St. Benedict Council Council #14785




June 2023

SK Fred Scalzo

Fred is our Warden and runs the grill at most of our events, including at the recent Family Rosary Night when he was given short notice to show up. He also runs the fryers for the Fish Frys and cooks for the BINGO Nights at St. Michael. Fred indicates he's willing to train the rest of us. Thanks Fred!

March 2023

Kenneth Canter

Our relatively new Brother Ken Canter is Knight of the Month for helping out with the Fish Fry and becoming an active participant in our meetings and events; while being outwardly very excited about helping – thank you Ken!

February 2023

Greg Griffith

Greg has shown great skill learning the office of Treasurer and leading the January Financial Audit. We are extremely happy to have you serve in this position Greg!

January 2023

Eric Rollman

Eric has really stepped up since joining the Knights, and in his first year, he has become our Chancellor and Community Director. Over the past few months, he has been running the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster contest - coordinating with both parishes, and he likewise ran the Free Throw Contest. He is a great example of service for the rest of us!

November 2022

Christopher Dalton

Christian exemplifies steadfast devotion to Christ through his prayerful participation in Mass. His faith is a great example to all of his Brother Knights!

September 2022

Norm Lefebre

Norm is a staple in our local chapter. He is always active in some capacity whether it be organizing praying the rosary before mass, selling peaches and pears, or in general being a smiling and helpful face around the parish. I look up to this man in looking to and serving God.

August 2022

Bob Caley

Bob has been providing great support doing prep work and painting on the back wall of St. Benedict’s Ministry Center. Bob has supported two workdays and he has been bringing a lot of his own tools and supplies which has made a huge difference in our ability to get work accomplished. Bob is also the new Lecturer for the Council.

June 2022

Benjamin Beckner

Benjamin is Knight of the Month for all of his many activities he has recently taken on, including proclaimer, usher, and he volunteered for council offices in addition to assuming web master role this upcoming Fraternal year. Benjamin is always asking what he can do to help.

April 2022

Matt Dodds

Matt is our Worthy Chancellor and has been active with most of our major events including Burrito Fundraisers, the recent Membership Drive and the Lenten Fish Fry.

March 2022

SK Fred Scalzo

Great appreciation to SK Fred Scalzo for coordinating the Burrito making at St. Michael’s. Things went very smoothly due to Fred’s efforts. Fred also recently became a member of the 4th Degree and he is very active at St. Michael’s.

February 2022

David Dalton

Brother David serves St. Benedict's Parish as an Acolyte and leads the altar servers at Mass every weekend. David is also the Spiritual Leader for the St. Vincent DePaul Conference. His devotion is an outstanding example for the entire Council!

January 2022

Brother Mike Daniels

Brother Mike coordinated the Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest which was a significant effort and huge success. Thanks Mike!

November 2021

Daniel "Bear" Kelley

Brother Daniel “Bear” Kelley provided all day support making and handing out burritos at the Burrito Fundraiser and he led the Rosary at the 5 p.m. Mass. Here's the story behind is phone: "When we go camping, I tend to sit and write. Jodie tends to go off to do photography. I have a habit, though. I reach for my coffee mug, periodically. Often, it’s empty. So, I set it right back down where it was. Those times, I am usually so engrossed in my writing, I don’t bother to get another cup of coffee. So, a few minutes later, I’ll pick up the mug, find it empty and again set it right back down where it was. My wife finds this quite funny, and snapped a picture of it."

October 2021

SK Tony Riccardelli

Tony coordinated both the highly successful Burrito fundraiser and the Family Rosary Night BBQ.

August 2021

SK Michael Pfeifer

For his incredible effort supporting peaches and pears fundraiser and distribution at St. Michaels. Mike is heavily involved in the day-to-day operations at St. Michaels and is our Council’s primary representative and contact at St. Michael’s. Mike is also our Council’s 2nd Year Trustee.

July 2021

Mike Walker

His outstanding leadership procuring and installing the Flag Pole at St. Benedict, taking donations for the Falk’s religious artifacts to be donated to St. Benedicts and organizing our council’s support to move Joann Falk. Mike is also an active member of our Council’s Exemplification team and he also currently serves as one of our Council’s Trustees.

June 2021

Michael Moore

Sir Knight Michael Moore is a very active member of Council 14785. In recent months, Michael has volunteered to manage our UKnight website, contributed personal time to the installation of the St. Benedict Church flagpole and agreed to participate on the Council Exemplification team. Michael will be joining the list of officers for the 2021-2022 fraternal year as Advocate.

May 2021

Tony Riccardelli

In addition to his duties as District Deputy, Tony is very active in our council projects and activities. Tony is coordinating a project this month to host a family BBQ for St. Benedict Parish that will foster the Knight’s bond with the Pastor and the parishioners, as well as provide an opportunity to increase our membership. Tony is also one of the first to volunteer for all of our council projects.

April 2021

Norm Lefebvre

SK Norm Lefebvre was chosen for the April Knight of the Month for his time spent coordinating projects within the council. Recently Norm has stepped up to coordinate the Exemplification team training and preparation and the Blessed Michael McGivney Holy hour along with his regular coordination of the St. Benedict Rosary Program.

March 2021

Richard Poupore

SK Rich Poupore was selected as March Knight of the Month for: His hours spent coordinating and volunteering within the council. Rich is currently spearheading the council’s participation in the Lenten Suppers for St. Benedict Parish. He has also volunteered to work with the organization of the Knight’s shed.

February 2021

Daniel Rolenc

SK Dan Rolenc wax chosen as the February Knight of the month for: His efforts with the retention committee to bring Knights back to active participation within the council. Dan spent many hours researching and contacting Knights to discuss their situation and help them. This was in addition to his many other duties with the Knights of Columbus.

January 2021

Greg Griffith

Brother Knight Greg Griffith was chosen as the January Knight of the Month for his contributions and support for St. Benedict Parish. Brother Greg has been working with 2nd year confirmation student teachers, has volunteered to Usher for Masses, and has been active within our council.

December 2020

William Champlin

SK William Champlin was chosen as the December Knight of the month for his effort coordinating and working with food donations for the St. Vincent DePaul society at St. Benedict. Bill organized the council Knights in the collection and distribution of thanksgiving dinners that were provided for families in need.

November 2020

Tony Ricarrdelli

Tony Riccardelli was chose as Knight of the Month for his willingness to step into the District Deputy position when it became vacant in October 2020

October 2020

Gregory Griffith

Brother Knight Gregory Griffith was chosen as October Knight of the Month for His devotion to the Rosary demonstrated by leading the parishioners in prayer before Sunday mass.

September 2020

Mike Walker

SK Michael Walker actively supports the council by frequently volunteering to coordinate events and activities (e.g Fund Crazr). He demonstrates leadership that motivates the council and makes us more effective.

August 2020

Norm Lefebvre

SK Norm Lefebvre was chosen for his efforts keeping St. Benedict parish focused on the Rosary. Norm coordinates Knights to lead the Rosary before Mass on the first Sunday of the month (sometimes leading multiple Rosaries himself). He also leads the Divine Mercy on the last Sunday of the Month

July 2020

Mike Walker

Mike Walker was chosen for his hard work and dedication while acting as Grand Knight for council 14785 during the last two years.

September 2019

Bill Champlin

Bill arranged for and participated in the delivery of a check to the Hill Springs Academy for their support to intellectually disabled students. Bill also, provided, set-up, and disassembled the sound system for the St Benedict Anniversary dinner. Bill also helped with the breakdown of tables and chairs.

August 2019

Norm LeFebvre

Norm LeFebvre was selected as August 2019 Knight of the Month for his leadership and initiative to organize the annual Palisade Peaches and Pears ordering and distribution. The proceeds of which go to KofC Council 14785 for distribution to both St Benedict and St Michael church.

July 2019

Jerry Ruckstuhl

Jerry Ruckstuhl was selected as July 2019 Knight of the Month for his leadership and initiative to organize the monthly praying of the rosary before each St Benedict mass on the first weekend of each month.


March 2023

SK Michael A. Moore Family

Thanks to SK Michael Moore, his wife and son who assisted at our Fish Fry - your help made a huge difference.

September 2022

Fred Scalzo Family

Fred has been a great contributor to all Council sponsored events at St. Michael's, especially recently performing work on the Marian Grotto and helping to cook/serve at the Parish Picnic / Membership Drive. Fred is also our Worthy Warden. Debbie has also been helping out in more ways than we know at St. Michael's, but in particular, she freshened up the statue of Mary in the Marion Grotto, and she has been a great help at events including this most recent Oktoberfest event where Fred and Debbie coordinated the event, purchased food, cooked, prepared and helped serve the meal. Congratulations Fred and Debbie!

August 2022

Joe Huerter Family

Joe and his wife Jeannie have been both involved in pouring concrete for the Marion Grotto at St. Michael. Joe is also on the Finance Council at St. Michael’s and he has been helping out with the St. Benedict Ministry Center wall painting – putting up boards, flashing, etc. for 2 work days. Joe has been “Going to the Mat for Jesus”!

July 2022

Cole Silvey Family

Cole carried the U.S. flag and was the point Knight during the Corpus Christi Procession and was there supporting the Parish Festival both days, setting up games, tables, tents, trash cans, and then taking it all down. Cole’s mother Julie took the lead in most areas of the Festival including making and coordinating food preparation. She organizes Adoration, Young Adults and on and on. And Cole is right there helping out with almost everything.

April 2022

Family of Brother Bill Miller

Bill led the St. Faustina version of Stations of the Cross and his daughter read the part of St. Faustina. Bill is also the Captain of the Troops of St. George who are very active at St. Benedict’s, and Bill led the troops in running the Paschal Fire at the Easter Vigil.

March 2022

Brother Joe Huerter Family

Many thanks to Joe’s family for supporting burrito making at St. Michael’s - which made the effort go much easier than in the past. Joe and his family are very active at St. Michael’s.

February 2022

SK Norm Lefebvre Family

Norm provides ongoing support at daily mass and led the CUF Exemplification Team on Feb 6th, in addition to leading the Rosary Team and Memorial to the Unborn campaign. Patti supports Norm in all of his Knights work and is very active in the St. Benedict’s Women’s Group.

January 2022

SK Joe Bauer (Deceased) and Harriet Bauer

Special thanks to the Bauer Family in recognition of Harriet's ongoing support to the Council purchasing burritos and Funcrazr tickets in Joe’s honor. Your commitment has made a tremendous difference to the well-being of the Council!

November 2021

N/A for November

October 2021

Van Brimmer Family

Joel stepped up to help both with Family Rosary Night and Burrito Sales; His family is involved with the Troops of St. George, Hospitality, Little Flowers, and the Quilting Group Parish Fundraiser.

August 2021

The SK Peter Axt Family

For their support of St. Thomas Aquinas Society Conference. Peter and his wife Nora actively helped coordinate and conduct the conference. Peter is also our Council’s Life Director.

December 2020

The Dave Klein Family

The Dave Klein Family (wife Tiffany, Kids Christina 14, Cara 13, Kyle 9, Katelyn 7, Kevin 5, Kimberly 3, and Catherine 1 were chosen as the December Family of the Month. Dave and his family are active in both St Benedict Parish and the Falcon community. Dave and his two oldest daughters volunteered at St Benedict - St Vincent DePaul Thanksgiving Food Box distribution. His wife Tiffany is active in the St Benedict Women’s Group and made pumpkin rolls for the holiday season, which she had the kids deliver. Dave is also an active participant on the St Benedict Finance Counsel.

November 2020

Norm and Patti Lefebvre

Norm and Patti Lefebvre were chosen because of their effort spent helping and supporting St. Benedict Parish. Norm is a faithful Knight of Columbus, who is the Faith Director and doesn’t hesitate to participate in the organization’s activities. His wife Patti is an active member of the St. Benedict Women’s group as well as the quilting group. Both volunteer to help with hospitality and support the St. Benedict Pastor in things needed around the Church.

October 2020

Angelo and Karen Pinterpe

The Pinterpe were chose as October Family of the Month for Their tireless work supporting St. Benedict Parish. Angelo participates on building planning committees, coordinates the ushers, as well as gives his time to lead Knights centered projects. Karen Pinterpe is the Director of Parish Catechesis for the parish, overseeing RCIA and Religious Education.

September 2020

Ryan and Diana Hutson

The Hutson family was chosen as September Family of the Month because of their works of charity providing needed transportation numerous times to parishioners in need.

August 2020

Bill and DeeAnn Champlin

Bill and DeeAnn Champlin were chosen as Family of the Month because of their time, money and effort spent in providing a wheelchair to a St. Benedict parishioner. They researched, purchased, built and presented the wheelchair on July 12, 2020.

July 2020

Jerry and Margaret Ruckstuhl

The Ruckstuhl family contributes to the community by working with non-profit homeless organizations around Colorado Springs. They encourage support for these organization from with St. Benedict Parish.

September 2019

Peter & Nora Axt Family

Peter lead the Council 14785 FundCrazr ticket distribution, sales, and collection. His with Nora lead the planning, organization, and implementation of the Anniversaery dinner for St Benedict church building.

August 2019

Jerry and Margie Ruckstuhl Family

The family of Jerry and Margie Ruckstuhl was selected as family of the month for August 2019 for their 165 hours of support of humanitarian relief efforts along the southern boarder of Texas.

July 2019

David Klein Family

The family of David Klein was selected for July family of the month for their support of the Tootsie Roll campaign to raise funds for those with Intellectual Disabilities.