach Bevins
In recognition for his efforts in arranging all cooking details for the 1st Annual KofC Council 2117 BBQ. Zach arranged the menu, procured the food and organized and led the food preparation, recruited the cooks (Knights, St Peter Fish Fry team and entire Bevins family!) and led the meat grilling efforts that resulted in a delicious BBQ meal enjoyed by all and a very successful fundraiser.
Keith Beardslee
In recognition for spearheading the communications and solicitation efforts for the 1st Annual KofC Council 2117 BBQ and for his excellent work increasing awareness of the Knights of Columbus through prominent website, Facebook, and parish Sunday Bulletin placements.
David McCoy
In recognition of his efforts chairing Sts Teresa & Bridget Food Pantry fundraising and for establishing critical online collection program during the cancellation of Masses during the pandemic restrictions.
Tom Foy
In recognition for the many months of effort coordinating and planning the 100th Anniversary Mass and Celebration for Council 2117.
David Renard
In recognition for organizing the annual Tootsie Roll campaign and Green Tree Festival member participation recruiting and scheduling in addition to his faithful service throughout the year as Council Financial Secretary.
Joe Booth
In recognition of leading Council 2117 efforts in support of Birthright.
Jerry Meier
In recognition of his dedicated efforts in chairing the Man-The-Can program at St Peter Church to benefit the food pantry at Saints Teresa and Bridget parish.
Ray Buehler
In recognition of the work being done to audit and update the member database information and for stepping up to co-chair the Man-The-Can efforts at St Peter Church in support of Saints Teresa and Bridget food pantry.
Dan Koskovich
In recognition for work creating and launching Council 2117 website and for designing and producing the inaugural Council 2117 High School Scholarship Program.