Andrew Moes
Andy shows up to pitch in with variuos projects of the Council. He's always there when he is most needed.
SK Santo Graziano
SK Santo is a long-standing member of the Council. He has chaired many projects in the Council over the years. Perhaps his most important project is the Food for the Poor project for many years. This program is one of the most important that the Council has undertaken. Santo created it and continues to manage it with great efficiency. He also serves as our Council's Family Director.
SK Michael Dill
SK Michael Dill is another of the "same five guys." He involves himself in most of the Knights projects, and he is especially adept at managing the Fish Fries. He is one of the guys, on whom we depend for a great many responsibilities. He has a rather demanding job that requires him to travel, and he - like many of our Knights - has a family. Yet he finds the time to be extremely active in the Council. His name appears often as the Knight of the Month.
SK Kevin LaPratt
SK Kevin will be seen every Saturday at the 5:00 Mass serving as Lead usher or usher. He also works at the Knights' Pancake Breakfasts, and other events like the Ice Cream Social. He is an Honorary Life Member of the Knights of Columbus and has been active in the St. Bernadette Council for many years.
SK Perry Wilson
SK Perry has stepped up when the Council is in need. He is our new Family Director, and he takes his responsibility very seriously. He is a relatively new member of the Council, and he has become a 4th Degree Knight already in addition to assuming the vacant position of Family Director. He is working regularly as a "guard" outside the church during Masses to protect our church from violent intruders. He is a valuable member of our St. Bernadette Council.
SK Robert Mastro
SK Robert has become an asset and active supporter of our Council. He served at all of our Friday Fish Fries in the spring, and he served on the CUV Team in our first "live" ceremony. He most recently stepped up to serve as our Council's Chancellor for the 2023-24 Fraternal Year.
SK Robert Mastro
SK Richard Welp
SK Dick Welp has served our Council well. Back in 2017, he stepped up and served well as the Council's Deputy Grand Knight. He gave up his position as Treasurer to fill that need. He served well as Grand Knight the next year, and his flare for meticulous bookkeeping set a standard for all Grand Knights who followed him to emulate. After serving as WGK, he returned to his previous role as Treasurer. Each of those years he served as the co-chair of the Fr. Pete Memorial Golf Tournament. SK Dick is a hard working and dedicated Knight, who I'm sure, will continue to serve the Council, even as he steps down from his post as Treasurer.
SK Michael Smalley
For his constant support of the Council and the Parish, and for his skilled recalibration of the Council's payment system for its events.
SK Duane Moore
SK Dave Wagner
SK Brian Light
SK Brian has stepped up to assume the duties of our Council's Financial Secretary. We welcome him to this very important position as SK Michael Smalley steps down to tend to his health issues.
Ignacio Hereria
Iggy is the master of bike building! He organizes the bikes given to the children as Christmas presents at the Angel Tree Breakfast. He stands ready to assist with everything, but he takes charge of this very special activity.
Brian Beckwith
SK Vinny Cefalu
Andrew Spiteri
Andrew Spiteri
Congratulations to Andrew. He is a new Knight to our Council and has already made a positive impact to our Council. Congratulations Andrew!
SK Jerry Wood
Congratulations SK Jerry Wood on being selected our June Knight of the Month
SK Jerry Wood
Tony Lugay
SK Tony Lugay
Knight of the Month, May 2022
MIchael Dill
Knight of the Month, April 2019
Vincenzo Cefalu
Knight of the Month April 2019
Brian Weber
Brian Weber is February's Knight of the Month. He is active in the Men's Bible Study program and has been central to the organization of the Men's Conference in our council. He is currently working on a Men's Retreat for our Parish.
SK Dr. Antonio Lugay
Tony is always there as a chef for pancake breakfasts or any other need for a chef in the kitchen. He is also a pretty good Santa Claus!
Dennis Logue
Dennis suggested and initiated the first Snow Family Event, which provided a field of snow for children and others to play in as well as a snow slide. He also Headed the Free Throw Contest, and he continued as the director of the Council's Blood Drive. He certainly earned his status as Knight of the Month for January 2019.
Jerry Wood
Knight of the Month 2018
Gene Arvizu
Gene Arvizu - Knight of the Month - October 2018
Vincenzo Cefalu
Vincenzo Cefalu - Knight of the Month - September 2018
Jerry Wood
SK Jerry Wood, Knight of the Motn August 2018
SK Daniel Conway
SK Dan Conway, Knight of the Month
Richard Welp
SK Richard Welp, Knight of the Month, May 2018
Martin Perez
Martin Perez, Knight of the Month, April 2018
Dr. Antonio Lugay
Knight of the Month, March 2018
Jerry Price
Jerry Price, Knight of the Month, February 2018
Mike Miller
SK Mike Miller, Knight of the Month, February 2018
Edward Dunai
SK Ed Dunai is the Knight of the Month, January 2018
Robert Franciosi
Knight of the Month, December 2017
Ron Angelo
November 2017 Knight of the Month
Conrad Franks
Conrad serves every Sunday in the Usher Ministry and quite often in the EM Ministry. He supports Knights' events by doing some of the "heavy work" of setup, tear down, and serving on the food oline when appropriate.
SK Larry Bleichroth
SK Frank Scarpone
SK Frank Scarpone, Knight of the Month August 2017
Don Tellis
Knight of the Month July 2017
John Young
Knight of the Month June 2017
Lou DeLuco
Knight of the Month, May 2017
Jeff Pinto
Michael Dill
Michael Dill, March Knight of the Month
Santo Graziano
Knight of the Month, February 2017
Daniel Conway
Tom Davey
Tom just became a Knight in our October 1st Degree Exemplification. On the first weekend in December he made his 2nd and 3rd Degrees. He has volunteered for every event that we've been involved in since then. He is the kind of guy who understands what it means to be a Knight. We need a hundred more just like him.
Harry Cameron
Harry is one of those guys who is always there when we need someone. He serves most every Sunday as an usher, he crafted ice cream sundaes at this year's Ice Cream Social. He was also active in the Tootsie Roll Campaign.
Richard Welp
William Torresala
Michael Smalley
Knight of the Month August 2016
Jerry Price
John Young
Gary Vycital
Mark Sunkel
John Smith
Larry Bleichroth
Brian Weber
Andres Blanco
Derek Fichera
"Ric” is one of those unique souls in Arizona: a native. He has been a parishioner at St. Bernadette Roman Catholic Parish for twelve years. He has been a Knight for eleven years and has attained the Fourth Degree. He works “long and crazy” hours as a cashier at a local gas station.
He is active in the St. Vincent DePaul ministry as well as serving as a deliverer of food to St. Matthew’s. He has served in several officer’s positions in the St. Bernadette Knights of Columbus Council. He has been the “Warden” and both inside and outside “Guard.”
He is also active in the usher ministry. On Sunday evenings he helps out in the Life Teen ministry.
He can often be found jumping in to help out with any event, which is going on, and he happens to be there.
If other parishioners do not know his name, they certainly recognize him as someone who jumps in to help out with whatever is going on at the time. He has mentioned several times that his greatest ambition is to open a center in downtown Phoenix to assist homeless people. He looks for ways to be helpful whenever he can.
He says, “I just love helping the homeless and making people happy.”
If you did not know him before, now you know his name, and you can thank him for all he does the next time you see him working at an event.
Vince Cefalu
Vince has been a St. Bernadette parishioner for 17 years. He is from Porticello, Italy. His family immigrated to Wisconsin in 1958. He is married to his awesome wife, Susan Cefalu. They have five children (Gina, Lori, Carrie, Joe, & Matt) and seven grandchildren.
He is a retired Information Technology Manager who worked in technology for 40 years. He is involved and supports the following activities: Food for the Poor, Andre House, Pancake Breakfasts, Tootsie Roll Drive, Ice Cream Socials, Pall Bearer; I am also an Usher. He has participated in every event during this September. He participates always with a smile and is always ready to contribute a helping hand with whatever task he is asked to perform.
He has been a Knight since March 2014, and became a Fourth Degree Sir Knight on June 13, 2015. He enjoys traveling, gardening, genealogy, and spending time with family. He and Susan have been on 31 cruises, have traveled to more than 80 countries, and have visited all 50 states. For sure he will be helping out with the Italian Dinner. When you see him, say "Buon giorno!"
Lou DeLuco
Lou DeLuco come to Arizona from Chicago. He and his wife, Arlene, have been married for 42 years. They are charter members, i.e., they have been members from the beginning of the St. Bernadette Parish back in 1995.
Lou and Arlene have three children: Mark, who is also a 3rd Degree Knight of Columbus; Jill; and Chris.
He has his own business in the Valley called Deltech Industries, Inc.
Lou has been an active Knight for more than twenty years and has attained the 4td Degree. He contributes to most every event our St. Bernadette’s Council offers. He always supports the Italian Night with his expertise in the preparation of Italian cuisine. You will see him very often at the monthly Pancake Breakfasts as well.
He serves at all of our events if his business does not cause him to have to travel out of town.
Loo is an avid golfer. He lists golf as his first, second, and third hobbies. Because of his dedication to the game, he has also become dedicated to the St. Bernadette’s Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament. He is instrumental in the planning of our annual golf tournament. He calls the various golf courses and negotiates the best green fees he can manage for the participants in what is one of the St. Bernadette’s Knights’ most important fund raising events.
Now you know why he moved from windy Chicago to the golf courses of the Valley of Sun.
Jerry Wood
Although Jerry Wood spent the greater portion of his adult life in and around Baltimore, Maryland and was born in Southern Kentucky, he grew up in Fairborn, Ohio near Dayton. He is a Buckeye through and through, but his favorite football team is the Baltimore Ravens. He is the father of two sons, Thomas and David, and the proud “Gramps” of Matthew. Tom is a detective sergeant with the San Diego Police, and David is a computer engineer, who still lives with his family back in Maryland.
After his retirement from the Baltimore City Community College in 1996, Jerry and his wife of 30 years, Suzan, moved to Phoenix. They are both retired, but Jerry continues teaching as an adjunct professor of German and Communication at Glendale Community College.
Jerry became a member of St. Bernadette Parish in 2009. He serves in the lector and usher ministries. He joined the Knights of Columbus in 2012, and completed the 4th Degree in 2013.
He has participated in several Council activities, among them Rosary Sunday, Catholic Men’s Conference, Mothers’ Day Roses, Italian Night, Casino Night Parish Fundraiser, and his personal favorite, the Oktoberfest. He looks forward to this year’s Ice Cream Social in September.
As a teacher of German, he is active also in the Phoenix German/Austrian/Swiss community. (Yes, there is such a thing!) He serves as the president of the Phoenix Chapter of DANK (German-American National Congress), whose home office is in Chicago. He invites everyone in the Parish who has interest in the German culture to join DANK. One doesn’t have to speak German.
He joined the Knights because he sees it as an extension of his Catholicism. St. Bernadette’s Council is very active, and the camaraderie of the Knights provides incredible friendship and true brotherhood. Working together on projects is both rewarding and fun. Jerry feels very privileged to have been chosen for this esteemed honor as he looks forward to participating in 4th Degree Regalia in the first Mass offered in the new church building.
SK Jon Walker
SK Jon stepped up to participate in Council projects from assuming leadership of the Summer Ice Cream Social. He became a 4th Degree Knight very early as well and has participated in many of the Assembly's activities. He has become our Financial Secretary and is working hard to turn the finances of the Council into a smooth running machine.
Sk Larry and Lady Jan Bleichroth
SK Larry is a Past Grand Knight who served his three years as Trustee, and he continues to serve in many capacities. He can be found at the annual Fish Fries, directing the servers to the proper table for prompt delivery. He has served as chair for many projects as well as auctioneer for the auctions that accompany some of our events. Lady Jan is right there at his side at all these events. They have been Family of the Month on several previous occasions, and I expect that they will be seen again and again.
SK John and Sharon Benson
SK John Benson has been serving in our Council for many years. I believe that he might have been one of the founders of our Council. He served early on as Grand Knight of the Council. He is a Minnesotan, and he and Sharon have been "snowbirds." He's a published author, and he and Sharon serve the Parish and support the Council in many ways.
SK John and Sharon Benson
SK John Benson has been serving in our Council for many years. I believe that he might have been one of the founders of our Council. He served early on as Grand Knight of the Council. He is a Minnesotan, and he and Sharon have been "snowbirds." He's a published author, and he and Sharon serve the Parish and support the Council in many ways.
Diane and Doug Flitcroft
For their dedicated service to the KofC in general and specifically for their support of the 2023 Fish Fries.
SK Michael and Midi Dill
Tom and Margaret Hinski
Doug and Diane Flitcroft
WGK Dennis Logue Family
WGK Dennis and First Lady Rebecca, together with their children, are always an actively involved family in our Parish. We applaud WGK Dennis' leadership of our Council and all the time and effort he puts into it with First Lady Rebecca at his side.
The Bob Bischof Family
WGK Dennis Logue Family
SK Tom and Abby Munks
Tom and Abby Munks
Congratulations to Tom and Abby Munks, Our July Knights of Columbus Family of the Month!
SK Don Tellis Family
Parker, Hayden, Kathy, SK Don, and Larissa Tellis, June 2022 Family of the Month
Vincenzo and Susan Cefalu
Santo and Joan Graziano
Family of the Month November 2018
Tom and Marina Davey
Tom and Marina Davey with Meadow and Shawn
Martin and Josephine Perez
SK Martin and Josephine Perez, Family of the Month, August 2018
The Arvizu Family
The Arvizu Family, Family of the Month June 2018
Michael and Midi Dill
SK Michael and Lady Midi Dill, family of the Month, May 2018
SK Michael and Shirley Smalley
hael and Shirly Smalley, Family of the Month, April 2018
SK Vincenzo and susan Cefalu
Family of the Month, March 2018
John and Dotty Young
SK John and Dotty Young, Family of the Month February 2018
Dennis and Rebecca Logue
Family of the Month, January 2018
SK Dr. James and Page Mead
Family of the Month, December 2017
Deacon Al and Donna Homiski
Family of the Month November 2017
Tom and Marina Davey
Tom and Marina Davey, active in Cub Scouts, EM Ministry . Shawn and Meadow Davey, active in cub Scouts, Little League Baseball and Girl Scouts.
SK Michaeal and Lady Midi Dill
Shirley Teed and Harry Cameron
Shirley Teed and Harry Cameron, Family of the Month August 2017
Jon & Terri Westervelt
Family of the Month July 2017
Dennis and Rebecca Logue
Family of the Month June
Dr. Antonio and Melissa Lugay
Family of the Month, May 2017
Deacon Bob and Susan Torigian
Fmaily of the month, april 2017
Larry and Janet Bleichroth
Janet and Larry Bleichroth, March's Family of the Month
The Mead Family
Family of the Month, February 2017
The Leicht Family
Vincezo and Susan Cefalu
Vince Cefalu is one of the busiest volunteers in the St. Bernadette KofC Council. He volunteers for every event: the Annual Ice Cream Social, the Oktoberfest, Veterans'Day, hanging Christmas lights on the parish hall, office building, Ramada, plus five pancake breakfasts, and the Young Men's Conferenc , just to name what he's done so far in this Fraternal Year. Susan is active in the St. Vincent De Paul Society and was active in this year's Angel Christmas Tree Program.
The Fox Family
Jason Fox serves at every Sunday's 10:00 Mass as Lead Usher and has been serving in that capacity for several years. Deb Fox serves in the Lector ministry.
The Arvizu Family
The Pastrana Family
Brian and Vickie Weber
August Family of the Month
Bill, Tammy, and Katie Polcyn
Deacon Al and Donna Homiski
Deacon Frank Nevarez and Family
Chris and Amy Smith
Don Tellis and Family
Dr. Jim & Page Mead
Michael & Shirley Smalley
Steven Haub and Family
Though new to the Council, Steve and his family have helped out at several Knights’ functions already
Dr. SK Antonio and Melissa Lugay and family
Dr. Antonio Lugay is a general dentist—you might have seen his ad in the Parish Bulletin.
Tony is very active in St. Bernadette Council activities. On the third Sunday of every month you can see him in his apron and visor running out of the St. Bernadette kitchen, delivering pancakes to hungry parishioners. Most recently, he served as the Chairman of the Knights of Columbus annual Oktoberfest. We have been enjoying bratwurst from the German Corner Butcher Shop, freshly prepared by a German butcher for several years, but Tony was not pleased with the strudel from Safeway, so he went to the Heidelberg Bakery, another authentic German merchant, and this year we added authentic German strudel to our menu.
Melissa, his wife of 25 years, is an adjunct professor and business consultant. Both she and Tony are active as volunteers at St. John XXIII School, where their daughter, Alexaundra is in the second grade. She plays soccer and Taekwondo.
That is no surprise: Anneleissa, a sophomore at Notre Dame Prep, is also a talented student athlete as well as an honor roll student. She plays volleyball, basketball, and softball. She has been the champion of the KofC Freethrow competition several times. You have probably seen her serving as a lector during 10:00 Mass as well.
The Lugay family volunteers regularly for Church and school events because they love doing things as a family. Tony says, “We will always continue to support our parish and school to make these establishments grow and blossom.”
Dennis and Rebecca Logue and family
Dennis grew up in New Hampshire, and Rebecca grew up in Northern Virginia. They met in Charlottesville, Virginia, where Rebecca had just graduated from nursing school, and Dennis was working on his Ph.D. in American Government.
They have been married now for sixteen years and have four children: Greta, 13; Dennis III (aka Trey), 11; Sasha, 9; and Tessa, 7. They are active in the Worldwide Marriage encounter ministry as well as Coffee and Donuts after 10:00 Mass.
Dennis is an Intelligence Analyst for the Department of Justice (FBI), and Rebecca is a Nurse Practitioner who does Home Care Visits for the elderly through the Surprise Family Medical Center.
The family has held membership in St. Bernadette’s Parish for seven years.
Dennis has been a Knight for 10 years and holds the 3rd Degree. He is very active in the Council as the Chair of the Blood Drive; he is also active in the Tootsie Roll Drive. He functions as the person who does the shopping—looking for the best bargains—for the Large Raffle prizes. He participates further by helping with set-up and/or clean-up for Knights; events. Dennis is an officer in the Council, serving as our Advocate. He rounds out his many activities by volunteer coaching basketball and flag football.
Joe and Lee Wurtenberg
The Family of the Month has been members of our Parish for four years. Joe and Lee Wurtenberg have become active members of the Parish, serving in many capacities.
Joe hails from Kansas City, MO and Lee comes from Dallas, Texas. They have been married for “Sweet 16” years, and they have two sons: Thomas, 13, and David, who is 10. They both attend Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Scottsdale, in the 7th and 4th grades respectively.
Joe earned a degree in Business, and Lee earned hers in Business Marketing. They put that training to good use professionally, as well as in the Parish. Joe is a Mortgage Banker and manages an office for HomeOwners Financial—check out his ad in the Church Bulletin. Lee is the CEO of Wurtenberger International (a full time homemaker who probably needs more than business marketing experience to run that enterprise). And in her spare time, she helps at the children’s school.
The entire family is active in several ministries. Both are involved in the Cursillo Movement. Joe has been a Knight for 15 years and holds the 3rd Degree. He is also a member of the Finance Council, Adoration, and serves as an Usher, and EM. Lee also serves as an EM and is involved in the Culture of Life. She has also served as the person in charge of making the soup dinners. Both boys are altar servers.
They both support AZ Right to Life and Lee is involved with starting a new Non-Profit, which will assist children with special needs in the Diocese of Phoenix who would like a Catholic Education.
Joe says that the boys’ hobbies are the family’s hobbies. They swim, dive, and play flag football and basketball. Joe and Thomas have started hunting. This is a busy family, involved in many worthwhile and entertaining activities.
Roberto and Silvia Pastrana
The Family of the Month for August is a recent addition to our Council and Church community. Roberto and Silvia Pastrana have been active members of the Church and Council in many ways. They met each other at work— implementing applications while performing as Information Technology Consultants for international projects. One of their projects brought them to Phoenix 11 years ago, just two years after getting married.
Today they have two beautiful daughters: Sofia and Sonia, eight and seven years of age respectively. They are both young pupils at St. John XXIII Catholic School. Their attending St. John XXIII was the primary motivation for the family’s becoming involved in our community and later with our Council.
Roberto and Silvia serve as Extraordinary Ministers at Mass and also have brought communion to Mayo Clinic, served as Daily Sacristan, helped and served during parish and Knights’ events. Their daughters have sung in the choir at Mass.
Roberto became a Sir Knight on June 13th at the 4th Degree Exemplification. He is the Council’s Deputy Grand Knight for the 2015-16 Fraternal Year.
Just recently this Brother Knight has set up the website of our council and serves as its Webmaster. He is also instrumental in the production and distribution of Le Chevalier. The Pastrana Family is indeed an asset to St. Bernadette Parish and to the Knights of Columbus Council.