Mark Carpenter John Leffingwell
These two Knights are usually in the kichen during pancake breakfasts, and never fail to come help when called.
Ed Munyau
You see Ed quietly working in the background at a lot of events, most recently at the pancake breakfast cleaning pots and pans.
Jesse House
Jesse is a mainstay of the pancake breakfasts and is always there to help when Stan or the rest of the crew need him. This month, he manned the stove and the flatop, doing the lions share of the cooking making yet another successful breakfast.
Mark Lorms
Mark is very active in the parish, and recenly filled our open faith director position. He's since hit the ground running, evangelizing our men to concentrate on spiritual practice
Phil Muscat
There is no bigger advocate, and no one that Promotes our Council as much as Phil. He serves as our Chancellor and long suffering membership director. He works most events, especially if there's cooking involved. He's literally the heartbeat of our Council.
Don Shaver
Our Knight of the Month is active both “on the scene” and “behind the scene.” On the scene he is one of our Coffee and Donut captains. Behind the scene, he is the man responsible for putting together our monthly sign-up sheets. The May Knight of the month is Don Shaver.
Fred Kellner
Fred is one of those quiet workers, at nearly every event, especially the pancake breakfasts.
Robert Mokry
Robert stepped up as treasurer, and has hit the ground running doing an amazing job. He learned the ropes in a short time. He's present at most events, but is a fixture at Tamale sales, managing the cash flow and tamale deliveries.
Stan Schwieterman
Stan shepherds our Squires circle, and is Stan is one of the cornerstones of the kitchen crew. He's at nearly every Knight's event helping out.
Stan Tax
Our Knight of the Month was one of the judges of the Keep Christ in Christmas contest, fed our contestants at the Free-throw competition, and was part of the team that led the crew feeding us tonight. With all he does for the Council could be considered for this honor just about every month. For all he does for us, this month’s Knight of the Month is Stan Tax.
Henry Dominquez
Henry was instrumental in repairing the Star for the Lightup for Christ event.
The star was in need of new strngs of lights, yet it's mounted high on the building. Henry made a very difficult job happen in a short time frame.
Mike Greene
PGK Mike runs the Committee of 1000 supporting our seminarians, is instrumental to the Council recruiting officers, handling retention, and most recently is the driving force creating our new degree team.
Pat Heaney
Pat Heaney is one of our Knights that falls into the 'get it done quietly' group. He's part of the Coffee and Donuts team and can be found most Sunday mornings doing his part to keep fellowship alive and well here at All Saints.
Darryl Cox
Darryl quietly helps get the job done. He is an integral member of the Sunday Morning Fellowship and can be found every Sunday we do Coffee and Donuts standing at the table greeting the community members
Doug Hakala
Doug is a longtime Knight that can be counted on at nearly every pancake breakfast.
John Leffingwell
John is a fixture at every Knight's event where there is coooking to be done, as well as the "go-to" bartender for nearly every event. He's usually working from setup to after cleanup.
Andy Tait
Andy has been our longtime youth chair and has just completed the third, highly successful wheelchair drive netting over $6K for wheelchairs.
Mark Carpenter
Jack Falloure
Jack has been our pro-life chairman for years, and even during these pandemic times has led his crew to pray at the abortion clinic each Saturday.
Bob Janson
John Roberts
John has done a steller job guiding our Council as financial secretary.
The Tamale Crew
Overcoming the challenges of Tamale sales during Covid, with all the restrictions and shortage of staff, The tamale crew, Brothers that turn up and work every sale, prevailed and we had a very successful few sales, often working all weekend long. Congratulations to Cash Traylor, David Smith, Robert Mokry and , Stan Tax who went over and above.
Jeff Stuart
Jeff is our Treasurer and is indispensable to our Council's Financial operations. In addition, he works nearly every event we have, including the recent Tamale sales.
Hank Setina
Hank is a fairly new Brother who hit the ground running and is always there helping at nearly every event.
Michael Horsely
Pat Haney
Pat stepped up, transitioning to the open DGK slot, and helping to smooth the transition to the new officer team.
The Bread Crew
This Month we have multiple Knights of the Month.
This is the Bread Crew, who collects bread from local supermarkets, and delivers it to the Sisters of Charity downtown at St. James.
The Bread crew is: GK Stan Tax, Larry Milliken, John Meyer, Harry Storey, Bob Wise, Ed Monaghan, and a few others not shown
Bill Bryan
Bill took over the reigns of the Family directorship, and hit the ground running, taking charge of the Family meal after the corporate communion two days after he volunteered.
Bob Jansen
Bob is very involved in the Council's pro-life efforts.
Doug Hakala
Doug is one of our Knights who is ubiquitous at our events, but especially so at the cooking events. Doug put in many hours this weekend with the Clergy dinner and Fathers Day Brunch.
Jim Fogg
Jim is active in nearly every Council event, within the parish, and helps guide our Squires Circle.
Craig Introligator
Knight of the Month for April is our own Church/Faith chairman.
Coffee & Hole Crew
This month Knight of the Month is the crew that serves Coffee and Donut holes nearly each and every Sunday.
Bob Pitts
February Knight of the Month is our own recorder, Bob Pitts, who in addition to recording and timely distribution of the meeting minutes is also active with the Pancake Breakfasts.
Andy Tait
Andy is our Youth chairman, who has done an amazing job creating and managing great programs for our youth such as the Wheelchair roundup, All Saints School poster contest, and the recent free throw competition.
Jack Falloure
From Pancake Breakfasts, to pro-life rosaries every Saturday, to tamale sales and managing our Council's Pro-life efforts as Pro-life Chair, Jack is always there working hard.
Stan Schwieterman
Stan is a 4th degree Knight who participates in the Color Corps and is always there washing dishes after all our events, is a big time leader in our Squires group, not to mention our Men's Club, Fall Festival and so many other activities
Mike Riley
Robert Mokry
Robert Mokry has been our Tamales inventory manager and has always been a major factor in our biggest fund-raising event. As you may know, the freezer where we keep our Tamales went out and we had to discard 18 cases of Tamales. Robert helped identify the final group of potential bad tamales and developed a process to mark cases with the purchase date as we store them in the freezer prior to our upcoming sale.
Joe Mock
The Knight of the Month for September is responsible for the new banners you see at the Pancake Breakfast and will see at the next Tamale Sales. He also was a key player in our Country Store at the Texas Knights of Columbus State Convention. He also is our GO TO Knight for Council Shirts, Apron’s, Jackets, and more. Joe Mock is the Knight of the Month for September
Remus Parcon
During a recent Couples for Christ conference held in the Dallas area, this Knight coordinated with the CPLC to have over 200 people participate in a prayer vigil in front of the Southwest Medical abortion clinic on Greenville avenue. Jack Falloure said, “It was a Pro-Life event to behold”. I am proud to recognize Remus Parcon as the Knight of the Month for August.
Stan Tax
Stan picked up the hot dogs, buns, chips and salsa and the large serving bowls for the VBS Dinner. He coordinated the prep and cooking of the 500 hot dogs and assisted Elizabeth and Henry with the setup and clean up for a very successful VBS Family Dinner at the All Saints Catholic School.
Larry Milliken
Larry coordinated the Wine and Cheese Reception for our June Corporate Communion and Officer Installation and Awards Banquet. Larry is also in responsible for the Trice Brigade whose members weekly pickup bread from grocery stores and deliver it to the sisters of the Missionaries of Charity in South Dallas. Larry Milliken is our June Knight of the Month.
Chris Diaz
Chris works behind the scenes to produce the Beacon, our newsletter, and is our communications chairmen. In addition, he is our council’s liaison to the seminarians at both Dallas Seminaries. He coordinates the yearly dinner with Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Christmas gifts to the seminarians we sponsor and so much more.
Don Shaver
Don is one of the Coffee and Donuts Captains and creates the monthly signup sheet and tallying the results after our monthly business meeting.
Doyle Kitchen
Returned to be the Church Director for the remainder of the year Doyle put a team together to make the Clergy Appreciation Dinner a great success with a sellout crowd of approximately 150 guests. He also organized the Marian Stations which our Council has done every year since early in our history.
Andy Tait
Andy Tait has been busy this year managing three poster contests, an essay contest and the basketball free throw contest so far this year. In each case, he worked with the All Saints Catholic School and the youth groups here at All Saints. He has been able to generate lots on interest and participation by the youth of our community.
Jason Wagner
Jason (pictured at left) coordinated the December Light Up for Christ with the help of Erveis Cortez, John Meyer and several others including the Ladies Auxiliary, the Children’s Choir, and the All Saints Orchestra. The Light Up for Christ was a great success due to his efforts and those who assisted.
Casey Fuld
Casey has been coordinating the First Friday Adoration for the Knights of Columbus for as long as I can remember. Each month he monitors the sign in sheets and attempts to fill in any gaps. For his dedication to this program, I have selected Casey Fuld as Knight of the Month. Please thank him for his continued service.
Andy Tait
Andy is our Youth Director and has had a busy time with managing 2 poster contests and an essay contest for our council. This is the first year of the Essay Contest which started with the 8th grade students at All Saints Catholic School.
Fred Kellner
Fred was in charge of selling our tamales at the Fall Festival. He was responsible for scheduling members to sell the tamales and spent both days setting up, cooking the tamales, and at the end of the day, overseeing the cleanup. Fred was the first to arrive and the last to leave.
Henry Dominguez
During the weekend of August 20-21, Henry Dominguez joined with Anthony Chrobak from Council 12300 in Wylie to collect items for the flood victims in Louisiana from Saint Anthony’s parish in Wylie and All Saints Parish in Dallas. Henry and Anthony drove to Louisiana on Monday morning to deliver the items collected including nonperishable food and cleaning supplies to the affected communities.
Ed Munno
Our Knight of the month for July is a “Go To” guy when you need help. You will find him working at most of our monthly pancake breakfasts. That is just one of the many council activities that he regularly participates. During the June Pancake Breakfast we discovered that one of the ovens was broken and not reparable. I asked Ed to check out what it would take to replace the ovens. He jumped on it and had information about replacement equipment to Darrell Flowers by Tuesday morning. This month’s Knight of the month is Ed Munno.
John Leffingwell
John Leffingwell is an active member of our Council and our Church Community. You can find John helping out in any number of places around All Saints. In June, John joined Stan Tax, Henry Dominguez, and others in June to rebuild the bleachers replacing the wood with new aluminum seating. The wood was deteriorating and becoming a safety hazard. The Knight of the Month for June is John Leffingwell.
Peter Ohagwu Ohagwu
Kevin Finch
Larry Brennan
Pat Heaney
Fred Kellner
Henry Dominguez
Henry lead a team of Knights to help with the clean up from the tornadoes that hit our area in December.
Curtis James
Curtis was Knight of the Month for co-chairing the tamales sales.
Jack Falloure
Jack was Knight of the Month for all his pro-life activities and for helping out at many events.
Pius Okoth
Pius was Knight of the Month for helping with many Knights events and helping recruit 4 new Knights.
Jim Fogg
Jim was Knight of the month for volunteering to help with many Knights events, helping with the Squires, and recruiting new Knights.
Mel Almagro
Mel is Knight of the Month for being one of the Sunday Morning Fellowship chairman.
Stan Tax
Stan is Knight of the Month for preparing meals for the UTD students, Fisher House, pancake breakfasts, and most dinners prepared by the Knights. Stan is also volunteers to help the less fortunate and with many other Knights events.
Ed Munno
Ed Munno was selected as Knight of the Month for his hard work as lead chef on the Support our Seminarian and Italian dinners. At the Italian dinner, everyone raved about his famous pasta sauce with big chunks of meat. In addition to his duties as Community Director, Ed regularly helps at the tamale sales. Ed’s humble demeanor and big smile are always a welcome addition at any Knight event.
Rex Phillips
Rex joined the Knights over 50 years ago and continues to be an active member of the Lumen Christi Council. He regularly helps with the tamale sales and other council activities. Rex welcomes everyone with a smile and is always willing to help.
Al Steindorf
Al Steindorf. Al has done a great job organizing and managing the tamale sales for the council this year. As this is our major fundraiser for the year, this is an important position. He has also helped with the seminarian dinner, pancake breakfasts, and many other council events. Al always steps up and helps whenever something needs to get done. He is an excellent role model for us all. We appreciate the excellent work Al does for our Council and Parish.
Larry Brennan
Larry Brennan. Larry Brennan has been an active member of the Knights for many years. He is currently Chairman of the Scholarship Committee and often helps with tamale sales, coffee and donuts, bread run, and with the retention committee. Larry also serves as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Jack Ayers
Jack spends many hours at the All Saints Church and School as the Master of Ceremony at masses at both locations. He continues to be an active member of our council assisting with tamale sales, Fisher House, and providing guidance to the council officers.
John Roberts
John is not only our Financial Secretary, but is also active in a number of other parish organizations. He has been an active supporter of Fall Festival for several years. He also picks up food for Vision Food Share several times a year. John has a great, can-do attitude, and is always willing to help. It is with great pleasure that we recognize John as our August Knight of the Month.
Stan Schwieterman
Stan has been active serving the youth in our parish for many years. Stan has put in many hours serving as assistant scout leader and the chief counselor for the Squires. Stan has previously served as Youth Director for the Council. Stan also assists in many Council activities. Please congratulate Stan on being the Knight of the Month for July.
John Leffingwell
John has been an active member of our Council since he joined in 2007. He often helps with tamale sales, pancake breakfasts, Lenten dinners, and many other Council events. John has a great attitude and is happy to assist with whatever needs to be done.
None Awarded
Larry Milliken
The Knight of the Month for April is awarded to Larry Milliken (pictured at right). As well as driving our membership efforts in this last two fraternal years Larry recently stepped up to help a new knight who needed both transport and fellowship as he was treated at Parkland Hospital. Larry sets an excellent example of the fraternal nature of the Order for all of us.
Lenten Dinner Team
The Knights of the Month for April is awarded to the the group of Knights who supported our Lenten Dinners. This year we were able to support many other parish organizations in hosting the meals but this could not have happened without these Brother Knights stepping up and assisting. They are as follows:
Jack Ayers, Larry Brennan, Jerry Cayce, Kevin Finch, Michael Horsley, Doyle Kitchen, John Meyer, Larry Millikan, Ed Munno, Steve Patterson, Jim Sammons, Ron Schott, Stan Schwieterman, Harry Storey and Stan Tax.
Stan Tax
The Knight of the Month for February is awarded to our Head Chef and “Cheese Blintz King” Stan Tax. Without his creativity and careful husbandry of expenses, our pancake breakfast and Lenten dinners would not be the success they are. Thank you Stan for all the work you do for our council and parish.
Chance Barkley
The Knight of the month award is given not just for work done in the Council setting but in the wider Parish and community. This month’s recipient has led efforts to revitalize the Young Adults ministry in our Parish, which is growing from strength to strength. I am pleased to announce, therefore, our Knight of the Month for January is Chance Barkley.
Chris Diaz
One of the most rewarding items in my tenure as Grand Knight has been starting the Seminarian Caring Tree. This program provides for some of the needs and wants of the young men we support and/or are associated with our parish and council. This is the second year we have collected presents for them and it would not be possible but for the efforts of this month’s Knight of the Month. He contacts all of our Seminarians, no mean feat when they are scattered across the USA and this year even the Holy Land, researches the gifts they request and prints off easy gift sheets, which we distribute at the November business meeting. Once returned he ensures that they get to our Seminarians in time for Christmas (see related article on page 12). I am therefore happy to name Chris Diaz as the Knight of the Month for December.
The Triece Brigade
In June, we awarded our first Pope Francis Award for Lifetime Achievement in Charitable Efforts to Harry Triece. The November Knights of the Month are those small band of Brother Knights who continue his legacy of picking up food from the local Tom Thumb and delivering car loads of donations to the Sisters of Charity. The Lumen Christi Council version of the Triece Brigade started in January 2009 and has continued this service without looking for any type of recognition, however I felt it was time to acknowledge all of their hard work and dedication. The current members of the Triece Brigade are: Jack Ayers, Larry Brennan, Bernie Crotty, Henry Dominguez, John Meyer, Larry Milliken, Ed Monaghan, Tobey Murphy, Ron Schott, Al Steindorf, Harry Storey, Jan Storey, Stan Tax, and Bob Wise.
Al Steindorf
The Knight of the Month for October should not be a surprise to anyone. Yet again he led the largest fundraising weekend of the year setting new records and underpinning our budget for the fraternal year. For his leadership of Tamale Sales our Knight of the Month for October is Al Steindorf
Stan Tax, Kelly Halaszyn, Chance Barkley, Justin Frerich and John Roberts.
September again saw the council active in making sure that this years fall festival went off without a hitch. While many of us helped on the preparation and weekend itself a small band of your brothers have spent many weeks making sure everything went to plan. Without their involvement, the event would not have been as successful as it was. September's Knights of the Month are pictured left to right at left are Stan Tax, Kelly Halaszyn, Chance Barkley, Justin Frerich and John Roberts.
Fr. Tony, Fr Alfonse and Fr. Paul
As we have all seen, the last two months have seen major changes in our parish family with the departure of Bishop Mark and Fr. Vincent and the arrival of Fr. Tony and Fr. Alfonse. Change can be very unsettling especially when it is as significant as we have seen. It is thanks to our three priests that not only has the parish come through this period with no negative impact but has, in fact, experienced a new level of energy and enthusiasm which has been evident to many of us. It is therefore only right that the Knights of the Month for August are our priests, Father Tony, Father Alfonse and Father Paul (pictured left to right above).
None Awarded
Chris Diaz
The Knight of the Month is not normally awarded to an officer of the Council as they are expected to devote significant time and effort to the running of the council. However, as with all rules, there is always an exception and this is the case for the month of May. Our annual patriotic event this year returned to the high standards and parish participation that we had come to expect mostly through the determination and drive of one individual without whom this year’s event would not have been the success it was. Therefore, I am pleased to award the Knight of the Month for May to Chris Diaz.
Ed Munno
After a successful Italian Dinner, which surpassed all our expectations, there was only one choice for Knight of the Month for April. Ed Munno orchestrated a great dinner topped off by his special short ribs and sausage tomato sauce (which he is preparing at right). Fund raising for the new communication system could not have come together so quickly without his help.
Doyle Kitchen
The Knight of the month for March was Doyle Kitchen. This year we again presented the Marian Stations of the Cross and without Doyle's tireless attention to detail the two services would not have been as prayerful as they were.
Deacon Richard Nelson
The Knight of the Month is Richard Nelson. Richard has demonstrated his love of God and the Church by accepting the call to serve as Permanent Deacon. As we all know from the wonderful talks he gives at each of our business meetings, Richard is going to be a great addition to the Parish Clergy and we look forward to his continued service to both our parish and Council.
Kevin Finch
Kevin Finch is a great example of the message Grand Knights give to all new members, pick one thing you want to do from the calendar of events and get involved. Despite his busy schedule, he has taken on the role as one of our Sunday Morning Fellowship captains, a service program that has become so important to the life of our Parish. Our membership felt this to be an important aspect to being a knight and I concur. For this reason, we are delighted to award the Knight of the Month to Kevin Finch.
Robert Mokry
The Knight of the Month for November is Robert Mokry. Robert is a recent addition to our council and has demonstrated his commitment to service by the number of events he has assisted at since becoming a Knight, in fact he worked at his first pancake breakfast before he made his first degree. It is great to see new knights step up and get active in our council and for this reason we are delighted to award the Knight of the Month to Robert Mokry.
Al Steindorf
The Knight of the Month for October has played a key role since the start of what has become our only, but most successful fundraiser. While he is assisted by many of his brother knights (not enough sadly, as he is quick to point out) he has been the driving force in ensuring that we raise the funds we need to support our seminarians and the other activities of the council. It is with great pleasure to announce that the Knight of the month for October is awarded to Al Steindorf.
Chance Barkley
The Knight of the Month is awarded not just for the work an individual Brother undertakes as part of a Council activity but also for his work in the Parish or Community as a whole. This month we recognize a Knight who answered the call to help ensure that our Parish fall festival was able to go forward this year. He coordinated the volunteer campaign. Without his work and the work of a few other new faces, our annual eventwould have been cancelled. Therefore, for all his work on this year’s fall festival the Knight of the Month for September is Chance Barkley.
Jeff Stuart
The Knight of the Month for August was Jeff Stuart our Worthy Treasurer. Jeff has been a stalwart of ensuring we continue to provide the opportunity for Sunday Morning fellowship for the Parish community. While so many of the council assist in making this happen every week Jeff has graciously led this effort now for a number of years. It is with great pleasure that we award the Knight of the Month for August to Jeff Stuart.
Doyle Kitchen
The Chalice for Vocations program was started under the tenure of Worthy PGK Chris Diaz and quickly became a visible manifestation of the Parish's desire to pray for vocations. For a number of reasons the program lost momentum and its visibility within the Parish. Thanks to dogged efforts of our Worthy Church Director, new life has been breathed into this program with many Parish organizations now taking part, so much so that we have now ordered a third Chalice. Therefore it is with great pleasure that we award the Knight of the Month for July to Doyle Kitchen.
John Meyer
Justin Frerich
Justin Frerich agreed to take on the responsibility of helping the Council find activities for the younger members of the Council in their 20's and 30's. Justin worked up a get together at an Addison establishment to get some of our young Knights together. In addition, he worked to get the Lumen Christi softball team started and into a local league where they could just have fun. The team just completed their first season of play and is looking forward to next year.
Larry Milliken
Larry Milliken stepped up to take on responsibility for the Triece Brigade Bread Run that benefits the Missionaries of Charity. In addition, Larry serves as Council Director and has coordinated the annual Lenten Dinners at All Saints. He also has coordinated food service for the spring and fall Little Saints picnics. Larry coordinates the food service for our annual Patriotic Event as well as the Officer Installation and Awards Dinner.
Doyle Kitchen
Many of us have been involved in the spiritual aspects of our council and parish. Our Knight of the Month took it upon himself to see why the Rosary and Adoration for Vocations was not well attended. As a result he developed a new format for the service which he has given to Father Peter Chinnappan. In addition, he worked on helping to resurrect the Chalice for Vocations program. He was normally found scrubbing the pots and pans at the Lenten Dinners. He also was involved in creating the council binder for the Marian Stations of the Cross and our Rosary with Meditation. For his dedication to the church program, Doyle Kitchen is our Knight of the Month for March 2012.
Chris Diaz
It is said that if you do something that you truly love, that you never work a day. I don't know if that is really true but I do know that Chris Diaz put in months of work to get the council directory and handbook published. The amount of work he did was very evident in the high quality publication that was made available to the council. It will be helpful for new members as well as establish veterans in our council. In addition, Chris continued to be involved in other Knight and parish activities. For all he does for the parish and our council, Chris was selected Knight of the Month for February 2012.
Chance Barkley
Chance Barkley was selected as the Knight of the Month for January 2012. This has been a very busy time for Chance with the Substance Abuse Poster Contest and Basketball Free Throw Contest. He has also found time to continue his work as a Life Teen Core Team member as well as being a Lector and Eucharistic Minister for the Life Teen masses.
John Arciniega
You never hear him complain about anything as he simply goes about doing his duties for the council and the parish. He serves the council as an Inside Guard and because of his diligence Warden Stan Tax never has to worry about anyone being in our meetings that should not be there. He also helps with the selling tickets and taking donations at the monthly pancake breakfasts. In addition, he volunteers in the parish library to assist in any way that he can. For his work both with the Knights and the parish, John Arciniega is our December 2011 Knight of the Month.
Bob Wise
Whenever our Recorder has been unable to attend various meetings I know all I have to do is ask Bob Wise and he will be there to do the job he has done for the council in the past. Bob also chairs the monthly Golden Saints luncheons and is the Scribe for the Christopher Columbus Assembly. In addition, Bob serves as a lector for weekday masses and is a regular at Overnight Eucharistic Adoration and First Thursday Rosary and Adoration for Vocations. He recently join his brothers in selling tamales to help raise funds for our charitable works. In addition, Bob agreed to chair the Knights preparing the meals for the Ladies Day of Reflection. For all he does for our council and parish, Bob Wise is our Knight of the month for November 2011.
Bob Pitts
Sometimes things operate so smoothly that we just take them and the person performing the task for granted. Such is the case with our worthy recorder, Bob Pitts, who usually has the minutes from our various meetings available for our review before most of us get home from that meeting. Bob takes delight in his volunteer activities for our council and has been known to get off an airplane from India and come right to our pancake breakfasts to fulfill his duty as senior "Pancake Flipper". Bob also serves the parish as a Lector and Eucharistic Minister. For his service to our council and our parish Bob Pitts is the October 2011 Knight of the Month.
Stan Tax
He is here, he is there, he seemed to be everywhere at the Fall Festival were words that would describe our September Knight of the Month, Stan Tax. He worked on the committee to plan and put on this year's event. If it was preparing the grounds, serving beer or tamales or even picking up the waste so it didn't blow all over the place, these were activities that Stan was involved in over the weekend. In addition, he was one of those that spent most of the week prior to the festival setting things up for our enjoyment.
Lee Ringham
A major emphasis in both the Dallas Diocese and the Knights of Columbus has been the implementation of a safe environment program. Our council has been working very hard to meet all the requirement of the Knights, our Diocese and our Parish. Heading this effort has been Lee Ringham who has worked many long hours to insure that we have the cleared adults required at all our events and report this information to the diocese. For all his hard work in keeping the Lumen Christi Council compliant with all the various requirements Lee is our Knight of the Month for August 2011.
Doyle Kitchen
Doyle Kitchen was selected "Knight of the Month" for August 2011. His work in reestablishing the "Chalice for Vocations" is just one of the reasons for his selection. Doyle has also worked hard at taking over the Church Program from Brother John Poston. Besides his work in the Church Program, Doyle is a behind the scenes guy at many of our events. He likes to be in the kitchen doing the cleanup activities after Pancake Breakfasts and Sunday Morning Fellowship. Doyle is also the "favorite" council spammer, as he ensures the weekly Lumen Christi Weekly Updates get out each week.
Henry Dominguez
Henry Dominguez was selected as the Knight of the Month for June 2011. Shortly after the Joplin, Missouri tornado some All Saints parishioners decided they needed to help. Henry immediately contacted his brother Knights with a request for help in gathering supplies and donations for the victims. He then helped with the collection effort and was part of the group that deliver the donated items and money to Catholic Charities in Joplin. Henry then got involved helping Joplin residents clear the debris. Henry is always there to help.
Father Peter Chinnappan
Our Knight of the Month for April 2011 can usually be found around the All Saints facilities almost every day of the week. He has a deep rooted dedication to serving the spiritual needs of our parish. He is always offering encouraging words to his brother Knights and is not afraid to ask them to help with his special projects. One such project was the revival of the First Thursday Rosary and Adoration for Vocations. Attendance had slipped and he was intent on getting more parishioners to attend this event. He has worked hard to grow the attendance at this monthly event. For this and all he does at All Saints Father Peter Chinnappan is our Knight of the Month.
Chance Barkley
Our Knight of the month answered the call when I asked a group to help with council communications. He helped us get established on Facebook and Twitter, which are two pieces of the social media phenomena. In addition to doing the setup he taught us how to use these new communication methods to help the council and ourselves. His willingness to help and get involved are why Chance Barkley is our Knight of the Month for February 2011.
Al Steindorf
He is here, he is there, and he seems to be everywhere. These words would describe Al Steindorf, the Lumen Christi Council Knight of the Month for January 2011. Al was involved in our Sunday morning fellowship throughout the month of January. He helped with the Golden Saints luncheon and our monthly Pancake Breakfast. He was involved in our tamale sale at the bank and if that isn't enough, he serves the council as a Warden's Aide. In this
role, Al helps the Warden get the Fellowship Hall set up for our business meetings. He also seems to be on permanentKitchen Police duty, as he always seems to be helping with the clean up after all our various events.
Joe Mock
The best way for a new Knight to understand what the Knights are all about is to get involved. Whether it be pancake breakfasts, Ronald McDonald House meals, tamales sales or any other event our December Knight of the Month got involved and has remained that involved. He assumed control of the sale of Lumen Christi Council merchandise and is involved in procuring items for the 2011 Texas State Convention country store. Joe Mock is our Knight of the Month for December 2010.
Ed Munno
Some folks don't like to be seen but are always involved in our activities. Whether it be the Saturday Tamale Sales or clean-up activities after many of our activities. Our Knight of the Month is dependable and most folks don't realize that he was even at an event as he stays out of sight and is usually the last one to leave. In addition our Knight of the Month is involved in the finance council and stewardship committee here at the parish. I know he doesn't like the accolades but Ed Munno is our Knight of the Month.
Doyle Kitchen
Doyle Kitchen for his work on My Daily Walk with Christ
??? ???
Bob & Carol Faulkner
Bob is our Community director, as well as a lector, Carol is the Ladies Auxilary co-president. Both are highly active members of our parish.
Harry & Jan Storey
These two are involved in many places in the Parish, and for some reason or another haven’t gotten the family award. Harry is a PGK of our Council and the state emergency coordinator.
The Acuna Family
Alex was our longtime family chairman, and is still very active in the parish as is his family. Recently, he and his family arranged for the entire parish to enjoy ice cream after the 11AM mass.
The Cesar Peralta Family
Cesar and his son Francisco have been faithfully helping out at our Sunday Morning Fellowship. Cesar is a longtime council member, and his son Francisco is a Squire.
The Philip Phan Family
Phillip recently became a squires counsellor and his children serve nearly every week at mass, sometimes multiple masses. The family is super active in our parish.
John and Barb Meyer
John and Barb are always being here and always taking part – whether it is setup, sales, cooking, taking money, whatever needs to be done.
David and Jeannie Smith
David is one of our guards, handling registration at every meeting. He's also our Tamale director, always going above and beyond during Tamale sales. Jeannie is at every pancake breakfast, selling tickets.
The White Family
Ricky can be found at nearly every KC event, most often helping with Sunday Fellowship and Pancake Breakfasts. He and his son Jimmy spent a long Saturday helpin to install new light strings on the star mounted to the side of the Church so it would be ready for "Light Up for Christ".
Pat and Patricia Haney
DGK Pat and his wife Patricia are active in many aspects of parish life. Patricia is a Eucharistic Minister, a member of the Stephen Ministry, and works with Vision Food Share.
Bob and Carol Faulkner
Bob and Carol are active in numerous ways across the Knights and Ladies Auxiliary. He chairs our community events, and has been successful at assuring Knight participation in our quarterly blood drives. Carol has been active in making sure the rosary is covered before masses, having covered two in just the last month alone.
Bob and Betty Wise
Bob and Betty are normally at most of our events. One may entertain at a breakfast table while the other helps with ticket sales or they both may grace your table at the Corporate Communion meal and help entertain the entire table with their stories or they may supervise the cooking and feeding of the Golden Saints.
Phil and Vasser Muscat
Phil and Vasser are deeply involved in our parish, with Phil being both parish manager and our Chancellor.
Don and Isabelle Shaver
Our family of the month can typically be seen at just about every Sunday morning fellowship. He stepped up to coordinate the schedule and she has been seen behind the table assisting with the distribution of Holes and drinks. Our Family of the Month is Don and Isabelle Shaver.
John and Barb Meyer
Bill and Nancy Bryan
Ron and Haydee Kwiat
Ron and Haydee work tirelessly for the Council and Parish, most recently with the Fall Festival committee.
The Desmit Family
Jim and Sharon are instrumental in the pro-life efforts of our council. Jim and Sharon are depicted in the right side on the picture.
The John Meyer Family
Bob & Betty Wise
Bob & Betty are at nearly every KC event, Bob chairs the golden saints luncheon and fisher house, as well as helping out in nearly every event.
David & Jeanie Smith
David has stepped up to be our Fundraising Co-Chair, and Jeanie is involved with many things at All Saints such as being a Eucharistic Minister
The Milliken Family
Larry and Stephanie Milliken are active in the parish with the Bread Run and Lenten Dinners.
The Pancake Prep Crew
The pancake breakfast crew shows up each Friday before the Sunday breakfast to prep all the food for the coming event. Their hard work is invaluable to one of our Council's signature events. Pictured L-R are - Rex Phillips, John and Barb Meyer, Stan Tax, John Leffingwell, and Doug Hakala. Missing from the photo are Jim and Shirley Sammons.
Roger & Mary Klotz Family
Roger is our former Advocate, is a 4th degree Knight, delivers tamales and gets our sales permit from the city of Dallas. He's a most Patriotic person in charge of the disposal of flags along with Mary who is a member of our Auxiliary.
Alex Acuña Family
The Family of The Month for October put together our first high school tailgate party when the Bishop Lynch Friars came to play John Paul II Cardinals at JPII in Plano. This is a part of a more robust Family program this year for our council. They were also instrumental in organizing our family dinner outings following Corporate Communions. The family of the month for October is the Alex Acuña Family (pictured at left during the October tailgate party).
The Fall Fest Committee
Each Year the Fall Festival brings together all the organizations and ministries of the Parish to put on an event that includes music, food, beer, wine, games, BINGO and a live and silent auction. The Fall Fest Committee unites our Parish Families for a weekend of Fun and Fellowship. I am proud to recognize Chairwoman MacKenzie Triana, and the Fall Fest Committee as our Family of the Month for September.
Felix Sanny Family
Most Saturday mornings after the 9:00 AM Mass, Felix and his family join Jack Falloure and others to pray the Rosary for Life nearby one of the abortion clinics in Dallas. I am proud to recognize Felix (pictured at right) and his family as our August Family of the Month.
Dominguez Family
Elizabeth and Henry planned the VBS Dinner held at the All Saints School. They coordinated the prep and serving of the meal and pot luck dishes brought by the families of the students who attended the Vacation Bible School. Our council provided 500 hot dogs and buns and chips for the VBS Dinner. Pictured at left are Oliva and Elizabeth Dominguez who worked the VBS dinner.
Deacon Denis and Denise Simon
Denis celebrated his 30th anniversary as Deacon in June. We joyfully celebrated his anniversary with his wife Denise and their children and grandchildren. For their dedication to All Saints, Denis and Denise Simon are our family of the month for June.
Jerry and Laura Cayce
Laura and Jerry are active members of our parish. Laura sings in the 11:00 AM Choir on Sunday Morning, is a Lector and is active in both the All Saints Women’s Association and our Ladies Auxiliary. Jerry takes pictures all around the parish and at our meetings.
Jason and Shannon Raisins
Jason and Shannon Raisins can be seen helping with our monthly pancake breakfast and were part of the team devoting many hours working at the Country Store at the State Convention.
Michael and Elizabeth Horsley
Michael and Elizabeth worked together to put on a special Saturday morning Safe Environment program for people who could not attend a Safe Environment Training during the week. Two individuals made their initial Safe Environment Training and approximately 25 others updated their Safe Environment Training.
All Saints Funeral Reception Ministry
Each month, in fact on some occasion, maybe multiple times a week, the Funeral Reception Ministry is called upon to support the family of a loved one who has died by providing a reception after the funeral here at All Saints. Ministry chair Terri Gorman accepted the award on behalf of the Funeral Ministry “Family”.
Rex and Addie Phillips
The Knights of Columbus offers suggestions for determining the Family of the Month. Does the family pray and attend Mass together? Has the family made significant contributions to the Church, community and/or council? Does the family enjoy one another’s company? Does the family communicate openly and honestly? Does the family spend time together? Our selection for the month of December is Rex and Addie (pictured above, right) who recently celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary with their family and friends. They are active in the parish and community and are a great example of a loving family.
Bob and Betty Wise
Bob and Betty Wise (pictured receiving the Family of the Month Award from DGK Stan Tax) have been active with Knights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary. They have been working with Fisher House, Saints Alive, Golden Saints, and Ladies Day of Reflection to name just a few. Please join me in thanking Bob and Betty for their contributions to the council and our parish.
Bernie and Shirley Crotty
Bernie and Shirley were among the founding members of our parish and as we celebrate our 40th Anniversary as a parish, they are a great example of the families who came together to build the All Saints Catholic Community.
Bob and Kathy McDermott
As part of our 40th Anniversary as a parish, a number of different activities have been planned. The pictures along the hall from the sanctuary to the Kamel Life Center have been printed by Bob and Kathy coordinated the 40 acts of kindness that resulted in delivering 24 boxes of books (over 1200 books), 60 Walmart Gift Cards, 600+ pairs of children’s underwear and socks, 50 pairs of tennis shoes, 400+ composition books, and 25 classrooms worth of pencils. Over 400 students at Prestonwood will benefit from the generosity of the All Saints Community!
Kocian Family
Thomas and Cindy Kocian instilled a very faith based love of family in their children, each attended ASCS.
Throughout the whirlwind and worldwide activities involving Madison’s gymnastic pursuits, the family always took out the time to attend mass and nurture their faith. They are a prime example of a good Catholic family.
Jeff and Anne Stuart
The Family of the month is actively involved both the Ladies Auxiliary and the Council. In July we were asked to help out with the VBS Closing Dinner. This family helped to setup the serving line and serve the families who attended the closing dinner. The family of the month for July is Ann and Jeff Stuart.
Ladies Auxiliary of Lumen Christi Council
The Ladies Auxiliary supports our Council, Our Church and our Families. They provide the deserts for our monthly community meal before our business meeting. They help out with our Pancake Breakfasts, Corporate Communions, Fisher House, and more. This year as in years past they also made our prepared our dining area with table clothes, table decorations, and all the things necessary to the space welcoming and comfortable for the evening to come. In appreciation for all they do for our Council, our Church Community and our Families, I am proud to present the Family of the Month for the Month of June to the Lumen Christi Ladies Auxiliary.
Randy & Jo King
Mike and Rosemary Greene
Bob and Betty Wise
John and Barb Meyer
Jim and Shirley Sammons
Jerry & Laura Caycee
Jerry and Laura are the family of the month for all the work they do for our parish. Jerry has volunteered to photograph many of the Knights events.
Jim & Sharon DeSmet
Jim and Sharon are our family of the month for their continuing work to protect the unborn.
Roger & Mary Klotz
Roger and Mary are our family of the month for chairing the Patriotic Event.
Thomas and Carissa Moos
Thomas Moos is a new member of our council, but he has quickly gotten involved. Thomas, his wife Carissa, and their two daughters participated in the Hike for Life. Thomas and his daughters also helped with the pancake breakfast. The Moos family is a great example of how new members can involve their whole family in Knights events.
Jeff and Ann Yeargan
Jeff and Ann Yeargan were selected as the family of the month. Jeff is an officer in our council and regularly assists with tamale sales, serving coffee and donuts, and assisting with other council events. Jeff and Ann both serve as ushers and often work together on major parish events.
Jim and Sharon DeSmet
Jim and Sharon DeSmet Jim and Sharon are the Respect Life parish coordinators and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. Every Saturday they lead a group of Knights and All Saints parishioners in a rosary and prayers to end abortion at one of the local abortion clinics. Jim also serves as our Council Pro-life Director and Sharon is an active member of the Ladies Auxiliary of Lumen Christi.
Bill and Ann Fox
Bill and Ann Fox. Bill was the first Grand Knight of our Council when it was charter 10 years ago. Ann is a past President of the Ladies Auxiliary. Bill and Ann continue to be active members of our Council. They help with pancake breakfasts, ticket sales, and attend most Council events. We are pleased to recognize Bill and Ann for their past and current service to our Council.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This month we recognized the great work the St. Vincent de Paul Society does for the less fortunate in our parish and those members of the Council or its Auxiliary who are members of the group. The Society is led by Vera Richard. Vera is an active member of the Ladies Auxiliary, ASWO, Vision Food Share, and is a Eucharistic Minister. We also recognized the contributions of our Brothers, Bernie Ehrler (past Society President) and Myron Olson (Society member and Lumen Christi Council Charity Committee Chairman). EDITOR’S NOTE: Although not officially recognized with the award, our Grand Knight Harry Storey is also a Society member.
Dominguez Family
Henry and Elizabeth are in charge of the engaged couple preparation program at our parish. They also worked together on the Fall Festival. Henry is an active member our council and the Assembly were he serves on the Color Corps. Their two children, Olivia and Andrew, attend All Saints Catholic School.
Chip and Gail Entringer
Chip and Gail lead the marriage preparation program at All Saints. Chip is active in the music ministry and plays in the band at many Knights events. Chip is a charter member of our Council and Gail is an active member in the Ladies Auxiliary. We are pleased to recognize Chip and Gail as the Family of the Month for August.
Randy and Jo King
Randy and Jo are active members of our parish. They work together in the parish library, Vision Food Share, Golden Saints, and Ministry for Persons with Disabilities. Randy helped establish the scholarship program and served as its chair for several years. Jo is an active member of the Ladies Auxiliary. We are pleased to recognize Randy and Jo as the Family of the Month for July.
Mark, Christina, and Tommy Greim.
The Greims are active parishioners at All Saints. Mark was Family Director last year, is active in the ACTS Retreats, and regularly attends Eucharistic Adoration. Tommy graduated from All Saints School and will attend Jesuit High School. He is a member of the Squires. At the family picnic, Christina and Tommy assisted Mark with the setup and running of the successful event.
None Awarded
Harry and Jan Storey
The Family of the Month for April is Harry and Jan Storey (pictured at right). Harry has been very supportive to the Grand Knight over the last two years, something that would not have been possible without the support of Jan. Outside of the council Harry and Jan are very active in our community both with The Society of St Vincent de Paul and the Catholic Pro Life Committee.
Jim and Shirley Sammons
Whether it is preparing for the pancake breakfast or Lenten meals this family can always be counted on to be there to help, even when Cheese Blintz are on the menu. They provide us all with a great example of service to our Council and parish. The Family of the Month for April is Jim & Shirley Sammons.
Jeff and Anne Stuart
The family of the month for February is awarded to Jeff and Anne Stuart. They were nominated by the council for their dedication to supporting the hospitality provided by the council at our weekly coffee and donuts service (Jeff) and ensuring the success of this year’s Ladies Day of Refection (Anne). They are an example to all for the many hours of dedication they give to serving our council, the parish and community.
Jim and Sharon DeSmet
The month of January focuses us one of the key pillars of the order, our support for the right to life, as we mark the anniversary of Roe vs Wade. The work to end the evil of abortions, however, continues throughout the year and at All Saints this is due in no small part to the efforts of our Family of the Month for January. Jim & Sharon DeSmet continue to ensure that we are focused on this great task throughout the year and without them we would not have as strong a pro-life focus in both our Parish and Council.
None Awarded
The Ladies Auxiliary
The Family of the Month for November is awarded to the Ladies Auxiliary who without their continued support we would not be able to achieve half of what we do as a Council. This group supports all of the projects and events of our Council and a number of them also support other ministries of the parish as well.
None Awarded
Lee and Mary Jayne Ringham
The Family of the Month for September have both served the council in significant roles in the last few years both in the Ladies Auxiliary, as President, and as our Safe Environment coordinator for the last few years. Lee and Mary Jane Ringham have been very active in our council family since Lee first joined our Council. Lee is stepping down to focus his time on Mary Jane. We send our prayers and wish her a speedy recovery.
Chance and Lacey Barkley
Our Family of the Month for August is one of the newest “families” in our Council. The recently married Chance and Lacey Barkley (pictured far right during the reception for Fr. Tony) were instrumental in the success of our Movie ‘Knight’ for the Teens (see related article on page 9). It is great to see our younger members step up and demonstrate their commitment to both our council and the parish as a whole.
None Awarded
Barb and John Meyer
John and Barb Meyer (receiving award at right) were the Family of the Month for April. They have been very active organizing many events for both the council and parish. Recently they ensured that the receptions for Richard Nelson and the Easter Vigil both came off without a hitch. A number of council members also nominated them, making the selection very simple.
Ladies Auxiliary of Lumen Christi Council
March's Family of the Month went to a very deserving group of ladies without whom our Council could not accomplish half the things we do. The Ladies Auxiliary (as shown at right during their meeting in April) are an example to us all of answering the call to Service.
Deacon Richard and Sherry Nelson
As Richard himself said at the outset of his journey this was not simply a calling that he had to answer but also one that his family needed to journey with him. Without the support of his wife Sherry and the rest of the Nelson family, this is not something he would have succeeded in doing. Therefore it is only right that our family of the month is the Nelson Family.
Don and Isabelle Shaver
Don and Isabelle have demonstrated what active family participation means in our parish life. Don is a key member of the leadership of our Sunday Morning Fellowship program and ensures that we provide a welcoming environment to all our fellow parishioners. Isabelle is active in a number of activities supporting the good of the parish. These include the All Saints Women’s Organization and Help Your Neighbor Sunday to name only two
The Fuld Family
Keeping in mind that a "Family of the Month" does not necessarily mean doing a bunch of stuff for the council...but more importantly, the Family of the Month should provide an example of Catholic family life. The family of Casey and Alison Fuld are the Family of the Month for November. Casey and Alison are very active in a number of retreats held for both Men and Women throughout the year. They were staff members for previous retreats. They continue promoting ACTS retreat at a number of neighboring parishes. Casey also coordinates our overnight Eucharistic Adoration. They both assist with Religious Education on Sundays. They have two boys Joshua and Macauley and are frequent visitors during Sunday Morning Fellowship. For these reasons, we are delighted to award the Family of the Month to the Fuld Family.
Jim and Shaorn DeSmet
This year’s election is probably the most important in a generation, as it will define the right to Religious Liberty and the level of control our government can exert on the moral beliefs of its citizens. This year every vote counts and it was with that in mind our family of the month stepped forward to ensure that every parishioner who wanted to register to vote was able to do so. Therefore, for coordinating our Voter Registration effort the Family of the Month is Jim and Sharon DeSmet.
The Storey Family
After a hiatus of a couple of years, since Bill Fox sold his lake home, we held our annual Family Picnic at the end of June. The choice of location at Sandy Lake Park created an opportunity for many of our Council Families to share some fun and fellowship. This would not have been possible without the efforts of many brothers who ensured that the event was a great success. No event is ever successful without the dedicated leadership of its Chairman ensuring that all the necessary preparations are put in place. For family events this usually also means the Knights Family Director is heavily involved, therefore in recognition of the superb organization of our Family Picnic the Family of the Month for July goes to Harry and Jan Storey.
Redemptoris Mater Seminary
Roger and Mary Klotz
Many of our Knight families like to do things without any fanfare. They just do things because they feel it is the right thing to do. In addition, they do not want to be recognized for what they do. That is the case with our April 2012 Family of the Month, Roger and Mary Klotz. Roger likes to help with the Pancake Breakfast and Sunday Morning Fellowship besides his duties as an Outside Guard for the Council. He also took the time to look at conducting a fishing tournament as a way for the Council to make some money. Mary serves as Secretary/Treasurer of the Ladies Auxiliary of Lumen Christi and as a Eucharistic Minister for the parish.
Lee and Mary Jayne Ringham
During the year we have had many things going on that keep us very busy. That is also true for Lee and Mary Jayne Ringham. Mary Jayne is in her second term as President of the Ladies Auxiliary of Lumen Christi. Lee has been our Safe Environment coordinator for two years and recently worked with the parish to conduct a special Safe Environment class to help us stay current in our training, and to help two people get cleared for the first time. For their hard work and dedication to the Knights and Ladies Auxiliary, Lee and Mary Jayne Ringham are our March Family of the Month for 2012.
Jim and Shirley Sammons
Our Family of the Month for February are always available for council and church events. They participate in preparation for our Pancake Breakfasts and Lenten Dinners. They are also there for cooking and serving for these events as well as Golden Saints luncheons. In addition, the do adoration of the blessed sacrament on Wednesdays as well as doing our Overnight Adoration. They serve the church as Eucharistic Ministers and he also serves as an usher. For all they do for the council and the church, Jim and Shirley Sammons were selected our February 2012 Family of the Month.
None Selected
None Selected for January 2012
John and Barb Meyer
John and Barb Meyers were named December 2011 Family of the Month for all the many works that they do not just in December but throughout the year. However, December is a very busy month for them as John volunteered to co-chair the "Light Up For Christ" event, while both of them helped with the Golden Saints Luncheon and decorating the Parish Christmas trees. In addition, John is a member of the 11:00 AM choir while Barb is a Eucharistic Minister and also helps the 11:00 AM mass ushers when they are short of folks.
Harry and Jan Storey Family
Although Harry Storey is the Family Director for our council he has always been there to do whatever the council has needed him to do. His wife Jan is also involved with the Catholic Pro-Life Committee while son Daniel is an altar server at All Saints. One of the things we were asked by Supreme to do was to help feed the hungry during the Christmas season. Harry stepped up to chair the gathering of food at Knights functions and had Jan and Daniel very much involved in this special endeavor. For their commitment to helping the needy at this holiday season and for all their various works, the Harry Storey family is our family of the month for November 2011.
Jim and Sharon DeSmet
For Jim and Sharon DeSmet the month of October is very busy. As the council pro-life couple they were involved in the Life Chain, Hike for Life, 40 Days for Life as well as the weekly rosary at the various abortion sites in Dallas. Jim and Sharon made the 2:00 AM slot at the SW Women's Health Center every Saturday morning during the 40 Days for Life as well as coordinating the All Saints participation in the event. Jim also serves the parish as a Lector while Sharon serves as a Eucharistic Minister. For all their hard work in trying to call attention to the need to end abortion and their service to our parish they are the October 2011 Family of the Month.
Steve and Charlotte Fitzpatrick
For many the Fall Festival is a two day event but for the family of Steve and Charlotte Fitzpatrick it is a year round undertaking. This year Charlotte was the chairperson where in years past she had the help of a co-chair. Wherever you went during the Fall Festival you saw a member of the family involved in one or more aspects of the festival. For all the work that the Fitzpatrick family did all year round for our Fall Festival they were named the September Family of the Month.
None Selected for August 2011
Bob and Kathy McDermott
The Bob and Kathy McDermott family was selected "Family of the Month" for August 2011. The entire family got involved with their son Robbie as he cycled his way from Anacortes, Washington to Bar Harbor, Maine, a distance of more than 4000 miles, in 41 days. The entire family was with Robbie for all or part of his trek across the northern United States. His trip was dedicated to those who have Multiple Sclerosis and raised money for those with the disease. This summer endeavor by Robbie definitely showed what family is all about.
John and Barb Meyer
John and Barb Meyer were selected as the Lumen Christi Family of the Month for June 2011. Both helped with the Golden Saints Luncheon and the Officer Installation and Awards Banquet. In addition, Barb serves the parish as a Eucharistic Minister and is often drafted to assist with usher duties. John is a member of the 11:00 AM choir and serves as editor of the council newsletter The Beacon. They are always willing to give of their time to help our Parish, Council and Ladies Auxiliary.
Larry and Helen Brennan
Helen and Larry Brennan are involved in many activities at All Saints. Helen is President of the All Saints Women's Organization and is also involved with the Ladies Auxiliary of Lumen Christi. She is always around and willing to help in the many activities at our church. Larry serves as Membership Director for a council and spends many hours attending exemplifications as well as Admissions Committee interviews. He can usually be found at Pancake Breakfasts, Golden Saints Luncheons as well as Sunday Morning Fellowship. Their involvement at our parish earned them Family of the Month for April 2011.
Bob and Betty Wise
We have a group of families that are always involved in the
many activities of the All Saints community of faith not just
those of the Lumen Christi Council. Among them are Bob and
Betty Wise. They both have their own individual ministries
within our parish community as well. We only have to mention
an event or ask them for help to get a positive response. Bob and Betty are always
ready to pitch in and help, which is why they are the Family of the Month for February 2011.
Bob and Pat Weaver
Bob and Pat Weaver were selected as the Family of the
Month for January 2011. Pat was the chairperson for the
Ladies Day of Reflection sponsored by the All Saints Women‟s
Organization and the Ladies Auxiliary of Lumen Christi on
January 8, 2011. Bob spent that day with our brother Knight
Carl Nichols so that Carl's wife Joyce could attend the
reflection. In addition, both Bob and Pat participated in
various pro-life events during the month that allowed them
to earn their ACE wings. Bob and Pat decided to be the focal
point for providing meals to the Nichols family while Carl was in hospice.
Paul and Myra Laudt
We have a number of families that get involved in our Knights of Columbus functions as well as other church and community events. This is true for our Family of the Month for December. They gave their time to help with the both dinner and breakfast at Ronald McDonald House of Dallas. In addition, they are involved in feeding the homeless at the Austin Street Shelter. Please congratulate Paul and Myra Laudt the next time you see them.
Jim and Shirley Sammons
There are those folks that are almost always available for Knight's events as well as church events. Our Family of the Month for November was involved in our Overnight Eucharistic Adoration, Golden Saints Luncheon, Pancake Breakfast as well as their church activities. These activities include Eucharistic Adoration, being Eucharistic Ministers, being ushers as well as participating on the Stewardship Committee. Jim and Shirley Sammons are the Family of the Month.
Jim and Sharon DeSmet
Jim and Sharon DeSmet for their massive and unwavering work supporting Pro Life