Father Francis Syrianey Council #12567




January 2025

Joseph Snow

Knights of Columbus Council 12567 is extremely proud to recognize our Worthy Treasurer, Joseph Snow, as Knight of the Month for January 2025. There is a no-more dedicated Knight of Columbus than our worthy Brother Joe. It is difficult to put into words the contribution he has made to our Council since he joined us in 2002. To avoid this reading like a lifetime achievement award, it is important to focus on the immediate past. Brother Joe spent much of 2024 in excruciating pain, having great difficulty walking. During that time, he continued to attend meetings fulfilling his duties as our Worthy Treasurer. Following a successful surgery, Joe continually improved and decided to make up for lost time. He once again took responsibility for leading the Craft Fair BBQ lunch at the end of October. Up until cooking time, Joe was a one-man crew, planning, shopping, and getting food and beverages to the site, as well as tents and all supplies. Joe was the last to leave as he helped to put tables away. Again in December and January, Joe was very active in breakfast set-up, collecting money and providing a final report within two days. Joe is currently serving on the Fish Fry Committee, where he has already priced all items from various sources, providing critical input to our shopping and pricing decisions. Those who work closely with Joe know that he is the most dependable member of our Council. It is the utmost honor to present to Sir Knight Joseph Snow this long overdue recognition. He is the finest example of what it means to be a Knight of Columbus.

December 2024

Mike Cochran

We would like to nominate Sir Knight Mike Cochran as Knight of the Month for December 2024. Brother Mike led the safety and security efforts in connection with the Healing the Whole Person retreat hosted at Light of the World on December 5-7. Mike led a team of Safe Sanctuary and Brother Knight volunteers, providing parking lot assistance and monitoring and securing the LOTW facility. Brother Mike is an exemplary Knight of Columbus. He is a consistent volunteer in our Council’s activities and causes, including our Council’s Parish Breakfasts and Fish Fry Dinners as well as our Tootsie Roll drive. Brother Mike approaches these activities in a calm and friendly manner, and always represents our virtues of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Brother Mike serves the Parish as a member of our 8am Sunday Mass Safe Sanctuary team. Due to his dedication to LOTW and to Council #12567, SK Mike Cochran is hereby recognized and selected as the Knight of the Month for December 2024. Brother Mike is an inspiration to us all and is truly worthy of this award.

November 2024

George Schoenecker

October 2024

Jim Fritz, Caleb Leake and Roland Carillo

September 2024

Mike Worley

August 2024

John Eiler

We would like to nominate Sir Knight John Eiler as Knight of the Month for August 2024. Brother John has been a Knight since 1978 and has been a founding member of multiple Knights’ Councils and has been a long-time members of our Council, making a significant impact over many years. John is a long-time member of our Respect Life 5K leadership team, helping to organize and publicize the event. John was responsible for securing two of the most critical food and drink items for the event – bottled water and breakfast sausage! John also manages the 5K website and every year can be seen running around on race day to support all activities to ensure that the race is a success. Brother John serves as the webmaster for our Council website, ensuring that content and access right permissions are current and accurate. John volunteers for and participates in many of our Council’s activities and causes, including our Council’s Parish Breakfasts and Fish Fry Dinners. Brother John is a long-time parishioner at Light of the World and can be found many afternoons during the school year picking up grandkids at Shaffer Elementary – I see him there often! Due to his enthusiasm and dedication to LOTW and to Council #12567, SK John Eiler is hereby recognized and selected as the Knight of the Month for August 2024. John is an inspiration to us all and is truly worthy of this award.

July 2024

Sean O'Hara

SK Sean O'Hara has been involved in a leadershiop role in two of our most significant summer activities. Sean is a member of the Respect Life 5K leadership team, helping to organize and publicize the event. Sean created and was the voice of the video shown at LOTW Masses and distributed to nearby parishes to promote the 5K and our Council's ultrasound initiative. The 2024 5K event was a tremendous success! Sean has also led our new family games event that will premier at the end of summer Parish Back 2 School Bash. Sean is an active participant in our Council's events and he and his family have been active LOTW parishioners for many years.

June 2024

Bill Mele

May 2024

Chet Miller

April 2024

Matt Stieren

March 2024

Tom McKibben

February 2024

Caleb Leake

January 2024

Wayne Ives

May 2022

Pat Fiore

GK announced Pat Fiore is the Knight of the Month for May 2022. Pat participates in almost all council events, including fish fry dinners, parish breakfasts and Coffee House. The GK awarded Chris Barrett his certificate as Knight of the Month for April 2022. Chris joined the knights many years ago and recently was married to his wife, Mary, moved to LOW and reinstated his membership in our Order. He worked the fish fry dinners and stayed to ensure proper cleanup was completed.

October 2021

Bob Knueven

Bob Knueven is the Knight of the Month for October 2021. Bob is a council Lecturer and past President of the LOW Men’s Club. He is a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He works the 5K races, breakfasts and fish fry dinners and is a Lector at the 10:00 AM Sunday Masses.

September 2021

Dan Muldoon

August 2021

SK Mike Gatschet

July 2021

SK John Bullock, Jr.

May 2021

Mike Egan

April 2021

SK Ted Hand Jr

March 2021

Al Nemes

January 2021

Deacon Rick Montagne

December 2020

SK Joseph Snow

November 2020

Troy Bosco

October 2020

Dan Meyer

We would like to nominate Sir Knight Dan Meyer as Knight of the Month for October 2020. Since his induction into the Knights just a few short years ago, Brother Dan has participated in most of our council’s activities and causes. He has volunteered his time to the Tootsie Roll Drives, Lenten Fish Fry Dinners, Parish Breakfasts, Community Sundays, Thanksgiving and Easter Food Box Drives, and setting up the course for the Respect Life 5K. Brother Dan is a regular volunteer at Carron Coffee House, so much so that he became a Board member. In addition, Brother Dan has been chairman of the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, the Youth Soccer Challenge, the bi-annual Highway Clean-Up, and the Knights Football Crazr Fund Raiser for the past two years. He has volunteered to lead the Knight’s parish Rosary on the 2nd Saturday of each month and he personally secured and assembled a regulation soccer goal for this year’s Soccer Challenge. Brother Dan serves as our council’s Warden and is also the Faithful Pilot for Assembly 3300 at Light of the World Roman Catholic Church. Brother Dan is a frequent and generous supporter of the parish Food Pantry and has served in the Safe Sanctuary Ministry for 3 years. Brother Dan is always finding ways to be of service to his brother Knights, their families, and the parishioners of Light of the World, thus exemplifying the Knights motto of “In Service to One, In Service to All”. His efforts and dedication to the principles of the Knights of Columbus is of the highest order and sets a standard that all Knights should strive for. In recognition of Brother Dan’s efforts and leadership in our Order’s mission, and for his outstanding example of putting our Order’s principles into action, Brother Dan is our very deserving Knight of the Month for October 2020.

August 2020

SK Paul Patricca

July 2020

Dan Muldoon

April 2020

SK Pat Fiore

March 2020

SK James Sirhall

December 2019

Bob Kreger

November 2019

Dan Meyer

October 2019

Jerry Natale

We would like to nominate Brother Gerald “Jerry” Natale as Knight of the Month for October 2019. Brother Jerry will soon be approaching his 40th anniversary of being inducted into the Knights. Brother Jerry has volunteered at many of our Council’s activities and causes. Some of these are the Knight’s breakfasts, Lenten Fish Fry dinners, the Respect Life 5K, Carron Coffee House, the annual Tootsie Roll Drive, of which he has been the event co-chair for the past three years. As a past Grand Knight, he understands the importance of lending support to fellow Knights in their efforts to perform our first principle, Charity, and does so with a tremendous sense of humor and good nature that provides a contagious atmosphere of good will for all involved. In addition to his work with the Knights, Brother Jerry provides his leadership and time to the St. Vincent DePaul Society, the members of which work diligently to provide for our brothers and sisters in need of assistance and a temporary hand up. He recently coordinated and spearheaded the inaugural and successful Peach Sales Drive, which generated thousands of dollars to be used for a variety of charitable gifts in assistance of those that need it most. Brother Jerry is a living example of “Charity”. He is and example of tireless dedication to the principles of our Order and is a shining example of a Knight and a Catholic Gentleman. In recognition of his of his outstanding efforts and involvement with our Council’s work, Brother Jerry is worthy of this award and has embraced our Council’s and Order’s principles whole heartedly, always being of service to his brother Knights and brothers and sisters in the parish and surrounding community. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

September 2019

Bob Knueven

August 2019

Sean O'Hara

July 2019

Michael McBride

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate Sir Knight Mike McBride as Knight of the Month for July 2019. There may not be a job, service, or duty Mike has not done. A stalwart fixture at virtually every council and Knight event over the course of his tenure with the Knights. Mike has been a co-chair for the manpower intensive and extremely successful Fish Fry Dinners during the Lenten Season. Whether it be shopping, Thursday Prep, the Fish Fry Dinner, or the unpleasant task of clean-up, Mike has done it all, leading the way and outworking scores of other brothers. Aside from putting in countless hours on the Fish Fry Dinners, Mike is a co-chair of the Knight’s Breakfasts for years. Often doing the shopping, prep, breakfast and clean up, possible putting in more hours than several other brothers combined. Under his leadership the breakfasts have been extremely successful, providing our council with the ability to make donations to a wide variety of charitable causes. All attributable to his efforts. Mike has lent his time and talents to the Food Box Drives, the Highway Clean Ups, the annual Tootsie Roll Drive, the Senior and Parish barbeques, Community Sundays, the Respect Life 5k, and countless other council activities. Mike is a productive member of the all the degree teams, traveling around the state of Colorado inducting Brother Knights into their Major Degrees, as well as their 1st Degree Exemplifications right here at council 12567. A past Grand Knight and retired Law Enforcement Officer who dedicated decades of service to his community, council, parish and fellow man, Mike is truly deserving of this recognition. In recognition of his of his continuing outstanding efforts and involvement with our Council’s work, Brother Mike is worthy of this award and should be recognized, and could be, every month. Brother Mike would be a #1 draft pick for any Knight’s Council, and a first ballot Hall of Famer. Brother Mike has embraced our Council’s and Order’s principles whole heartily and has always been available to be of service to others. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

June 2019

Matt Traver

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate Sir Knight Brother Matt Traver as Knight of the Month for June 2019. Brother Matt has been a Knight since 2010. Brother Matt has volunteered or chaired/co-chaired most of our Council’s activities and programs. Brother Matt has co-chaired our Tootsie Roll Drive for several years, working multiple shifts every weekend. He chairs the council’s Food for Families program, working closely with the food pantry, especially during the collection of food boxes during Thanksgiving and Easter. Brother Matt also spearheads the “4o cans for Lent” program, encouraging Knights and Parishioners alike to donate a can of food per day during Lent. He is a regular at the parish Breakfasts and Fish Fry’s, especially during pre-meal preparation and post event clean-up, when help is needed the most. Brother Matt is also co-chair for the Respect Life 5K, pounding the pavement for sponsors, while making sure all other aspects of the race are “running” smoothly. He is a mainstay at Community Sunday, helping with set-up and especially take down, sometimes single handedly, after Sunday evening mass. Brother Matt can be found twice a year walking down Kipling St., picking up trash during our bi-annual Highway Clean-up. He has also assisted moving elderly or disabled parishioners and Knights and their families . Brother Matt has been a member of Safe Sanctuary for many years. Initially a co-captain at 8:00 am mass, he switched to captain the 5:00 pm Sunday night Safe Sanctuary team when he found out that they were in dire need of help. Brother Matt is not only dedicated to all four of the founding principles of our Order, he lives these principles every day, proving that actions are louder than words. In council circles, he is considered a “Knight’s Knight”. In recognition of his outstanding efforts and involvement with our Council’s programs and activities, Brother Matt is more than worthy of this award as he could win it every month. His dedication to service to others is second to none, and as such, we recognize Sir Knight Brother Matt Traver as Knight of the Month for June 2019. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

May 2019

Ted Hand, Jr.

April 2019

Fuzzy Jensen

March 2019

Frank Seagren

We would like to nominate Sir Knight Frank Seagren as Knight of the Month for March 2019. Brother Frank has volunteered for and participated in virtually all our Council’s activities and causes. Brother Frank volunteers for multiple shifts, every year, in support of our annual Tootsie Roll Drive. Just a few of the other activities Brother Frank volunteers for include our Council’s Breakfasts, Fish Fry Dinners, Community Sundays, and the annual Respect Life 5K, at which he is also a member of our Knights team. His vital role as the chairman of quarterly Blood Drives, in association with Children’s Hospital, has provided crucial blood related medical procedures to thousands of sick children that will never know the name of their generous benefactor, but whose families are extremely grateful. Brother Frank is also member of the various Light of the World Choirs, and has been a Cantor at Masses for years, leading the congregations in prayer. He is a member of the LOW Downs music group that has entertainingly and generously provided their talents to both Knight and parish events, such as, Light the Way to Christmas, the annual parish barbeque and the Knight’s Christmas Parties. Brother Frank is an example of sustained excellence during his tenure in the Knights. He has proven dedication to all four of the founding principles of our Order. He is the epitome of putting those principles into action and shining example of what every Knight should strive to be. His contributions are too numerous to mention entirely. In recognition of his of his continuing outstanding efforts and involvement with our Council’s work, Brother Frank is worthy of this award and should be recognized, and could be, every month. Brother Frank has embraced our Council’s and Order’s principles whole heartedly and has always been available to be of service to others.

February 2019

Jim Heimer

We would like to nominate Sir Knight James “Jim” Heimer as Knight of the Month for February 2019. Brother Jim has been a Knight for almost 36 years. Brother Jim has volunteered at almost all our Council’s activities and causes. Brother Jim can be found in the kitchen during the Knight’s breakfast and fish fry events, always toiling away with a sense of humor that lightens the atmosphere for all those around him. Brother Jim was instrumental in organizing our Council’s participation in Wreaths Across America for 2018. He has been the spearhead in designing and acquiring flyers and signs for the Knight’s Respect Life 5K and our membership drive events. Brother Jim even personally designed and purchased the sign that is displayed at Light of the World, advertising our Respect Life 5K to the south Jeffco community. At which, Brother Jim was the anchor to the 2nd Place Knight’s team representing our Council for 2018. He has provided his labors to shoveling incapacitated brother’s sidewalks and driveways in the winter and assisted with the landscaping work at what will be the Light of the World rectory. Brother Jim has also been a long-standing member of the Safe Sanctuary Ministry, and serves with dedication, devotion and humility. Brother Jim is an example of sustained excellence during his tenure in the Knights. He has proven dedication to all four of the founding principles of our Order. He is the epitome of putting those principles into action and shining example of what every Knight should strive to be. In recognition of his of his continuing outstanding efforts and involvement with our Council’s work, Brother Jim is worthy of this award and has embraced our Council’s and Order’s principles whole heartedly, always being available to be of service to his brother Knights and fellow parishioners.

January 2019

Joe Francis

Sir Knight Joe Francis was named Knight of the Month for January 2019 at the business meeting on January 29. Joe has been active at many council events, including fish fry dinners, parish breakfasts, food box drives, highway cleanups, kitchen cleanups and the recent rectory landscaping project.

November 2018

Frank Humpherys

Frank Humpherys was named Knight of the Month for November.

October 2018

Dennis Reicher

GK Mike McBride presented Brother Dennis Reicher with the October 2018 Knight of the Month award (see photo from Joe Snow below).Dennis has been in charge of the Rectory landscaping project, with help from other brother knights, including Steve Haynes, Jim Heimer, Joe Francis, Al Finken and Dan Muldoon. They raked and dug a trench for a retaining wall at the Rectory. Dennis is a 4th Degree Knight who also recently assisted Brother Brian Smith with home modifications to make his house more accessible.

September 2018

Scott Jacobs

Scott Jacobs, a relatively new member of our council, was named Knight of the Month for September 2018

August 2018

John Bullock, Jr

July 2018

Al Finken

June 2018

Mike Worley

May 2018

Larry Cross

Larry Cross was honored as Knight of the Month for May 2018. Larry became a knight in 2016 and took his major degrees in 2017. Larry has been active in parish breakfasts, fish fry dinners, Memorial Mass and Confirmation Mass reception, as well as 5th Sunday Rosaries,

April 2018

Dave Brown

Dave Brown, a transfer to our council, was honored as Knight of the Month for April 2018. Dave has been active in parish breakfasts, fish fry dinners, Safe Sanctuary and participates in early hour adoration.

March 2018

Orlando "Lanny" Adelman

Orlando “Lanny” Adelman with the Colorado March Knight of the Month award. As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, Lanny has been a knight since 1958.

February 2018

Joe McInerney

Joe McInerny was named Knight of the Month for February Joe is a past Grand Knight and recently donated his time on the construction of the new kitchen storage area.

January 2018

Dan Meyer

Dan Meyer, who was named Knight of the Month for January 2018 at the January business meeting.

August 2017

Tony Juarez

Brothers of Council 12567, Father Francis Syrianey Council #12567 of Littleton, CO would like to honor its August 2017 Knight of the Month. This brother joined the Knights of Columbus in 2010 and over a fairly short period of time has grown to become a vibrant and important member of his Council and Assembly. This brother has volunteered in numerous events and activities including: Fish Fry's, Parish breakfasts, Guadalupe Dinners, Food Bank of the Rockies, multiple Tootsie Roll drives with his grandchildren, going on visits to area hospitals, and Wreathes Across America to name just a few. When there is a need for volunteers, this brother is one of the first to sign up and assist. Considering all of the events and activities this Brother has volunteered for, it is surprising that he has never been selected as Knight of the Month. This brother Knight has served in multiple leadership positions in both the Council and the Assembly. His Council positions have included Chancellor, Deputy Grand Knight, Grand Knight, and Trustee. His Assembly positions include Sentinel and Pilot. Because of his extensive history of volunteering, along with his continued level of participation, Council 12567 would like to recognize and award Sir Knight Tony Jaurez as the Knight of the Month for August 2017. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

July 2017

Jason Coon

The Knight of the Month for July 2017 is Jason Coon. This brother, his wife and family have been parishioners for several years. Jason has been a brother for only a few months. What held him back from joining the Knights were years of professional travel. When the opportunity arose for a career change, resulting in significantly less travel, he applied to be a member of the Knights of Columbus. In July the Knights held their annual picnic. The call went out for volunteers and Jason worked behind the scene, as many Knights do, to make the evening a success. He showed up at 4 pm for set-up and was quickly pressed into service in the kitchen. He quickly and expertly put his military training into play, by slicing tomatoes and other vegetable garnishments with precision. All kidding aside, Jason moved from role to role throughout the evening until closing, always asking what he could do next. He displayed the kind of attitude, energy and enthusiasm that exemplifies a true commitment to service and fraternity. We are pleased that Jason chose Council 12567 as his place to make a difference. We are delighted to recognize Jason as the Knight of the Month for July 2017. The Knight of the Month for July 2017 is Jason Coon. This brother, his wife and family have been parishioners for several years. Jason has been a brother for only a few months. What held him back from joining the Knights were years of professional travel. When the opportunity arose for a career change, resulting in significantly less travel, he applied to be a member of the Knights of Columbus. In July the Knights held their annual picnic. The call went out for volunteers and Jason worked behind the scene, as many Knights do, to make the evening a success. He showed up at 4 pm for set-up and was quickly pressed into service in the kitchen. He quickly and expertly put his military training into play, by slicing tomatoes and other vegetable garnishments with precision. All kidding aside, Jason moved from role to role throughout the evening until closing, always asking what he could do next. He displayed the kind of attitude, energy and enthusiasm that exemplifies a true commitment to service and fraternity. We are pleased that Jason chose Council 12567 as his place to make a difference. We are delighted to recognize Jason as the Knight of the Month for July 2017.

June 2017

Dan Fessler

Brothers of Council 12567, The Father Francis Syrianey Council #12567 of Littleton, CO would like to honor its June 2017 Knight of the Month. This brother joined the Knights of Columbus in 2002 and has grown to become an active and effective member of his Council and Assembly. Over the years, this brother has stood up and has chaired numerous events including: Fish Fry's, Parish breakfasts, Guadalupe Dinners, a special Parish luncheon for every Priest in the Archdiocese, Ladies Apprehension Dinners, Youth event kick-off meals, and Parish Rummage Sale Lunch Booths. When the call for volunteers has been made, this brother has worked at just about every event the council has ever done. This brother's planning skills and bargain shopping for the best quality items at the best price has benefited the council time and time again. This brother Knight has served in multiple leadership positions in both the Council and the Assembly. His past Council positions include Advocate, Deputy Grand Knight, GK. His past Assembly positions include Purser and Captain and he is the current Faithful Navigator - elect. It is for these things and more that our council would like to recognize Sir Knight Dan Fessler (member number 3823879) as the Knight of the Month for June 2017. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

May 2017

Joseph Snow

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate SK Brother Joseph Snow as Knight of the Month for May 2017. Brother Joe is a charter member of Council 12567. Presently holding the position of Advocate, he has held just about every position available in the council, including two terms as Financial Secretary and being a Past Grand Knight. Brother Joe has been a co-chair of the Lenten Fish Fry’s for the past several years. He meticulously keeps track of every volunteer hour, every dime spent, and every piece of fish consumed. The Fish Fry’s have been such a success that Council 12567 has won the State Council Service program award for two years running. Brother Joe has also been the chairman for Western Welcome Week, teaching Knights and their families how to make Cotton Candy, and selling it at Littleton’s summer festival. Brother Joe is a regular at the Parish Breakfasts, takes multiple shifts during our Tootsie Roll Drive, and is a staple at Community Sunday. Brother Joe was in charge of the registration table for the Respect Life 5K last June, handing out goodie bags and T-shirts, signing up new runners, and signing in the volunteers. Brother Joe is a regular member of our First Degree Team, acting as the Inside Guard, as well as participating in our second and fourth degree teams. Brother Joe is the Faithful Purser and a member of the Color Guard for our Assembly. The list could go on and on. And in his spare time, Brother Joe is a Eucharistic Minister at 4:30 mass on Saturday. A humble and quiet man, who prefers working behind the scenes instead of being in the spotlight, Brother Joe truly exemplifies the motto: IN SERVICE TO ONE, IN SERVICE TO ALL. For his service and dedication, K of C council 12567 awards SK Brother Joseph Snow Knight of the Month for May 2017. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

April 2017

Mike McBride

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate Brother Mike McBride as Knight of the Month for April 2017. Throughout this past Lenten Season, Brother Mike has provided countless hours, supporting many of our Council’s activities. Brother Mike stepped in as co-chair for this year’s Fish Fries. Mike not only was at every Thursday Set -Up and Friday Fish Fry from start to finish, he also assisted with the food shopping and spent hours on Saturday after the last Fish Fry, emptying and cleaning the fryers and putting the polishing touches on the clean-up of the kitchen. Brother Mike’s tireless efforts were at the forefront of helping to promote and exhibit the principles of our Order at the highest levels. Aside from putting in countless hours on the Fish Fry Dinners, Brother Mike assisted with the Easter Box Collection event. Brother Mike, as co-chair of the Knights Breakfasts, stepped up with very little notice to cover a breakfast for the Men’s Club. Not only was this task successfully completed, but proved to be one of the most successful breakfasts to date. In addition, Brother Mike has participated in the Thanksgiving Food Box collections, Highway Clean-Ups, chaired the BBQ at the Senior’s events and parish Rummage Sales, built sheds, and covered multiple Tootsie Roll shifts. Brother Mike serves as the Council’s Warden, and attends every Officers and Council Business Meeting, as well as being 4th Degree Knight. Brother Mike is a productive member of the Major degree teams, traveling around the state of Colorado inducting Brother Knights into their Major Degrees. In recognition of his continuing outstanding efforts and involvement with our Council’s work, Brother Mike is worthy of this award, and could be every month. Brother Mike would be a #1 draft pick for any Knight’s Team, and a first ballot Hall of Famer. Brother Mike has embraced our Council’s and Order’s principles whole heartily and has always been available to be of service to others. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

March 2017

Joel Zdechlick

Brother Knight Joel Zdechlik has been selected as Knight of the Month for March 2017. Brother Joel has jumped right in and volunteered for many of the Council’s events since becoming a Knight approximately one year ago. Joel is a regular fixture at Council Breakfasts and Lenten Fish Fries, busing tables, serving food, and doing whatever tasks that are needed to get the job accomplished. Brother Joel has assisted with the Guadalupe dinner and is usually found on Community Sundays, assisting his Brother Knights in Lux Mundi Hall serving grateful Parishioners. Brother Joel also took part in the Family Hour of Prayer, volunteering to lead one of the decades of the Rosary. Brother Joel is a very quiet and humble individual. He is commited to the Knights of Columbus and takes his obligations seriously. Brother Joel would not join the Knights until he was prepared to donate his time and talent to the council, knowing that he would get out of the Knights of Columbus what he put into it. Other Knights, especially those new to the council, can learn a lot from his example. In recognition of his outstanding service and dedication to the principles of the Knights of Columbus, Brother Joel Zdechlick is hereby selected by the Officers of Council 12567 as Knight of the Month for March 2017.

February 2017

Bob Bottelsen

Brothers of Council 12567, Sir Knight Bob Bottelsen has been selected as the Knight of the Month for February 2017. Brother Bob has volunteered for many of the Council’s events since becoming a Knight including, but not limited to: Council Breakfasts, Fish Fries, Highway Cleanup, the Youth Kickoff BBQ, Food boxes at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and special Council and Parish dinners. During the Mentally Handicapped Drive every year, he has worked multiple shifts, handing out Tootsie Rolls for donations. Brother Bob is also a member of the Lowdowns, entertaining at many functions put on by the Parish and the Council. Brother Bob is a very humble individual and Knights who do not get involved could learn a lot from his example. He always works quietly in the background and will do whatever he can to help both the Parish and the Knights succeed with their endeavors. Without Brother Bob’s dedication and hard work, every project the Council undertakes would be more difficult to accomplish and for this we thank you wholeheartedly. In recognition of your outstanding service and dedication to the principles of the Knights of Columbus, you are hereby awarded with Knight of the Month for February 2017. Respectfully submitted by the Officers of K of C Council 12567

January 2017

Richard Harig

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to I would like to nominate Brother Richard Harig for the month of January 2017. Brother Richard, in keeping with the spirit of service to parish, community and council, has volunteered for many council activities such as our Tootsie Roll drive and Parish breakfasts. Brother Richard also provided a service to our council at a Knights Social event with a presentation on financial matters relating to planning, savings, retirement planning, and medical and Long Term Care (LTC). Brother Richard is always willing to serve his brothers and the parish, as well as being involved in all aspects of our Order. Brother Richard continues to fill and integral role in the council, serving as our Council Treasurer, working hand in hand with the Financial Secretary and the Grand Knight. Brother Richard is worthy of this recognition and award for his efforts. He has embraced our principles vigorously and whole heartily and has made himself available to be of service to the council and all others as his schedule permits.

December 2016

Rick Brentrup

Brothers of Council 12567, Brother Rick Brentrup has been nominated as Knight of the Month for December 2016. Brother Rick is a long time member of Council 12567 and has also volunteered his time by serving and volunteering in multiple Knight Activities. Brother Rick also lends his support and expertise to the Grand Knight in his role as the Council’s Financial Secretary. Brother Rick’s activities include but are not limited to: leading the Council Highway cleanup effort for several years, volunteering for the 5 K Respect Life 5K every June, and volunteers for Parish Breakfasts and Fish Fry’s as his schedule permitted. Brother Rick has shown himself to be a dedicated Knight and works hard to represent the Knights of Columbus in a positive light not only in our parish and council, but in the community as well. We feel that in recognition of his service and position as Financial Secretary, as well as his efforts and involvement with our Council’s other endeavors, Brother Rick is worthy of this award and should be recognized for his efforts. He has embraced our Council’s and Order’s principles and continues to make himself available and to be of service to others.

November 2016

Ray Lake

Knights of Columbus Council #12567 has nominated Ray Lake as Knight of the Month for November 2016. Since becoming a Knight, Brother Ray has worked almost every council activity including Council Breakfasts, Lenten Fish Fries, Highway Cleanup, Youth kickoff, Food boxes at Easter and Thanksgiving, and Food Bank of the Rockies, just to name a few. He leads by example through his attention to detail and seeing each event to its eventual completion. For many years, Brother Ray was Chairman for the collection of Food boxes during the holidays and is still very involved, along with his wife Ilene, renting the truck and handing out the gift cards for turkeys and hams during the holidays. He is always ready and willing to assist Joe Gamarano with the needs of the parish and the poor. Brother Ray is very humble and tends to hide in the background, yet he will do whatever he can to help both the Parish and the Knights of Columbus succeed in their endeavors. Brother Knights who are afraid to get involved could learn from his example. Without his dedication and hard work, projects would be more difficult to accomplish and for this, the Council thanks him wholeheartedly. In recognition of his outstanding service and dedication to the principles of the Knights of Columbus, Council #12567 selects Brother Ray Lake as Knight of the Month for November 2016. Congratulations!

October 2016

Frank Humphries

September 2016

John Jones

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate Brother John Jones as Knight of the Month for September 2016. Brother John is a long time member of Council 12567. Brother John has volunteered his time on a variety of our Council’s activities and causes. Brother John was instrumental and headed the past year’s flag retirement ceremonies. Brother John lends his time to a wide variety of activities including, the Fish Fry’s, Knight’s Breakfasts, Coffee House, and recently came off the bench with extremely short notice to fill in a shift for this year’s Tootsie Roll Drive. Brother John has proven he is dedicated to all four of the founding principles of our Order, and is a shining example of putting those principles into action. In recognition of his of his efforts and involvement with our Council’s work, Brother John is worthy of this award and should be recognized for his efforts. He has embraced our Council’s and Order’s principles whole heartily and has always been available to be of service to others. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

August 2016

Dan Garcia

Brothers of Council 12567, Brother Dan Garcia is a recent addition to our council and the Knights of Columbus. Despite being new to the council he has jumped in where he could to get involved. He and his wife participated in the 5th Sunday Rosary for the council on July 30. The following weekend he helped with keeping refreshments stocked at community Sunday, and most recently volunteered for our council’s cotton candy booth at Western Welcome week in downtown Littleton. Dan also serves the parish as a Safe Sanctuary Minister. It is men like Dan who get involved early that set the example for others and realize the benefits of active membership in the council. It is with great appreciation for all of his efforts that we recognize Dan as our Knight of the Month for August 2016.

July 2016

Jim Heimer

Father Francis Syrianey Council #12567 would like to nominate Sir Knight James “Jim” Heimer as the Knight of the Month for July 2016. If you attend any Council events or activities, you can’t help but bump into Jim. Brother Jim is a regular at the Parish Breakfasts, Fish Fry’s, and 8:00 am Safe Sanctuary. He isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty as is shown by his participation in the kitchen cleaning project, the membership drive dinner, and as “griller extraordinaire” at the Council picnic. In addition, Jim participated in the First Communion and Confirmation receptions for the youth. In his spare time, he worked in the kitchen preparing food for the participants of the 5K prior to receiving his Fourth Degree. Brother Jim is a prime example of what all Knights should aspire to become. He unselfishly embraces our principles and makes himself available to be of service to others and is, therefore, recognized, not only as our Inside Guard, but as Knight of the Month for July 2016.

June 2016

Mike Sexton

May 2016

Dan Muldoon

April 2016

Pedro DeLeon

March 2016

Michael Hawley

February 2016

Dan Fessler

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate Brother Dan Fessler as Knight of the Month for February 2016. Brother Dan is a long time member of Council 12567, a former Grand Knight and current Trustee to the Council. Brother Dan has also volunteered his time and is a stalwart fixture at many of the Knight’s events. Brother Dan has volunteered and participated in; the Council breakfasts, Food Bank of the Rockies, Thanksgiving and Easter food drives, Community Sunday weekends, Our Lady of Guadalupe Dinner, Safe Sanctuary, Light the Way to Christmas, the annual Tootsie Roll drive, is currently one of the chairman for the six Fish Fry dinners, as well as many other Council events and activities. Brother Dan’s leadership, presence and willingness to help, are tremendous assets to our Council. Brother Dan has shown himself to be a dedicated Knight and works hard to represent the Knights of Columbus as a positive light not only in our parish community but in the State of Colorado as well. We feel that in recognition of all his efforts and service to the Council and our Parish, Brother Dan is worthy of this award and should be recognized for his sustained and consistent representation of excellence as a Knight. He has embraced our Council’s and Order’s principles whole heartily always has made himself available to be of service to others.

January 2016

Matt Traver

Father Francis Syrianey Council #12567 would like to nominate Brother Knight Matt Traver as Knight of the Month for January 2016. Brother Matt is an Outside Guard of Council #12567. Brother Matt is a regular at the Food Bank of the Rockies, the Parish Breakfasts, the Lenten Fish Fry’s, and Community Sundays. He is co-Captain of Safe Sanctuary for the 8:00 am Mass. This past year, Brother Matt took on the challenge of chairman of the council’s Tootsie Roll Drive for the intellectually disabled, and met that challenge with great success. His energy and enthusiasm is contagious and is an inspiration to us all. Brother Matt is a prime example of what all Knights should aspire to become. He unselfishly embraces our principles and makes himself available to be of service to others and is, therefore, recognized as Knight of the Month for January 2016.

December 2015

Pat Alarid, Sr

November 2015

John Bullock, Jr

October 2015

Jerome (Mo) Michel

September 2015

Paul Patricca

August 2015

Fuzzy Jensen

Council 12567 has selected Knight Fuzzy Jensen as its Knight of the Month for August 2015. Brother Fuzzy has volunteered for many of the Council’s events since becoming a Knight and leads by example by being thorough and staying until the event is completed. Brother Fuzzy has worked almost every activity including-Council Breakfasts-Fish Fries-Highway Cleanup-Youth kickoffs-Food boxes at Easter,Thanksgiving and Christmas-the monthly Food Bank and special Council and Parish dinners, just to name a few. During the Mentally Handicapped Drive every year in the Fall he worked multiple shifts every weekend handing out tootsie rolls for donations. Brother Fuzzy almost singlehandedly sets up Lux Mundi Hall-tables and chairs and makes sure that everything is in preparedness for a successful event. He always seems to be in the background and not afraid to get involved and will do whatever he can to help both the Parish and the Knights succeed in their endeavors. Brother Fuzzy is very humble and fellow Brother Knights who are not involved could learn from his example. Without his dedication and hard work everything would be more difficult to accomplish and for this the Council thanks you wholeheartedly. In recognition of your outstanding service, dedication and inspiration to the principles of the Knights of Columbus you are hereby awarded as Knight of the Month for Council 12567.

July 2015

Pat Garrison

Brothers of Council 12567, Father Francis Syrianey Council #12567 would like to nominate Brother Knight Patrick Garrison as the Knight of the Month for July 2015. Brother Pat has been with the council for two months but has already taken an active part in several council activities. Pat assisted with Respect Life 5K sign-ups after the 11:30 am mass on two separate occasions. He helped out with the Council Parish appreciation breakfast in June. Brother Pat also helped out with the Respect Life 5k on race day, participating with the preparation, serving, and clean-up of the race participant breakfast. He received his Formation and Knighting Degrees in July. Brother Pat hit the ground running and is a prime example of what all Knights should aspire to become. He unselfishly embraces our principles and makes himself available to be of service to others and is, therefore, recognized as Knight of the Month for July 2015.

June 2015

Richard Harig

May 2015

Mike McBride

May 2015 Knight of the Month - Mike McBride Council 12567 has selected Sir Knight Mike McBride as its Knight of the Month for May 2015. Brother Mike has stepped up to become a perennial Chairman for the Council Breakfasts celebrating his 6th year. Brother Mike has volunteered for almost all of the Council’s events since becoming a Knight, including the early Sunday setup for the Parish’s Community Sundays, the Council picnics, the Seniors bar-b-que luncheon, the Parish Rummage Sale, the monthly Saturday Food Bank Truck, the Council Fish Fries, the Youth kick-offs, Light the Way to Christmas and special Council and Parish dinners. During the Mentally Handicapped Drive in the fall he worked multiple shifts on multiple weekends. The list goes on and on. Now that Brother Mike is retired he is able to attend Council meetings and is running for an Outside Guard Officer position for the coming Fraternal Year. Brother Mike has also volunteered as a member of the Knight’s 3rd Degree Team. Brother Mike will do whatever he can to help both the Knight’s and the Parish succeed at their endeavors. He certainly exemplifies the qualities that make a great Knight of Columbus as a tireless worker, and a constant volunteer that i

April 2015

Jim Heimer

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate Brother Jim Heimer as Knight of the Month for April 2015. Brother Jim transferred to Council 12567 in 2014. He has recently volunteered his time, participating in all six of our Lenten Fish Fry’s. He helped to distribute drinks, bussed tables, and helped clean up, tear down, and put away the furniture each evening. Jim is a regular at our Parish breakfasts, helping to serve our parishioners and to clean up afterwards. Jim also was one of six Brother Knights who helped construct the new shed for the church, donating six hours of his time to this daunting task. Brother Jim, despite being a fairly new member and not knowing many brothers, immediately participated in the tasks at hand and was able to socialize with his fellow brothers. His presence and willingness to help made everyone’s job easier and more enjoyable. Brother Jim has become a dedicated Knight and works diligently to be a fine example of the Knights of Columbus for our parish and our community. We feel that in recognition of his efforts and immediate involvement with our Council’s work, Brother Jim is worthy of this award and should be recognized for his efforts. He has embraced our principles whole heartily and has made himself available to be of service to others. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

March 2015

Rod Evers

February 2015

Joe Snow

January 2015

William Telesco

Father Francis Syrianey Council #12567 would like to nominate Sir Knight William Telesco as the Knight of the Month for January 2015. Brother Bill is the Three Year Trustee and past Grand Knight of Council #12567. His experience has been invaluable to the present Council Officers, as well as, our Worthy Grand Knight. Brother Bill is a regular at the Parish Breakfasts, Safe Sanctuary, and the Food Bank of the Rockies. He was co-chairman of the Lady of Guadalupe Dinner held in December (as well as chairing or co-chairing many other events throughout the year). This past Sunday (1/25/2015), Brother Bill was present the entire day, preparing and working at the reception following the Dedication Mass for the new Church. Brother Bill is a prime example of what all Knights should aspire to become. He unselfishly embraces our principles and makes himself available to be of service to others and is, therefore, recognized as Knight of the Month for January 2015.

December 2014

Matthew Pelle

November 2014

Alan Finken

October 2014

Robert Lundstrom

September 2014

Bob Lundstrum

August 2014

Dennis Reichert

July 2014

Daniel Muldoon

June 2014

Frank Humpherys

May 2014

Peter Boos

April 2014

Joe McInerney


January 2025

Luis and Monica Naegele

Knights of Columbus Council 12567 is proud to recognize SK Luis and his wife Monica Naegele as Family of the Month for January 2025. Monica and Luis are dedicated volunteers at Safe Sanctuary, regularly participating in the 10am Mass and other special events. They are also caregivers for Monica's father. Monica is involved in the Follow Me and Journey groups and is currently attending the Denver Catholic Biblical School. Both Monica and Luis coordinate the Carron Coffee House program, spending significant time planning, setting up, and decorating for events, as well as finding new participants and securing donations from K of C councils, setting budgets, creating brochures, finding activities for each program and working with LOTW to secure a space for those programs. Luis has been a Knight for 18 years and was Grand Knight of Council 12567 in 2011 and 2012. If you’re looking for Luis during lent, he can be found in the kitchen frying fish. Due to their enthusiasm and dedication to LOTW and to Council #12567, Brother Luis and Monica Naegele are hereby recognized and selected as the Family of the Month for January 2025. They are an inspiration to us all and are truly worthy of this award.

December 2024

Jim and Pat Heimer

Sir Knight Jim has been a dedicated Knight of Columbus for well over a decade. For the last few years, Jim has been the co-leader of Wreaths Across America and with his wife, Pat, have planned out the placement of wreaths, providing each volunteer with their wreaths and a map of Ft. Logan cemetery, highlighting where they need to go. Jim and Pat also lead the placement of flags for Memorial Day, where the Assembly and Council support the effort to place a flag on every grave. There is so much that can be said about Jim's tenure as a Knight. To keep it short, they include breakfasts, fish frys, Carron Coffee House, the Wall of Honor, printing of banners, providing for parishioners in need and much more. Jim answers the call. Pat has taken on an new role as the back room manager at the Food Pantry, which is a huge job every day. Pat is a member of the Ladies of the Knights, volunteering for their many events. Most importantly, Pat has cared for and been an advocate for her elderly mother, at a local nursing home. She visits her mom daily. Knight's Council 12567 is very grateful and proud to have Jim and Pat as part of our parish and council life.

November 2024

Floyd and Grace Leyba

October 2024

Rich and Chris Horn

September 2024

John and Tammy Bullock

August 2024

Larry and Suzanne Cross

Knights Council 12567 is proud to recognize SK Larry and his wife Suzanne as Family of the Month for August 2024. Larry and Suzanne have have been valuable members of our parish since 2009, long before Larry became Catholic in 2016. and joined the Knights shortly thereafter. Larry became the council's Faith Director in 2021, delivering the Chaplain's message at meeting, and updating members on faith activities within the parish. They are the “show up and do anything and everything, couple”. While active with the Knights at Fish Frys, breakfasts, coordinating the Memorial Mass, Retreats, etc. etc. etc. For 25 years, they were the kitchen leaders of the seniors group. For years they had coordinated for the Eucharistic Ministry at Sunday Mass, and continue now as Eucharistic Ministers. All they have contributed is too numerous to mention. Their involvement in council and church activities continue, focused on activities they can do together, which are many. They were very involved in the 5K, working both Friday evening set-up and Saturday race day, and the Summer Back 2 School Bash, among their many other contributions. Their greatest contribution to our parish is their loving, kind and generous spirit. To know them is to love and respect them. They are a wonderful example of a dedicated Catholic couple, living out their faith by sharing what it means to be devout followers of Christ.

July 2024

Kathryn and Kenny Nygaard

The Knights of Columbus Council 12567 are proud to recognize Kathryn and Kenny Nygaard as Family of the Month for July 2024. Kathryn has been a very special friend to our Council from the time she arrived at Light of the World Parish 6.5 years ago as our Director of Communications. Our Council has grown during that time through the help she has provided, by generously publicizing our events and recruiting activities in the weekly church announcements and the bulletins, both published and digital. Kathryn always made time for us. Even when she knew there was no time available, she fit us in, including our last minute requests. Assembly 3300 recently completed the Hall of Honor entering Lux Mundi Hall. Father Matt supported the effort and suggested we seek Kathryn's help. Kathryn took charge (not that the Knights gave her much choice), and she drove the project to a wonderful conclusion. It is a testimony to her commitment to excellence and will be a part of her lasting legacy at LOTW. What has been said thus far highlights the many “whats” she has done for the Knights. Multiply that many-fold by the number of ministries in the parish that call on her for support. More importantly, is the “how” Kathryn fulfills her role. Kathryn has such a joyful and giving spirit, greeting everyone with a warm and welcoming smile. People come to her with projects and problems, and leave feeling “lifted up” by her. If everyone had just a fraction of Kathryn's loving, can-do attitude, this world would be a much happier place. We will miss her gentle and soothing voice at the weekly church announcements. Kathryn and her husband Kenny are embarking on a bold, new, selfless chapter in their journey together. She is leaving her role at LOTW, and she and Kenny are pursuing the adoption of three biological siblings, ages 12, 10 and 8, from Colombia. They will be in country soon, will acclimate with the children, and hopefully return to Littleton with with them in September. We look forward to seeing them together at Mass. Please pray for Kathryn and Kenny as they pursue God's will for them

June 2024

Dan and Marlene Muldoon

May 2024

Carl and Barb Geppert

April 2024

Joe and Carol Francis

March 2024

Ron and Jacob Seybert

February 2024

Dave and Cathy Verlinde

January 2024

Brian and Kim Raber

May 2022

Dave and Cathline Verlinde

SK Dave and Cathline Verlinde are the Family of the Month for May 2022. Dave transferred to our council from the Conifer council, where he was the Past Grand Knight. Dave worked hard at the fish fry dinners during Lent. Cathline made an emergency run to Costco during one fish fry to purchase beverages when the supplies were low.

October 2021

Mark and Sharon Molnar

Mark and Sharon Molnar family are the Family of the Month for October 2021. The family donated many hours for the refurbishing of the rosary garden. Rich will get more information and write up a certificate to present to the Molnars.

September 2021

Rich and Barb Schick

August 2021

Gabriella and Oscar Garcia family

July 2021

Sheehan Family

Kelly and Debbie Sheehan Family

May 2021

Dennis and Jennifer Reicher

April 2021

Hodack Family

March 2021

Joe and Carol Francis

January 2021

Larry and Suzanne Cross

December 2020

Christopher family

November 2020

Kenny and Kathryn Nygaard

October 2020

Hand Family

We would like to nominate the family of Sir Knight Ted Hand as Family of the Month for October, 2020. Brother Ted was inducted into the Knights over 43 years ago. As a member of our council, Ted has volunteered his time to many of our programs and activities. Brother Ted has enthusiastically given his time and talent to co-chair the Lenten Fish Fry Dinners, as well as assist at Knight’s Breakfasts, Community Sundays, Wreaths Across America, and special events after Sacramental Masses. Brother Ted serves as the council’s Outside Guard, is the Faithful Navigator for Assembly 3300, and serves in the Light of The World Roman Catholic Parish Safe Sanctuary ministry. Brother Ted recently donated the use of his time, his truck, and trailer to the first ever Sock and Water Drive. He also volunteered at the Knight’s Food Booth at the recent Light of the World Craft Fair. Brother Ted’s much better half, wife Nancy, is a member of the Ladies of the Knights. Along with volunteering at many of the Ladies and Knights activities, Nancy also recently volunteered her time to the Sock and Water Drive and the Ladies of the Knight’s Food and Beverage table at the Craft Fair. Nancy can often be found assisting with the unenviable task of clean up after many Knights and Ladies activities. Most impressive, especially for Nancy, is the more than 50 years of marriage they have shared, during which they raised three now adult children. For their wonderful example of a Catholic Marriage, and for their shared dedication to the Knights and Ladies of the Knights mission and causes, Ted and Nancy are a very deserving Family of the Month for October 2020.

August 2020

LaFonte family

July 2020

David and Anne Fein

April 2020

Frank and Ronnie Seagren

March 2020

Bill and Dianne Christian

February 2020

Mike McBride family

December 2019

Jim and Lori Fritz

We would like to nominate the family of Jim and Lori Fritz as Family of the Month for December 2019. Jim and Lori are long time parishioners of Light of the World Roman Catholic Church and have been married for 38 years. Lori recently retired from Jeffco Schools and Jim retired from Coors. Once a couple retires, they had to set a course for the years ahead. Lori and Jim decided to give back by helping as weekly volunteers at the parish Food Pantry. Which is one of the most impactful ministries of our parish, serving over 300 separate households in 2019, resulting in over 24,000 bags of food shared. Many who volunteer to help, play an unsung role, most recipients are not members of our parish. Food is donated and provided from a variety of sources and is sent to soup kitchens in the Denver area, as well as pantry clientele. It is open 52 weeks a year, as the need for food never goes away. Being a volunteer for a shift a week is one thing, seeing the need to serve as a couple, in a leadership role is quite another. Lori also serves as volunteer on the church cleaning team. Former recipients of this award, John and Mary Walsh led the pantry for almost 2 years without any leadership support, working 6 days a week without interruption. About a year and a half ago, Lori and Jim asked if they could relieve John and Mary as the need arose. Since then they have become indispensable. Today, they are viewed as second-in-command, loved by the volunteers, and capable of making the decisions necessary to keep the pantry humming. John and Mary can now take time-off and extended vacations as desired, without losing a wink of sleep. They and Father Matt, have complete confidence in the work of Lori and Jim, to carry out the mission of the pantry. We feel that Jim and Lori are worthy of this award in recognition of their service to Light of the World Roman Catholic Church and the residents of our surrounding Jefferson County Community.

November 2019

Mike Holm family

October 2019

Luis and Monica Naegele

September 2019

Jim and Pat Heimer

August 2019

Joel and Laurie Zdechlik

July 2019

Greg Van Dyke family

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate the family of Greg and Valerie Van Dyke as Family of the Month for July 2019. Both serve the parishioners at Light of the World Roman Catholic Church as Sacristans at Sunday and Holy Day, and other special Masses. Greg is a member of the Safe Sanctuary Ministry, at times doing double duty at weekend Masses. Greg is also a member of the Men of Galilee discipleship fellowship group and has provided guidance and instruction to other forming discipleship groups. Greg, Valerie and their daughter Julie all serve as Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion. Valerie is a valued member of the parish Pastoral Council. While Julie is the Youth Assistant to the Youth Group Ministry. Greg and Valerie recently spearheaded the inaugural parish Camping Trip Weekend. Aside from the camping trip, Greg and Valerie have volunteered their time to countless parish activities and causes. Greg and Valerie are a wonderful example of a married Catholic couple, and as result of the success and enduring quality of their union, they have been heavily involved in and have provided the lead on the various parish Marriage Ministries, providing guidance to engaged and married couples on marriage in the Catholic Faith. Greg, Valerie and Julie are a wonderful example of dedicated Catholic family, whose actions embody their Faith whole heartily. For the example they set for other families at Light of the World parish the Van Dyke family is truly deserving of this recognition. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

June 2019

Larry and Suzanne Cross

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate the family of Brother Larry Cross as Family of the Month for June 2019. Brother Larry and wife Suzanne are frequently involved in Council and Parish activities. Brother Larry volunteers his time and talents for numerous Council activities. He has been a volunteer for our fish fries, breakfasts, Tootsie Roll drives, the annual Respect Life 5K, Highway Clean-Ups, Community Sundays, Fifth Sunday Rosary, the Knight’s Adoration Hour, and recently served as the council Faith Director. As Faith Director Brother Larry has spearheaded the annual All Souls Mass, honoring our departed brothers and family members. At brother Larry’s side at virtually all these activities is Suzanne. Suzanne’s attitude, enthusiasm and willingness to serve are infectious. Both Larry and Suzanne recently lent their time and talents to support the Bitner Memorial 10K/5K run/walk to honor law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty and provide support for their families. Both answered the call to serve their community and provide support to a fellow parishioner that requested Knight’s assistance. Larry and Suzanne are true representation of a Knight’s “power couple”. Both are also Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, serving at weekly and Holy Day Masses. By their tireless, consistent, and sustained excellence in effort and service, Larry and Suzanne are shining examples of all four tenants that are the foundation of our Brotherhood and Fraternal Organization. Through their example, Brother Larry and his wife Suzanne are helping to foster and encourage values that will inspire our next generation of future Knights and Lady Knights. We feel that Brother Larry and his wife Suzanne are worthy of this award in recognition of their service to Council 12567 and Light of the World Roman Catholic Church. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

March 2019

Al Finken Family

We would like to nominate the family of Brother Al Finken as Family of the Month for March 2019. Brother Al, along with his grandsons Paul and Samuel, volunteered their time and services to assist our beleaguered Worthy Grand Knight and the rest of the Fish Fry co-chairmen, with the prep work for our Friday Lenten Fish Fry event. They tirelessly and enthusiastically lent their labor and efforts to ensure the success of our council’s endeavor. Brother Al, who has been a Knight for over 50 years, and has volunteered and participated in Knight’s activities in the past for the benefit of his fellow Knights, and brothers and sisters at Light of the World Parish. Brother Al is a retired Captain of the Denver Fire Department, where he unselfishly and honorably served his community for decades. Brother Al has shown by example and fostered in his family the values of Charity and Unity. Most importantly, Brother Al and his family exemplify the core purpose upon which Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus and are a proud example of the unity of family. We feel that Brother Al and his family are worthy of this award in recognition of their service to Council 12567 and Light of the World Roman Catholic Church.

February 2019

Kelly Sheehan family

We would like to nominate the family of Kelly and Debbie Sheehan as Family of the Month for February 2019. Kelly and Debbie, along with their children are all actively involved in the Parish in the volunteer service they provide. Kelly is a Captain of the 10:30 Safe Sanctuary Team and Debbie is an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Communion. Their children, Alyssa, 17, Maya, 15, Caleb, 13 and Kaylie, 11 are all Altar Servers and are seen frequently serving together at Mass. In addition to providing these services to the Church, Kelly and Debbie are both active in the More than you can Realize group at Light of the World and Debbie is involved in Catechesis of the Good Shepard, catechism for younger children. Kelly is a Sergeant with the Arvada Police Department and has been an organizer for the Annual Jeremy Bitner Fallen Officer 5K/10K, named in honor of Officer Bitner, who was killed in the line of duty on May 28, 2012. The proceeds of this event benefit the families of fallen officers in Colorado. The entire Sheehan family have been active participants in this most worthy annual cause. In addition, the Sheehan kids made up the very own four-person team at the Knight’s 2018 Respect Life 5K, to the benefit of the Knight’s Ultrasound Initiative. The Sheehan's lead by example and have fostered in their family the value of Charity and Unity and truly exemplify the principals that Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus on, namely Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We feel that the Sheehan family are worthy of this award in recognition of their service to Light of the World Roman Catholic Church and the surrounding community.

January 2019

Mark and Mary Wolbach

Mark and Mary Wolbach were named January 2019 Family of the Month at the January business meeting. Mark has been a knight since 1999 and has served as a Deacon at LOW since 2014. His sons Dan, a third year seminarian, and Pat are knights. Mary is a sacristan and daughter Maureen has filled in as the receptionist at the parish offices.

November 2018

Tony and Cheryl Ventura

Tony and Cheryl Ventura were named Family of the Month for November at the November 20 business meeting. They have been very active in council and parish events and are active at the Cathedral parish. Tony is the Assembly’s Faithful Navigator and a former Color Corps Commander.

October 2018

Deris and Cheryl Wolff family

The Deris and Cheryl Wolff family was recognized as the October Family of the Month at the October business meeting. Deris is both a Past Grand Knight band also our Past District Deputy. He is a member of two Degree Teams. Cheryl and Deris are Eucharistic Ministers and, with their granddaughters, participated in our annual Tootsie Roll Drive

September 2018

Mo and Lucy Michel

At the September 25 business meeting, Mo and Lucy Michel were honored as the September 2018 Family of the Month. Mo said he and Lucy were delighted to become part of our council when they relocated here several years ago.

August 2018

Bob Knueven family

July 2018

John Eiler family

June 2018

Steve and Anita Haynes

May 2018

Ted and Nancy Hand

Ted and Nancy Hand are honored as the May Family of the Month. Ted is a 4th Degree knight who has been a member of our Order for 41 years. He has been active in the Honor Guard, fish fry dinners, parish breakfasts, Safe Sanctuary and the reconstituted “Knights on Bikes”. Nancy is active in Ladies of the Knights’ events. They will celebrate 50 years of marriage in June

April 2018

Sean O’Hara family

Sean O’Hara family was honored as the April Family of the Month. Sean has been active with parish breakfasts and fish fry dinners. He has worked with his sons on the Tootsie Roll Drive. Recently, Sean has become the pots and pans guru in the kitchen.

March 2018

Luis and Monica Naegele family

Luis and Monica Naegele family was honored as the March Family of the Month. Luis and Monica have been active in many council and parish events for many years, including parish breakfasts and fish fry and Guadalupe dinners, serving as co-chairs on the latter event.

February 2018

Joe and Carol Francis family

Joe and Carol Francis family was named Family of the Month for February at the February 27 business meeting. Joe and Carol are involved in many parish and council events.

January 2018

Matt Pelle family

Congratulations to Matt Pelle’s family, named Family of the Month for January.

August 2017

Brian Smith

Knights of Columbus Council 12567 is pleased to recognize Brian and Pam Smith as Family of the Month for August 2017. Pam and Brian are a wonderful couple, very devoted to the parish and our Council and to the Ladies of the Knights. Brian has been a Knight since 2013 and is a 3rd degree Knight. Brian suffered a stroke several years ago which significantly impacted his ability to contribute to the Council. Pam has devoted herself to Brian and his return to an active life and role in the Council. Brian is amazed by Pam’s love,ability and commitment to his care. Since his rehabilitation, Brian faithfully attends our monthly meetings and social events. Most recently he worked the Ladies Appreciation Dinner and he and Pam volunteered to help out at the 5K run and also Western Welcome Week. You will find Brian and Pam volunteering at virtually all parish functions including the Guadalupe Dinner, Lenten Fish Fries and Community Sundays. Pam is one of the most active members of the Ladies of the Knights. She dedicates herself to supporting the various fundraising efforts for the Seminarians and religious and was an important contributor to the parish-wide Ladies-only event held last December. She attends the Ladies monthly meetings as well as working the Community Sunday Ladies table. You can always count on being greeted with a warm smile when you see Pam. We congratulate and honor Brian and Pam with this award.

July 2017

Frank Seagren

July 2017 FAMILY OF THE MONTH Fr. Francis Syrianey Council 12567 has chosen the Sir Knight Frank Seagren family as Family of the Month for July, 2017. Brother Frank, who has been a Knight since 2010, and his wife Ronnie, are very active at LOTW. Both sing in the choir at 10:30 mass. Brother Frank and Ronnie are also members of the Low Downs, singing at events such as the council’s Christmas party and at the end of year party for Carron Coffee House. Brother Frank is a regular at Parish breakfasts and Lenten Fish Fry’s. He is also referred to as “Count Frankula”, referring to his work as chairman of the Knight’s blood drives for Children’s Hospital. Ronnie also serves as a lecturer at the 10:30 mass. During this past weekend, the Seagren family was very active at the Respect Life 5K. Brother Frank assisted in the set-up of Lux Mundi Hall on Friday night. After running on council 12567’s Knights team in the 5k, Brother Frank continued his volunteering by assisting after the race, doing whatever tasks needed completing, including the tare down of Lux Mundi Hall. Ronnie was the official photographer of the race. She took pictures of the race from start to finish, including but not limited to, registration, Father Matt’s pre-race prayer, the awards ceremony, and a picture of every participant crossing the finish line. This was instrumental in helping to complete the race scoring. Brother Frank and Ronnie’s son Frank and Granddaughter Sara also participated in the 5k. Due to their enthusiasm and dedication to LOTW and to council #12567, Brother Frank and Ronnie Seagren are hereby recognized and selected as the Family of the Month for July 2017. They are an inspiration to us all and are truly worthy of this award.

June 2017

Bob Budz

Fr. Francis Syrianey Council 12567 has chosen the Sir Knight Robert Budz family as family of the month for June, 2017. For many years, Brother Bob has volunteered and worked numerous events for the Council. Brother Bob is a regular at Parish breakfasts, Lenten Fish Fry preps, and the Lenten Fish Fry’s, where he is our chief mac & cheese chef. Both Brother Bob and his wife Marion spent years taking care of the garden and flowers at Light of the World Roman Catholic Church. Both are also active Eucharistic Ministers for the 8:00 am mass. Brother Bob and Marion have taken an active part in many activities and events for both the Knights of Columbus and LOTW including: the Spring and Fall cleanups, the weekly clean team, Senior & Council Picnics, and the Guadalupe Dinner. Brother Bob always has a great demeanor through it all, as recalled while performing the nightmarish task of reupholstering the chairs with kneelers. Brother Bob and Marion have donated many hours to the success of both the Council and the Parish and should be very proud of their efforts. Whenever Brother Bob is asked how he is doing, he tells us that he is Blessed. Brother Bob’s attitude makes us proud to know him and to be a Knight, and we wish that we were as dedicated and full of enthusiasm as he is. Brother Bob and Marion Budz are truly worthy of this award.

May 2017

Larry Cross

Knights of Columbus Council #12567 has selected the Larry Cross family as the Family of the Month for May 2017. Suzanne has been a member of Light of the World parish for many years, serving as Eucharistic Minister Captain for the 10:30 am mass. She is also the “Communion” trainer for the parish, training new Eucharistic Ministers for all masses. Brother Larry is a recent convert to Catholicism. Shortly thereafter, Larry joined the Knights of Columbus and has been actively involved ever since. Brother Larry was a regular at the Lenten Fish Fry’s and is often seen helping out at the Parish Breakfasts and on Community Sunday. He also is a Eucharistic Minister at the 10:30 am mass. Most recently, Brother Larry agreed to be the “Church” program chair for the council. With Suzanne at his side, Brother Larry jumped right in and took on both the First Communion mass and the Confirmation mass. After the First Communion mass, they handed out Rosaries to those receiving their First Communion and assisted with clean-up. For the Confirmation mass, Larry and Suzanne set up the beverages, helped distribute the cake with the “Ladies”, and also assisted with the clean up of LMH afterward. Brother Larry and Suzanne are both members of the LOTW Seniors group, being in charge of the food committee. They are responsible for all of the group’s food needs, whether buying it, preparing it, or cleaning it up. Brother Larry and Suzanne assist the Parish office by stuffing the Church Bulletin with inserts or assisting with mass mailings as needed. Brother Larry and Suzanne are part of the weekly “Clean Team” and also help with the Fall and Spring clean-up by not only doing yard work but by supplying breakfast and lunch to those donating their time and effort. For all of their hard work and for the amount of time they put in, not only for the Knights of Columbus but for the Parish as well, Council #12567 would like to recognize Brother Larry and Suzanne Cross as Family of the Month for May 2017.

April 2017

Mo Michel

The family of the month for April 2017 is Mo and Lucy Michel. They joined our faith community of Light of the World approximately 3 years ago and have been active volunteers in virtually every Knights sponsored activity as well as parish-wide activities. They are a couple with servant hearts. This special man, Mo, contributes his time and energy, tirelessly, to virtually every cause that the Knights undertake. After undergoing a medical setback earlier this year, Mo returned to give it his all during Lent He regularly showed up to work with the preparation team for the fish fry’s and worked as part of the kitchen crew into the night. He never asked for relief and only took breaks when his team members would ask to relieve him from his post. He was on his feet for several hours when much younger men would have found reasons to stay home. He is an inspiration to all who watch him work. In September and October each year he is invaluable to the Tootsie Roll Drive, as he cheerfully works in the hot sun. He contributes his time at events too numerous to mention. He is a very kind man who never has to be asked to help out. This special lady, Lucy, is an equally invaluable member of the Ladies of the Knights. Lucy is a regular volunteer at fish fry’s, contributing and serving desserts from open to close. She works with the Ladies every community Sunday, contributing generously to the raffle baskets, serves at the First Holy Communion and Confirmation receptions, and helping at the Guadalupe dinner. At the Ladies parish event in December, she generously and graciously hosted a table. As with Mo, the list is much longer than there is space for. We are blessed to have Mo and Lucy in our parish and in our Knights family. They are a role model for all couples looking to get involved in the Knights.

March 2017

Jim Lundstrom

The Jim Lundstrom family has been selected as the March 2017 Family of the Month. Jim and Terri have been well respected members of Light of the World parish for many years. They are both graduates of the Denver Catholic Biblical School and are active in several ministries. Jim has been a member of the Knights for a few years, serves as a leader within the parish's faith formation RCIA program and is a Eucharistic Minister. He has also served as a lector and is currently a substitute for Eucharistic Adoration with Terri. Terri is an active member of the Ladies of the Knights. She was co-chair for the Ladies special, parish-wide Advent program for the women of our parish, hosting over 200 women: a month’s long commitment. Terri is also a Eucharist minister and has served as lector. This lenten season, Jim and Terri have been active supporters of our council's fish fry’s. Jim has given many hours working in the kitchen in food preparation and Terri has provided desserts and worked with her fellow Ladies at the dessert table, as a fundraiser for our seminarians, whom we jointly support. Because of their achievements, Council 12567 is proud to name Jim and Terri Lundstrom the “Family of the Month” for March 2017.

February 2017

Patrick Garrison

The winner of the February 2017 Family of the Month for Council 12567 is the Patrick Garrison family. Brother Pat is the Faithful Scribe for Jesus Light of the World Assembly 3300 and Worthy Outside Guard for Council #12567. He is also a member of Safe Sanctuary. His wife Sophie is a Lector and Eucharistic Minister for the Saturday 4:30 pm mass. Both Pat and Sophie have participated at several Council activities including the Family Hour of Prayer, Parish Breakfasts, and the Fall Membership Drive Dinner. Brother Pat and his wife Sophie are examples of service to their Church, community, and Council, and are recognized as K of C Council 12567’s Family of the Month for 2017.

January 2017

Ladies of the Knights

The family of the month for January 2017 is an invaluable part of the extended family of Knights of Columbus Council 12567; the Ladies of the Knights. We recognize the Ladies for their selfless contribution to Light of the World Parish and our council throughout the year. They donate countless hours as well as their treasure to fundraise, through raffle baskets and desserts at Lenten fish fry’s, for the purpose of supporting the Seminarians selected by our council. They more than achieve their goal of raising $2000 every year. They also support celebrations of the Confirmation and First Eucharist programs each May and will support the Marion Icon program next month by cutting and serving desserts. November and December of 2016 were particularly eventful for the Ladies as they baked and distributed bread for the Thanksgiving Mass, provided desserts for the All Souls Mass and Guadalupe Dinner, and put on a beautiful and inspirational ladies-only free event for over 200 ladies of our parish and the surrounding faith community. It took months of preparation and sacrifice on the part of their core group to make this event happen. We thank the Ladies of the Knights for their unwavering commitment to our parish and Council 12567.

December 2016

Luis Naegele

Family of the Month December 2016 Former Grand Knight and Former Trustee Luis Naegele, his wife Monica and daughter Chelsea volunteered, after a three year absence, to chair our 2016 Guadalupe Dinner. The event was a great success because of the efforts of our membership, but especially because of the many hours of planning, shopping, budgeting and cooking done by the Naegele Family. The menu was prepared “from scratch” using time consuming family recipes to create a traditional Mexican Dinner for our parish, honoring the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Luis has held many volunteer positions with the Council, including fish fries, parish breakfasts, Council First Degree Team and as Chair for prior Guadalupe dinners, just to name a few events. Brother Luis' wife Monica is a very active member in the council's “Ladies of the Knights” working many Community Sunday's preparing and selling Lattes to raise funds for the Councils seminarian support. Monica, along with Luis, was the main organizer for the Guadalupe Dinner. Daughter Chelsea assisted with the 2016 Guadalupe Dinner also as time in her busy schedule has allowed. The family has assisted at the yearly church Memorial Mass. Luis and Monica are captains in the Safe Sanctuary ministry and many other church events too numerous to mention. Brother Luis and Monica are primary participants, for years, in the community's Carron Coffee House, a non-profit program which provides recreational, social and spiritual interaction for adults with intellectual disabilities. It is hosted at LOTW Church The Naegele family exemplifies the type of family that highlights the Council’s activities and to what we, as a group of Brothers stand for. They are truly deserving of this award.

November 2016

Mike Holm

Brothers of Council 12567, We would like to nominate the family of Brother Mike Holm as Family of the Month for November 2016. Brother Mike and his family are frequently involved in Council and Parish activities. Brother Mike is a volunteer at our fish fries, parish breakfasts, and is a member of the 4th Degree Color Guard. He sings in the church choir along with his wife Anne, who is also a Cantor at Masses and an instructor for LOTW children’s religious education programs. Most recently, Brother Mike and his children, Rebecca (who is also an altar server), Daniel, and Claire all participated in the Knights Annual Tootsie Roll Drive. Mike and his kids were enthusiastic in their participation, and did a tremendous job acquiring donations for this worthy charitable cause. By his example and through his family, Brother Mike and his wife Anne are helping to foster and encourage values in their children that will prove valuable as members of our next generation of future Knights and Lady Knights. We feel that Brother Mike and his family are worthy of this award in recognition of their service to Council 12567 and Light of the World Roman Catholic Church. Respectfully submitted, Officers of Council 12567

October 2016

Jim Sirhall

September 2016

Anthony Jaurez

Brothers of Council 12567 The September Family of the Month is Brother Anthony (Tony) Juarez and his Family. They have been involved in various activities in the parish and council. Including but not limited to Parish Fall and Spring clean up, Council Fish Fries, Food Bank of the Rockies, Council Breakfasts, Chairing KofC Football Crazr 2016, handing out PAS 106 signs and the Toostie Roll drive. Brother Tony had all four grandkids working the opening weekend at Walmart and King Soopers. Brother Tony was a Council delegate to the Colorado State Knights conference in Denver and was a Colorado State Delegate to Supreme Conference in Toronto. His wife Dina attend these activities with him. The Juarez family has been supportive of council 12567 and Light of the World parish and are worthy of this recognition as “Family of the Month”. Please join me in congratulating the Juarez Family.

August 2016

Mike Furtaw

The winners of the Family of the Month award in August for Knights of Columbus Council #12567 is the Michael Furtaw family (member no 4394930). Mike is the Faithful Scribe in the Jesus Light of the World Assembly 3300, is a Eucharistic Minister and has worked on various council functions. Tina is a member of the staff at the historical Holy Ghost Parish in downtown Denver. Both Mike and Tina have volunteered their time to work at Coffee House and Western Welcome Week. They are examples of service to their Church, community and council and deserve the recognition that this award brings to them.

July 2016

Matt Traver

The winners of this month’s Family of the Month award for Knights of Columbus Council #12567 is the Matt Traver family. Matt, who was co-chair of the Respect Life 5K, and his Daughter Meagan, and her boyfriend Andrew Smalley, were instrumental in helping the race run smoothly this past June. They performed multiple tasks, including pre-race set up and scoring. Matt, who was also co-chair of the Tootsie Roll Drive, and his family were regulars at the drive, gobbling up all unclaimed shifts to make sure every hour was filled. Matt, who is a regular at Food Bank of the Rockies, is often joined by his son on the third Saturday of the month. It is our pleasure to present the July 2016 Knights of Columbus Family of the Month award to Chancellor Matt Traver and his family. They are examples of humility, service, and selflessness and are deserving of this award and recognition.

June 2016

Rick Brentrup

May 2016

Deacon Mark Wolbach

April 2016

Luis Nagele

APRIL 2016 FAMILY OF THE MONTH 4/26/2016 The winning family of this month’s Family of the Month award for Knights of Columbus Council #12567 could literally win this award every month. This husband and wife team is a fixture at Carron Coffee House, always helping the clients with a smile. They are present at every Lenten Fish Fry, he slaving away in the kitchen while she is selling desserts with the Ladies of the Knights. A similar pattern exists at the Parish Breakfasts, with our Brother Knight diligently working in the kitchen while his fair Maiden is assisting the Ladies in Lux Mundi Hall. This dynamic duo is also active in other ministries, being part of the Safe Sanctuary team for the 10:30 am Mass. Finally, this wonderful couple, along with their daughter Chelsea, helped prepare the meal for the Membership Drive Dinner last week. It is our pleasure to present the April 2016 K of C Family of the Month award to Past Grand Knight Luis Nagele and his family. Luis, Monica, and Chelsea are the ultimate examples of humility, service, and selflessness and are deserving of this award and recognition.

March 2016

Jim Sirhall

February 2016

Ted Hand Jr

January 2016

Brian Richard

December 2015

Rich Schick

November 2015

Joe Francis

October 2015

John Haddow

September 2015

Michael Holm

August 2015

Greg Polak

July 2015

Frank Seagren

June 2015

Brian Smith

May 2015

Deris Wolff

Council 12567’s May, 2015 Family of the Month is SK Brother Deris Wolff. Brother Deris has been a Past Grand Knight, Former District Deputy and was the Charter Faithful Navigator for our 4th Degree Assembly #3300. Brother Deris is currently the State Membership Director and the Council’s Membership and Retention Director and has just Chaired a Spaghetti Social/ Membership dinner that was very successful. It was attended by 72 Brothers, Candidates and their families and in conjunction with the advertising and Mass reminders, generated 5 new Candidates for the Council. Deris volunteers for almost all events asked of, most recently the Council breakfasts and all 6 fish fries. Brother Deris is an active Brother in our Council and helps where ever and whenever needed. He helps out tremendously. His wife Cheryl is an active Ladies of the Knights and has also been at the fish fry’s selling salads and desserts to help raise money for the 2 seminarians and one Sister who we support. Cheryl works the Latte table on Community Sundays and always lends us a helping hand. Brother Deris is a Knights on Bikes member attends all the Council’s functions, officers meetings, socials and business meetings and takes an active part in assisting this council to successful accomplishments. Council 12567 is honored to present this certificate of Family of the Month for May, 2015 to Deris and Cheryl. Congratulations.

April 2015

Pat Fiore

March 2015

Tony Ventura

February 2015

Jim Sirhall

January 2015

Jessie Taitano

The Fr Francis Syrianey Council 12567 would like to announce that the winner of the Family of the Month Award for January 2015 is Jesse (member # 3717934) and Terrie Taitano. Jessie is a three time former Grand Knight of the council and has been a valuable council for his successors. Jessie is active in the council and is seen about many council events. Terrie is a former leader of the local Ladies group that supports council activities. Terrie is also a member of the Parish staff and has been recently promoted to be the Parish event coordinator. The Taitano family exemplifies the ideals of service that the Knights of Columbus stands for and deserves recognition for their good works.

December 2014

Brian Richard

November 2014

Richard Schick

October 2014

John Bullock, Jr.

September 2014

Joe Francis

August 2014

Luis Naegele

July 2014

Matt Traver

June 2014

Sean O'Hara