St Francis of Assisi Council #12480




November 2024

Steve Ray

Steve can often be found working behind the scenes to make many Knights activities as success. Always quick with a joke and a friendly hug Steve is a true testament to Fraternity and Service. Love you Brother!

October 2024

Michael Lawson

For his efforts with the recent Tasting event, Michael Lawson should be recognized. Michael put in a ton of work to make this fundraiser a true success. In addition, he contributed a ton of money from his own pocket to fund many of the things that happen that night. Lastly, Michael researched and brought to the Knights the new Murad system to help with hosting events like Derby Knights, Fish Fries and more. He should be recognized.

September 2024

SK James Bailey

July 2024

Rafael Jimenez

Rafael puts a lot of hard work and time into the Squires. Both of his sons are very active and Rafael sets a good example of service.

May 2024

Raymond Dimas

Ramon Dimas is a nomination for Knight of the Month. Ramon is always willing to pitch in. He has worked our annual fish frys. He has stepped up in recruiting Knights on his own and at our recruiting events especially with our Spanish Brothers. He has attended our CUF ceremonies for (1st 2nd and 3rd degree) being a mentor to our Spanish Brother Knights. Most recently he stepped up to be on our facilities team for the Derby Knights. Ramon is active in many other ministries at our church and a great family man and a model of what a good active Knight is all about.

April 2024

Tom May

Tom May loves the Knights of Columbus and it's apparent in everything he does. Never short of time to lend a hand to help or an ear to bend Tom is a true treasure to the Council and our parish as a whole.

March 2024

Art Avila

Art is constantly working to support Council events. He is a great ambassador for the Knights of Columbus.

February 2024

Ken LaPlante

Ken is the embodiment of what it means to be a knight. He leads by example - never backing down from a challenge - and continually encourages others to become involved and serve others.

January 2024

Daniel Schroer

December 2023

SK Larry Bussey

Congratulations to Larry Bussey on being the Knight of the Month for December. Larry is always willing to lend a hand or an ear to his fellow Knights.

November 2023

Loren Lacy

Loren should be recognized as Knight of the month. I see him everywhere...helping as an usher at church, during the Spanish mass at 2pm on Sundays he helps to ensure the Mariachis microphone needs are met. From setting up chairs for Mass in the Great Hall to managing our technology, Loren is a wonderful Brother and asset to our Council!

October 2023

Ed Forster

Ed has been a consistent bedrock of Council 12480 for years as he volunteered his time as Treasurer. His faithful navigation has been relied upon for every election of new officers over the past 10+ years. Thank you for making our council what it is today. We couldn't do it without you!

September 2023

Dan Schroer

Dan has taken over the FS role with Passion and fortitude,, Always willing to help out, and Jump in on projects, etc..

August 2023

Brian Barber

Brian has really become involved in our Council. Helping with many events and even volunteering to serve as a Council Officer. After that he worked with Greg Theisen to take over the membership committee giving Greg a well deserved break! Thank you Brian!

July 2023

Nicholas Medina

Nicholas has become a consistent fixture of our meetings this year and has been invaluable in advising us on how we can improve our membership and onboarding process. Congratulations Nicholas!

June 2023

Raymond Dimas

Raymond has been very active and is involved in most of our Council's events. He worked hard at the Derby Knights fundraiser, has helped set up tents for events, assists with our Community team. He is also on our Safety team. Raymond most recently worked as one of the Knights assisting Father Rudy with the Eucharistic Procession held on 6/14/23. Thank you Raymond for always being there for us!

May 2023

Michael Lawson

Michael was a Huge help on the Derby Knights marketing & branding team. It would have been impossible to have a successful charity fundraising event without him. He created the Derby Knights website, the custom shot glasses with the Derby Knights Logo. Michael also assisted with the fun horse racing videos and helped build the program. Much of the Derby Knights artwork and graphics were done by Michael. Well done! Congratulations to our May Knight of the Month!

April 2023

Charles Goolsby

Congratulations to Charles for being selected Knight of the Month for April. He was nominated for his consistent efforts in ensuring food was prepped, cooked and served for all 4 of the KofC Fish Fry events for the St. Francis community. Thanks again Charles for your efforts!

March 2023

Alex Orta

Alex takes time off from work each year on Fridays during Lent to prepare wonderful fish fry meals for our St. Francis Community. We appreciate all of his efforts to help make this an affordable and needed event during thiss time for the church community. Alex is also a Facilitator and Sacristan at the 8:00 AM Mass. Thanks Alex for all that you do for the Knights!

February 2023

Greg Theisen

Greg has been super involved with recruiting new Knights for Council #12480 and his efforts are greatly appreciated. Greg has done an excellent job with the membership Chair and is always available to assist with furniture moves - most recently to benefit moms from Project Gabriel & Mater de Filius. He is always there to assist our brothers as well when needed. The Council has already exceeded its membership quota for the year at 107% for the Fraternal Year and we haven't processed in all the new candidates from recent Donut Sunday & Church Membership Drives. We may just hit 200% - Double Star by the end of June! Congratulations to Greg and his team for a job well done.

January 2023

Vinny Bedus

Vinny has been working extremely hard at the Church. He often serves multiple Masses each weekend in many roles - Facilitator, Sacristan, Usher, and even as an Altar server when needed. He works for the ACTS Core Team and guides & supports ACTS retreat team. He was appointed to be acting Chaplain for our Council when Father is not available and leads the St. Francis Liturgy team. Vinny also received the 2023 Service Award from Bishop Burns recently at the Cathedral. Way to go Vinny!

December 2022

Ed Forster

Ed goes above and beyond keeping our finances accurately reported. He is always available for questions to assist. He keeps accurate records of all our Council finances and does this with a positive attitude. Thank you Ed for all that you do for the Council!

November 2022

Art Avila

Art is our Recorder and has done a great job in that role for the Council this year. He is involved with almost all the community and charity events the Council has and served as the Co-Chair of the Tasting event that was held this fall. The success of the event was due to his efforts. Well done Art & Congratulations!

October 2022

Michael Brandone

Michael Brandone has been on fire leading a team of Knights to help in the kitchen with various meal events and to single one out the 4th degree exemplification meal was fantastic. Various attendees from Fr. Rudy to Ken Franch complimented the food and excellent service--the group fed 50 to 60 dignitaries and no one had a negative comment. Great Job Michael!

September 2022

Mark Hutto

What can we say about Mark...The guy truly sets the example. He does Tuesday prayer meetings early in the morning...he leads the 1st Saturday Rosary prayer sessions. He was also the Spiritual Companion on the recent Men's ACTS Retreat. The guy is truly involved and should be honored. He truly Loves the Lord and you can feel that when he speaks. Congratulations Mark on being named Knight of the Month for September!

August 2022

Raul Perez

Raul has been a great example for our Youth and worked with the Squires to conduct a successful E Games (Smash Brothers) Tournament at St. Francis in August. He also organized another successful BBQ Social at Rudy's BBQ. The place was packed with Knights and their families! Great Job Raul!

July 2022

Ricardo Gonzalez

Ricardo organized the Silver Rose event that was held in July. The Knights of Columbus Council #12480 hosted the Silver Rose at St. Francis of Assisi at St. Francis on July 17th. The KofC Assembly #3004 4th Degree Color Corp., Council #12480, Squires and Squire Roses were all involved in the event and worked closely with St. Francis of Assisi to make this a success. Ricardo coordinated with all those groups as well as the St. Francis Staff. He had 1 Knight read a script at each Mass and personally guarded the Silver Rose all day Sunday. Hats off to you Ricardo for a job well done!


November 2024

The Pat Taylor Family

Pat and June are a fixture at St. Francis! With Pat volunteering to lead the Adopt-A-Street as well as being our Warden and June volunteering with the Ladies in so many ways they are a true testament to service in our Parish!

October 2024

The Chavez Family

Jorge and Christina Chavez are a perfect example of a family in action for the church. Both work the new Gubbio's coffee shop. Both are involved in ACT's and Jorge has "stepped up" to co-chair the Community committee for the Knights. In addition, you see the Chavez family helping at fish fries, Derby Knights and at recent Tasting event here in Sept. They deserve to be recognizied.

September 2024

The Oviedo Family

July 2024

Greg and Tonya Deiter

The Deiters are a great example of a family that loves to be involved with their church and community as a whole. Always willing to help and always smiling.

May 2024

The Maier Family

Scott Maier's family of the month. Scotts entire family are involved in numerous activities with the Knights, Ladies Auxiliary and Squires. His family has played an active role in the Breakfast with St. Nicholas, Movie Nights presented by the Squires and Derby Knights. In addition to these activities, the family is involved in a number of ministries at our parish. They truly represent the hands and feet of Christ through their activities. Way to Maier family.

April 2024

Joe and Stephanie Vo

Joe and his wife are big supporters of the Knight and Pro-Life. Joe is actively involved with the Hike for Life and the Bishops Pro-Life dinner. Wife is always by his side supporting events.

March 2024

The Lawson Family

Michael has brought his “A” to derby knights and fish fry’s. He has built an interactive experience for our Derby Knights patrons that is maximizing our potential fundraising. Both he and Son (Andrew) are mainstays at fish fry’s. They come early, stay late and lead as needed. Very much setting an example of how a Catholic family should display their faith.

February 2024

Rick and Ann Hardy

Rick and Ann are both taking large leadership roles for Derby Knights. Ann is heading up the silent Auction and managing hundreds of donated items. Rick is co-chairing the gaming committee and assisting Ann with Silent Auction. Both are doing an invaluable job. Rick and Ann Hardy have worked so hard for the Debry Knights event. They build a plink board and gathered over 50 baskets filled with items for the auction and prizes.

January 2024

Kaminsky Family

December 2023

The Dsouza Family

Lawrence and Maris have been active in our Parish for years and are making sure their children follow the great example they set. A huge THANK YOU to the Dsouza family for everything you do!

November 2023

The Semancik Family

Sean and his family are very active here at St. Francis. They help with facilitating masses and assisting the alter servers. A shining example!

October 2023

The Ortega Family

Pete and Gabby are very much involved in our church from the ACT's committee to helping on the Latino side of all the church does. Thank you for being a great role model for us all!

September 2023

The Causey Family

Melissa and Bryan always willing to help out, and assist at church functions. There is always a smile on their faces and they have never met a stranger. A true treasure to our community.

August 2023

The Byrne Family

The Byrne family has been a fixture at St. Francis for many years. Jim and Ann are constantly volunteering with our youth. They facilitate small groups as well as chaperone the youth Mission Trips. Their children have volunteered as Altar Servers and youth group leaders. Ben is a former Chief Squire and serves as a Trustee for the Columbian Squires.

July 2023

The Bannerman Family

There are probably too many things to even try and list about how the Bannerman family serves our parish and the Knights. From John's involvement in the Knights to Terry making sure that our entire parish and council are up to date on our Safe Environment training. Sean is a current Knight and former Squire and is heavily involved with the you ng adults at St. Francis. Thank you for all that you do!

June 2023

The Lunn Family

Jeremy is our Advocate and helps us with "legal" topics and addresses questions as needed, He also leads our Scholarship efforts - Our Council raises money to provide three $1,000 scholarships annually. Jeremy, his wife and his daughter are all very active in our Parish and fill various roles at Masses. Congratulations to the Lunn Family! Thanks for all that you do for our Council and for St. Francis.

May 2023

The Taylor Family

Pat & June are very involved in church & community activities. Both recently worked at the Derby Knights fundraising event which was very successful. Pat is an officer in Council #12480 and also takes care of community street cleanup events as needed around the church and along Eldorado. He is active in support of Special Olympics events as well. June is active with the Ladies Auxiliary and leads charity fundraising events that benefit the Miracle League in Frisco. Congratulations to our May Family of the Month!

April 2023

The Johnston Family

Noel & Marla worked together behind the scenes in the kitchen at every Fish Fry during the Lenten season. They donated their time to the Council & St. Francis to ensure there were great tasting, affordable meals available on Fridays during that period. Thanks again to the Johnston family for their service!

March 2023

Cucco Family

Biagio and his wife Elisa are very involved at our church. Elisa is the Sacraments Coordinator, was very involved in the Valentine's Day Gala event and works with the Hispanic Ladies. Biago consistently provided or donated wonderful meals ordered by the church, the Knights and other Ministries. We look forward to another great meal at the Derby Knights event on 5/6! Thanks for al that you do!

February 2023

The Sutton Family

Billy & Theresa are unsung heroes. There quietly serve and give all they can to help the Council in any way they can. You'll find them contacting new recruits and team members to get them involved in volunteering at events. You'll find them pitching in to man the tables at Fish Frys, and most events/fundraisers our Council has. They spend hours of their time serving and collecting money for our events. Purely volunteer - all heart. This effort despite some health and challenges life has thrown their way... They give it their best effort - all they have for our Brothers and our Community. We're proud to recognize the Suttons as the Family of the Month

January 2023

The McCarthy Family

PGK Sean McCarthy and his wife assisted in organizing the Epiphany Party, picked up the food and worked with their family at the event for the Knights & Ladies. They are currently active in helping the fundraising committee with the new 5/6 event. Sean is also a Past Grand Knight for Council #12480

December 2022

McElroy Family

Ann, Mark and their family are always contributing and assist the Parish, the Council and Community greatly. The McElroys worked most recently with the Church and helped organize the Advent reflection event activities that were held each Saturday during Advent. They also assisted with the Winter Wonderland event, served at Mass in various roles and are also managing ACTS Retreat support as part of the Core Team. Congratulations to the McElroy Family!

November 2022

The Maier Family

The Maier Family is everywhere! They work together at charity & community events, volunteer each week to help set up chairs for Mass in the Great Hall, serve at Mass as well as Ladies, Squires and Knights events. They are a wonderful example of a family putting their faith into action! They deserve the Family of the Month Award for November. Congratulations!

October 2022

The May Family

Tom and Angela May are a perfect example of how to "give of yourselves" to help the church and the families that participate weekly at St. Francis. Tom is in a leadership position with the Knights, he helps on Sunday at mass. Angela is the Ladies Auxiliary group leader and top dog. Both Tom and Angela give of their time and effort daily to make St. Francis better. They should be recognized.

September 2022

The Lacy Family

The Lacy family is a staple at our Church. They are involved in everything from religious education to homebound ministries. They are engaged with St. Vincent de Paul as well and help sponsor events for them in order to raise funds for the poor in our community. They are a true example of being Christ to others.

August 2022

The Hill Family

What an example to all families....Grady, his wife and his kids are always at church helping out. The Hill family is "top notch" and they practice their faith with the community here at St. Francis. I believe the Hill family should be recognized.

July 2022

The Perez Family

Raul and Yoli organized our first Family Social of the year. An Ice Cream Social was held in July that brought together Knights and their families. A great time was had by all!