Keith Angus
Steve Healy
Ken "Pepsi" Przepiora
Gerald Korst
Zach Midles
Doug Marsh
Phillip Schile
Steve Metschan
Barry Cook
Ron Cunningham
Gerald Korst
David Simburger
David French
Tom Harvey
Reece Kolbrick
Reece is one of our newer Knights and is helping with our many activities, like helping to remodel our parish hall and taking on a leadership role as our new Chancellor. It's an honor to have Reece on our Council and we look forward as he grows in the Order! Thank you Reece for all you do for the Order and for the Church! Congratulations to Brother Reece!
Ken "Pepsi" Przepiora
Pepsi we thank you for all of you help and guidance at our Pancake Breakfasts! You help the "back of house" to keep running efficiently and putting out great food! Pepsi is also very active with the USO, Tahoma National Cemetery and the VFW. Thank you for all you do for the St Barbara Knights and for our Community!
Thomas Harvey
Brother Tom has been our financial secretary for many years. His job as FS was a tireless one, with all of the duties of running a council and all of the administrative work that goes along with it. Tom diligently and thanklessly took care of all of the "behind the scenes" work that a council does. Tom did this with the utmost tenacity and efficiency, without ever complaining. He is now our Treasurer but still bears a load of work as he trains our new FS. We also must thank Tom's wife, Karen, who through it all, supported him and assisted with much of the work! Tom is the truest example of a great Knight and we are proud to call him our brother! congratulations Tom!
Luca Maricich
Luca is one of our newest Knights and has already been involved with our many activities. We are honored to have Luca on our Council and look forward as he continues to assist where he can! Thank you Luca for all you do for the Order and for the Church! Congratulations to Brother Luca!
Young Kim
Young is very involved with St. Barbara Church and our Council. Young is the Council Financial Secretary and entails more work than any other officer position in the Knights. Young and his son, Torin, almost always show up to help with garden parties and other events that benefit the Knights and St. Barbara Church. Thank you Young for all you do for the Order and for the Church! Congratulations to Brother Young! Special thanks to your son Torin for all he does as well!
Doug Marsh
Doug is active with the St. Barbara Parish and is the Council Recorder. At any event, you can always count on Doug to be the first one there and the last one to leave when it comes to getting the work done! Thank you Doug for all you do for the Order and for the Church! Congratulations to Brother Doug!
Barry Cooke
Barry is always the person who jumps in to take care of whatever is needed. At the PCBF, Barry went out to make last minute purchases and did an extraordinary job of coming in on his spare time and cleaning the grill. Barry has also come out on his own time to keep up the church grounds. Thank you, Barry, for all you do for the Order and for the Church! Congratulations to Brother Barry!
Zack Midles
Zack is always stepping up to take care of anything that needs to be done and is not afraid to get in there and take over a committee, on top of his many duties on the pastoral council. Thank you Zack for all you do for the Order and for the Church! Congratulations to Brother Zack!
Gabe Hanzelli
• Gabe has only been with us for less than a month and has already helped out with three events. Gabe is already showing his leadership qualities, and is a welcome addition to our council! Congratulations to Brother Gabe!
Jeff Will
Through all he and his wife are going through, he is still helping with Food for Families. Congratulations to Brother Jeff!
Gerald Korst
Knight of the Month for January was Brother Gerald and his wife Gay. Through all he and Gay are going through, he is still running the blood drives and food for families. He volunteers at Tahoma National Cemetery and helps ambassador at Church on Sundays. Not to mention his and Gay’s generosity to our programs.
Zbig Kasprzyk
Knight of the Month for December was Brother Zbig Kasprzyk and his wife Kareen for “constant volunteering at St. Barbara, his work on Rosary, RSVP, and always stepping in to do what needs to be done!” Congratulations to Brother Zbig and to Kareen!
Zack Midles
Young Kim
Chris Peterson
Thomas Harvey
Ed Rogers
Keith Angus
Zack Midles
Gary Reed
Doug Marsh
Eric Doan
Barry Cooke
Steve Healy
Doug Marsh
Jeff Will
Steve Swim
Chris Peterson
Adarsh Nomula
Gary Reed
Ed Rogers
Jeff Will
Fr. Dave Rogerson
Brian Lannoye
Doug Marsh
Young Kim
Ray Halbert
Gary Reed
Don Raunig
Thomas Harvey
Jeff Will
Gerald Korst
Kenneth Przepiora
Gary Reed
Mark Pimentel
Thomas Harvey
Adarsh Nomula
Stephen Healy
Gary Wagner
Tony Stevenson
Bill Lehto
Stephen Healy
Zbigniew Kasprzyk
Mark Pimentel
Jeff Will
Tony Stevenson
Zbigniew Kasprzyk
Ryan Family
DeBoer Family
Midles Family
Amaladas Famly
Todesco Family
Metschan Family
Chris & Susan Peterson
Ron & Ronna Cunningham
Aaron and Erika Morgan
Reece and Katie Kolbrick
Kim - Smith Family
Young, Shannon and Torin, we appreciate all you do and the efforts you put into St. Barbara Church, our Community and our Knights of Columbus Council!
Peterson Family
Scott and Mary, we thank you for all of your help and support at St. Barbara Church and in our Community!
Midles Family
Thank you Zack, Sarah and all of your children for your amazing efforts with the Knights of Columbus, St. Barbara Church and our community at large!