Our Lady of the Rosary Council #12982




Currently there are no Knights of the Month


October 2024

Martin Ortiz-Gonzalez

Martin and his family have been heavily involved in multiple council activities, from Christmas Tree Sales, Lenten Fish Fry, CCD, Usher and most recently Diocese Mass Attendance Count. Martin and his family are closely knit into the Holy Trinity family and we feel blessed that he is a brother Knight! Congratulations!!!

September 2024

Scott and Denise Rose

Scott and Denise have both been super active members of the council and assembly. Scott is the District Deputy for District 19 and a member of the the Assembly. Denis is also always contributing the council and is an officer with the Knights Ladies Auxiliary.

July 2024


March 2024


February 2024


May 2023

Newton Family

Brother Knight Mike Newton and his family are recognized as Our Lady of the Rosary Council’s Family of the Month for the Month of May 2023. Brother Newton contributed to the Council and Community by playing a key leadership role with the Saint Lucy Food Drive. He also supported the Parish’s Donut Sunday and volunteered to pick up and cook food for the Homeschoolers end-of-year picnic. He serves as an usher as well. During the month, Brother Mike Newton clearly demonstrated the Knights of Columbus values of Charity, Unity and Fraternity.

July 2022


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April 2022

Dan Platt

Dan Platt and his wife Karen are recognized as Our Lady of the Rosary Council’s Family of the Month for April 2022. Brother Platt and his family has provided outstanding service to the Council, Parish and Community. He has served as our Council’s lead cook and deep fryer coordinator for our annual Lenten Fish Fry. For seven years now, he has diligently cooked in the rain, snow, sleet, wind and even occasionally, beautiful Spring sunshine! And no matter the conditions he has been cheerful and professional to all. Brother Knight Dan Platt and his family demonstrate the Knights of Columbus values of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism

March 2022

Joe Beres

The Council recognizes Sir Joseph Beres, Trustee, his wife Terri and their three children including a son, an ordained Catholic Priest, Father Kevin Beres, Pastor of Saint Peters Catholic Church in Washington, Virginia, Daughter Elisa who is a Neurosurgeon, and Son Brian, a Teacher at Wakefield Country Day School in Huntly, Virginia. Joseph is a steadfast contributor to the council volunteering for multiple events, especially as our Grilled Cheese Chef during the Lenten Fish Fry’s!

February 2022

Richard and Paula Crete

The Council recognizes Rick and Paula Crete as the Family of the Month for February 2022. They have been members of the Parish Community since 2018 and are a mentor couple for the Marriage Ministry. They have two grown children; a daughter Sarah Finley who resides in Dike Virginia and is a Home School Teacher and daughter Jessica Crete who resides in Atlanta Georgia and is a Manager. Rick also runs The Kings Men (TKM) group out of Woodbridge.

January 2022

Michael Newton

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November 2021

Scott Myles

The Council recognized Sir Knight Scott Myles, his Wife Cindy and their three daughters, Jessica, Pamela and Samantha for their contributions to the Parish Community. Scott has served the Council as a Guard, Warden Chancellor, Membership Director and Webmaster.

October 2020


The Council recognizes Sir Tim Lamb, his wife Raedene and four children -- 2 of which are legacy Knights: Brent (43) whom is a Knight, married and has 2 children in Nebraska; Bradley (41) is also a Knight with 3 children in Texas; Blake (39), married lives in Missouri; and Brittany (34), lives here in Haymarket Virginia and mother of one child as our model Catholic family for October! The Lamb family is generous to their Parish and council with their time, talent and treasure. Tim is a Sir Knight and Chancellor for Our Lady of the Rosary Council. He has been the most active and succesful chancellor any of us have witnessed. He is also an active Fourth Degree Knight and usher here at Holy Trinity! Tim has participated in almost every event we have had the last few years. His wife of 44 years, Radene, supports multiple charitable activities to include local food banks and is an active member of the Dominion Women's Club. We wish and pray for the continued success of the Lamb family as they continue spiritual and physical growth and are our model Catholic family for October 2020! Vivat Jesus!

September 2020


The Council recognizes Sir Knight Craig Pascoe, his wife Diana and six children: Stephen (20), John (19), Brian (17), Christopher (15), Paul (13), and Nicholas (10) as a model Catholic family! The Pascoe family attends Mass together, spends quality time together and is generous to their Parish and council with their time, talent and treasure. Craig is a Sir Knight and Recorder in the Our Lady of the Rosary Council. Diana home schools their boys and is the Treasurer for the Holy Trinity Homeschooler Academic Classes. We wish and pray for the continued success of the Pascoe family as they continue spiritual and physical growth and are our model Catholic family fo August 2020! Vivat Jesus!

August 2020


The Council recognizes Sir Knight Jeremy Kelly, his wife Rachel and seven children: Teresa (12), Gabriel (10), Benjamin (8), Joshua (6), Catherine (4), Nathaniel (2), and Patrick (x months) as a model Catholic family! The Kelly family attends Mass together, spends quality time together and is generous to their Parish and council with their time, talent and treasure. We wish and pray for the continued success of the Kelly family as they continue spiritual and physical growth and are our model Catholic family fo August 2020!

July 2020


The Ocilka family includes Brother George T. Ocilka, his wife Cindy and three children: SK George J. Ocilka; Jacqueline; and Richard. Brother George T. has been a Knight since 2000 and with his wife Cindy have made great contributions to our Catholic faith, Parish and Council. As founding members of our Parish George T. was on the building committee and designed/installed the original CCTV system for Holy Trinity. He also designed our huge, very heavy, outdoor Nativity scene and led the annual assembly/diasembly. With his son, and SK George J., they ushered at the 7AM Sunday Mass each week as long as any of us can remember. SK George T. (Brother since 2000) supported just about every event from out door Christmas tree sales to fish fries and was our Outside Guard for years. While raising her Catholic family and Knights Cindy serviced the parish devotional candles around the many statues in our sactuary. We wish and pray for the continued success of the Ocilka family as they relocate to Boiling Springs, SC where they will continue to be a model Catholic family! Vivat Jesus!

November 2016

Scott and Denise Rose

Scott and Denise came to all of the masses and sold out the Knights Christmas cards. This was a great idea to have them at all of the masses. Also, as it turns out, the cards were well received, and will become a new function for future years. We will also make the cards available in the Christmas Tree Shed.

August 2016

Ed and Kathy Schulze

Ed and Kathy have been very involved in the 4th degree since Ed’s Knighthood. Kathy is also on the Ladies Council of the 4th Degree. They both were a great help, and stayed late into the night working at the People’s Banquet in Woodbridge. Sarah and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their help with the dinner. We served 150 meals!