Dan Pinda
Dan Pinda was selected as our November Knight of the month for hie continuing dedication to serving the Knights, parish and community. His skill and knowledge were essential in planning several recent council events, Holy Hour Dinner, Ladies Boutique Food Sales, Parish Picnic and more. Well done!
Charles Beaty
GK Paul Mills presents SK Charles Beaty with a Knight of the Month certificate for March 2023. Charles can always be depended on to help with our many events, especially community breakfasts. He has also volunteered to take on the demanding job of Council Recorder.
Jon Hofer
Ron Blanchard
Ron is one of those men you can always count on to pitch in and help. He serves as our Lecturer, collects and recycles aluminum cans and volunteers for our events. He is a real asset to the Knights.
Tom Donahoo
Michael Losada
Mike has distinguished himself in many ways in service to our council and parish. Besides serving as an officer he chairs our blood drives and is always present at our activities. He is on his way to Spain to participate in the Camino de Santiago
Matt Angiulo
Matt has done an outstanding job as our recorder (and Scribe to the assembly). He will undoubtedly do a great job as our Deputy Grand Knight.
Tony McFarland
Tony is one of our Knights who is always there, ready to help He can be seen at all of our fund raising events and is a regular at our Friday Rosary. He is a bit camera-shy as we have no photo for him!
Brian Landry
Ron Blanchard
Ron has given much of his time and talent. He single-handedly runs our aluminum can recycling program. collecting and crushing hundreds of cans and taking them to the recycling facility. He also volunteered to handle sales of the Roadrunner hockey game tickets as part of our PWID program. He serves as our Lecturer.
Matthew Angiulo
SK Matthew has done an outstanding job of reorganizing and publishing the council's meeting minutes. He is to be commended for his diligence and patience.
Wayne Mikolewjeski
Wayne worked tirelessly as our chef for the Polish dinner. He ordered and picked up the food supplies, did all the prep work and cooking. We received many compliments on the food. Thank you Waynt.
Brian Landry
Brian's constant and seemingly tireless devotion to our council is very much appreciated. In addition to all his other activities, he organized and oversaw our support for the parish's 50th Anniversary Jubilee.
Charles Beaty
SK Charles is an exemplary Knight. He volunteers for nearly every event including ceremonials (although we did give him the night off on his borthday)! After joining, he quickly moved through the degrees including the Patriotic Degree. Congratulations Charles.
Richard Snow
Dick became a Knight about four months ago. He is now a third degree. He is active in feeding the poor and in our Council activities. He is very faithful to our Church. He has become a powerful example for all his brother Knights in his response to the calling of Christ. This recognition is a small token of our thanks to our brother.
Robert Brandt
Patrick Brena
Brother Patrick Brena is our Knight of the Month for December for the work that he has done over this year to help set up halls per our request and the many personal hours he put in for the new cabinets and storage closets for our Council and Assembly. Patrick is often overlooked for his helpfulness in our endeavors to get paper goods from Church stores for us to conduct our functions. The Cabinet project was a large undertaking for him and if we had to contract or purchase the replacement unit we would of spent more time and possibly be still discussing what to do.
Tony Pennisi
Tony has served the council in an outstanding manner. He took on the chairmanship of the Breakfast With Santa event. His skillful planning and organinzing were key to its success. He has now volunteered to chair the State Raffle for 2017 and I am sure that will also be a success.
Grant Pieper
Brother Grant has devotedly and with excellence served as the Council Deputy Grand Knight for the past three years. He does his duties in a quiet, efficient and diplomatic manner, establishing strong and viable teamwork through his leadership. He also serves as chairman of vital Council functions. During the Lenten season, he revamped our Parish Lenten dinners using his highly honed executive skills to build a team, develop a menu, insure product excellence and control costs leading to a very successful season widely accepted by the Parish. He is the ideal Knight who serves as a beacon for other knights to emulate. It is our honor to recognized him for his achievements.
Brian A. Landry
Sir Knight Brian A. Landry, PGK during his many years as a member of this Council has served in almost all Council Officer positions and presently serves as the Recorder. He was the Grand Knight for 3 years. He is involved in most of the Council activities and serves as Chairman on many Council committees and for vital activities. His leadership is unparalleled which coupled with his unflagging energy, patience and diplomacy have insured the excellent reputation enjoyed by this Council within the Knights of Columbus. Without Brian, this Council might very well have been just a mediocre group going through rote participation. He is looked up to by all who know him in the Knights of Columbus and this Parish. A more deserving honoree would be hard to fin.
Anthony S. Pennisi
Tony Pennisi has been the mainstay of our Council's monthly Red Cross Drive for over 4 years. He works closely with the Red Cross, our Council and our Parish to insure required resources and manpower which has led to always successful blood drives. Even though Tony is still actively employed in a job which requires numerous trips out of state, he remains involved with all Parish and Council activities whenever possible. He is a faithful Knight and a devoted and practical practitioner of his faith. He is an example well worth emulating by out membership. It is our Council's honor to give him this award.
Fred Falgiano
Fred has served as our Council PWID chairman and Arizona Special Olympics coordinator for many years. Through his tireless efforts, positive spirit and ability to draw people to his projects, he is able to involve large numbers of volunteers from the Parish and Council which has drawn the admiration of other Councils and the administration at the Arizona Special Olympics. Each year has been more successful then the preceding year earning thousands of dollars and huge numbers of hours to benefit these activities. He is truly awe inspiring. In his way, he walks the talk as a Knight of Columbus and a special Catholic gentleman. He is well deserving of this award.
Christopher Ortiz
Christopher serves as an example to all Knights. Although suffering from intellectual disabilities, he does not let this stop his enthusiastic support for all his council's activities. He is proud to represent the Knights of Columbus in his council red shirt urging parishioners to support various council events. With the help of his mother he is at almost all council functions. His smile and enthusiasm is infectious and inspires all of us to do better. I can think of no better honoree for out council May Knight of the month nomination.
Grantley Pieper
SK Grant Pieper is our St. Peter, since he is the rock and foundation of our Council. As the Deputy Grand Knight for the past two years, he has been the right hand of the Grand Knight, assisting where ever he is needed. From the first day in his office, he demonstrated his outstanding leadership skills, knowledge of organization, and a keen insight into the abilities of others. As chair of the various directorates in the Council, he has insured that the Council has become one of the most active in Arizona with meaningful activities which exemplify what the Knights of Columbus is all about. He readily fills in for the Grand Knight when needed and always does an excellent job. He is also one of our most industrious worker bees to insure the job gets done. He can be relied upon in all things. For the aforementioned attributes he is highly admired and looked up to by all his brothers in Council 10762. His fellow knights feel that he is definitely one of the most deserving recipient of this award. It is truly an honor to recommend him.
Jim Nicklaus
Jim is that quiet, hard working Knight who through his volunteer effort ensures the success of this Council in meeting its goals. He has given freely of his time to help with the Special Olympics and for the numerous hours he expended with the PWID drive helping us exceed our goals this year. He walks the path and talks the talk of a true Knight of Columbus. He is a truly deserving Knight for the Month of September.
Tony Pennisi
Even with a busy work schedule, Tony has capably performed the functions of his office as Council Recorder this past year. This adroitly shows the character of this hard working Knight. He meticulously insures that all Council assignments and tasks are done in the best interest of the Knights. His cheerful demeanor, deep abiding faith and love of everyone, makes him a perfect candidate for this singular honorl
John V. Caccitolo
Although Sir Knight John V. Caccitolo has only been a Knight of Columbus for a little over one year, his presences has been felt from day one. He has become an inspiration for us all. He has taken the teachings of Fr. McGivney and the tenets of the Knights of Columbus to heart. He willingly gives of himself where needed in Council activities. His warm smile and quiet hard work has endeared himself to his brother Knights. He was instrumental in the success of this year's State Raffle Program, personally selling over $1,000 in tickets. The respect and trust of his brother Knights can be seen in the fact that he was elected as our Chancellor for Council year 2014/2015. He is very worthy of being honored as our June Knight of the Month.
Chuck Chap
Chuck Chap is one of those Knights who works diligently and quietly year after year and we often fail to notice. He has been the key man for our doughnut program for several years as well as an essential for our annual flea market. Without fanfare, he accumulated over 250 hours of voluntary service at the VA hospital in Tucson - serving those who served. To my knowledge we have never honored Chuck with Knight of the Month. It is time.
Dcn Dennis Ranke
Deacon Dennis is looked upon by all Council members as a truly religious mentor. He looks out to insure he meets the spiritual needs of all Knights in our Council. Th is is his 25th Ordination Anniversary and it is appropriate we honor him for his work. He truly is a man of God and is an example of what all knights should strive to be.
Maurice Ouimet
It with great pleasure and admiration that I nominate Sir Knight Maurice L Ouimet as Council 10762 Knight of the Month. Maurice is that essential unassuming hard worker who can be depended upon to do the work of our Council. His strong belief in charity and service to his fellow man, leads him expend numerous hours in this quest to his Church, Parish and Council. He does this with no thought of self aggrandizement and is held up by his fellow knights as a beacon to follow in their own quests to be better Catholics and Knights of Columbus
Joe Gulotta
Joe has always been very active and involved in the activities of the council but he has really stepped up his efforts in February when he has taken the role of running the St Patrick's day Dinner Dance to assist one of our ailing knights without missing a beat. In addition, Joe is heavily involved in state raffle sales and is coordinating the Diocese Priests Appreciation Dinner for our council. Joe does all of the above with a smile and the usual humor that makes it a pleasure to work with him.
Dan Pinda
Alijca Babst-Kosteca Family
The Babst-Kostecka Family are the November Family of the Month. Alicja, Flurin, Isabelle and Olivia are active members of the St. Pius. Isabelle is the youngest lector in the parish and regularly proclaims at the 9am Sunday Mass!
Bob & Janet Brandt
Jeffrey and Alejandra Bell
The Bell family are excellent role models for Catholic Families. They are active in Parish Minmistries, especially Religious Education.
Jesus and Paulina Acevedo
Abe and Gabrielle Marcor
Tino and Denise Martinez
Tino and Denise are fine examples of what charitable service is all about. Despite personal losses, illness and deaths among family and friends, they continue to serve the parish, community and the Knights.
Brian and Connie Landry
Bob and Tonya Messenger
Joseph and Frances Flocco
Paul and Rita Mills
Bob and Janet Brandt
Joe and Anna Gulotta
Tino & Denise Martinez
Ben & Helen Spicer
SK Ben and Helen are excellent examples of a good Catholic family. Despite advanced age, they are active in the Knights of Columbus and in Parish ministries. They serve quietly and often are not given
the public recognition they deserve.
Tom & Marcella Eagan
Brother Tom and Marcella have long been pillars of our Church Community. Both are active in parish ministries, especially as Lectors. They are charismatic in nature and are excellent role models for
Catholic families.
Pat & Dawn Brena
Pat is involved in almost all of our activities. He ensures that rooms are set up and ready. As our parish maintenance man, he arrives early and is always working on something. Dawn is a member of the choir and lends her lovely voice to our liturgy. Both were instrumental in refurbishing the rectory in preparation for Fr. Dennis.
Dick and Judy Goddard
Bob and Tonya Messenger
Bob and Tonya Messenger are excellent examples of a Christian family. They attend mass regularly and serve the parish as Eucharistic ministers and in other capacities. Bob reaches out to the community and is always eager to help others - especially with computer issues as he is pretty much an expert.
Dan and Kim Pinda
Dan and Kim are truly an exemplary family. They serve the Knights willingly with many hours of service. Dan is currently our Deputy Grand Knight and Kim is active in the Ladies Auxiliary and Ladies Boutique. Both are leaders of the new Haven Totes ministry in our parish. They have lovingly cared for a special needs daughter since her birth. They are true followers of Christ.
Frank & Cheryl Lucido
Frank and Cheryl are devout Catholics and give lovingly of their time and talent. They quietly and steadily support all our K of C events as well as serving the parish. Cheryl is especially active with the Eucharistic ministry and preparation of the sacristy for Masses.
Dutch & Vickey Steenbakker
A family who is dedicated to the Knights. Dutch is our current District Deputy who is always available to guide us. He volunteers countless hours to the Knights. Vicky, as well, donates many hours volunteering in our activities and cooking for our dinners. They both serve the Body of Christ with Love. This recognition is a small token of our appreciation.
Dan and Kim Pinda
Kim and Dan are devout Catholics that are examples of service to The Body of Christ. Both are dedicated to our Parish and our Council. Frequently you will see them together at Mass, with their family at family activities. Their family is tight respecting each other. They have raised their children to serve all people, regardless of faith and beliefs.
They are known as Leaders of our Faith. Their actions loudly speak the message of Christ.
It is an honor for me to recommend them as the family of the month.
Bill and Joan Cirrito
Bill and Joan Cirrito have show steadfast dedication to the Council, our community and our parish for many years. They are one of those couples who are always ready and willing to serve yet seem to go unnoticed as they quietly go about giving of their time and talent. They are truly a blessing to us all.
Dan and Kim Pinda
They exemplify their faith and the tenets of the Knights of Columbus in everything they do and their daily interactions with their family, their Parish, and their community. Their boundless enthusiasm and fetching smiles as they engage in numerous volunteer projects are infectious and lead others to follow. They are both dedicated Catholics and very involved in our Council, the Ladies Auxiliary and other Parish ministries. They willingly bring joy and love to others despite many personal hardships and having a PWID child requiring a lot of attention. They follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus and always try to walk in His footsteps. They are looked up to by all Council Knights and the parishioners and can be counted on to assist in any project. They are most worthy of this singular honor from their brother Knights in the Council.
Maurice Ouimet
Brother Mo & his wife Bibi are those quiet, devoted and deeply involved Catholics who insure that their Faith, Parish and Knights of Columbus are successful in fulfilling the mission set out by Jesus. Both of then have been involved in many activities of the Knights, their Parish and their community for years. He has been an integral part of the Council Officer team as Warden. He spends long hours to insure that Council activities are successful. Without his many hours of help, our yearly Lenten dinners for the Parish would not have been possible. He and his wife serve as an example to all of us on how a Catholic couple and Knight should act in their daily lives. They are an inspiration to all and are most deserving of this singular honor.
Kim and Dan Pinda are a quintessential Catholic Family, quietly active in numerous church activities, deeply religious and essential to our Church and the Knights of Columbus. They are a loving, practical Catholic family with 3 children. They serve as an inspiration to all of us, involving their family in all Church and Council activities. Dan served as a Council Officer for over 4 years and Kim is active in our Council Ladies Auxiliary. They spend untold hours working with the Arizona Special Olympic. The Pinda family can always be depended on to pitch in wherever needed. With their love and ready smiles, they serve as an inspiration and example of what a Catholic Knights of Columbus family should be.
Al & Anne Velosa
Al and Anne Velosa epitomize what a Catholic family should be. Even though Al's work takes him away from home for long period of time all over the world, he and Anne find time for quality time as a family insuring the religious, educational and spiritual awareness of their children. They are very involved in the Knights of Columbus and Parish activities insuring a better community for all. They always include their children making it truly a family endeavor providing help where needed. Their united joy as a family as they provide for the betterment of those less fortunate is there for all to see. They are truly deserving.
Joe & Joan Keaney
Joe & Joan Keaney are those gentle, unassuming and loving souls who exemplify how we all should live our faith. They willingly give of their time, talent and money to make their community, council and Church better. Through their endeavors, they have improved the lives of everyone. Their adoration of our Savior is there for all to see. The immerse themselves in Church and council activities. They are always there to help and can be counted on to make a difference.
No Nominations
Nick & Joan Romano
Nick & Joan Romano are those quiet practical Catholics who are the real backbone of our Council and St. Pius X Parish. They are both devoted to our Lord and their faith and not only "walk the walk" but "talk the talk" as they follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Nick has been our Worthy Lecture for many years providing education & humor. He recently retired from this position due to health reasons. The esteem he is held in by his brothers, can be seen in the fact, that he was voted our first Lecturer Emeritus Joan is involved in many other Parish activities such as the Ladies Auxiliary, Ladies Boutique and other fund raising efforts. They exemplify our Tenets of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and our Faith making them truly deserving of this honor.
Rob Barr
Robert Barr, his wife Jessica and their two daughters, are a family of devoted and faithful Catholics who follow the tenets of our Faith. As a family, they show their love for mankind through volunteer work with the Special Olympics and with the PWID drive. They are devoted to ensuring the betterment of their fellow beings. I feel that they exemplify our order and the teachings of Christ and our worthy of this singular honor by St. Pius X Council 10762.
Brian and Connie Landry
Brian and his family are the perfect recipients of this award. They are active Catholics who are very involved in numerous activities within their Parish and community. Constance is very active in the Ladies Auxiliary and the Parish Boutique. Brian is a Past Grand Knight who was the leader of this Council for 3 years, has been a trustee for 3 years and serves as our Recorder. He has served and continues to serve as a Program Director and activities chairman, always
insuring their success for the betterment of our Council. Most important, however, they thrive as a truly united Catholic family, serving as an inspiration for us all.
No selection for July
Blanchard, Ron & Nancy
Sir Knight Ron & Nancy Blanchard are the Catholic family we should all strive to be. Since becoming a Knight in 1971, Ron and his family have been active in insuring the goals and tenets of the Knights of Columbus and his Council have been met. He served as Grand Knight in 1995, served in most officer positions and presently is our Council advocate. He and Nancy exemplify service to their Church, their Parish, their community and the Knights of Columbus. He and Nancy are most deserving if being our honored Council Family of the Month of June.
Dick & Judy Goddard
I would like to nominate Dick Goddard and his wife Judy for the May Family of the month. They are the quintessential Catholic family, quietly active in numerous church activities, deeply religious, and essential to our Church community and the Knights of Columbus. They are in inspiration to all of us, involving their family as a whole in Church and Council activities. Dick is a past Grand Knight who remains active in all Council activities. He He is a poster child for POSITIVE and shares it with everyone everywhere he goes. No matter what the situation, he remains solid and smiling always ready to sign up or pitch in wherever needed. He is a good role model for all of our new knights and some of our older knights as well. He can always be counted on to make a project work. It is the Council’s honor to have Dick and Judy as our May Family of the month.
Dean, Tabatha and the Dickherber family are those dedicated shining lights who make sure things get done. They have been in charge of the St. Pius X Parish and Council Lenten fish fries for many years. They have invested much of their time and personal funds to insure the success of this event. Both plan the entire event, purchase needed supplies, insure adequate manpower, and personally prepare most of the food. They
had involved their children in this venture and all have that ready smile, good nature and “can do” attitude.
Dean also serves as a Council trustee, playing an active role in audits along with willingly and capably performing all other assigned relevant tasks. Th e family lives a life of practical Catholicism by actually “walking the talk”. That he is able to be so active is even more amazing by the fact that as a young man, he keeps a full time job which requires a lot of travel as well as raising a truly Catholic family. The family is the true profile of what a knight and knight’s family should be. As a family, they work, play, pray and live together in their mutual love for God. They are stellar examples of what we all should be. They truly deserve to be recognized for all they have done.
Fred and Liane Falgiano
Sir Knight Fred C. Falgiano and his wife Liane truly exemplify and practice the religious philosophy of our Catholic Faith and the Knights of Columbus. They daily live the life of a "practical Catholic" by ongoing spiritual and physical involvement in all aspects of their faith, parish, Council 10762 and their community. Fred's leadership and drive along with his wife's direct involvement has insured that the yearly PWID drive has been a success. His interactions with the young adults who are afflicted with pwid as he presents their organizations with our Council's checks is awe inspiring. Both Fred and Liane willingly and with love share their talents, time and bounty with those less fortunate in our community. Liane also is very active in the Parish Ladies Auxiliary and the Parish Ladies Boutique. They are our shining beacon.
Peter & Rosita Karculias
There is not much that goes on in the council without Peter's involvement which sometimes I am sure makes his dance card pretty full and his wife Rosita sacrifices her time with Peter to let him not only perform his duties but to let him doing it in the usual Peter style which is impeccable. I could list the things Peter does but I am sure my list would fall shorter than what he actually does.
Joe and Joan Keaney
The Keaney's are stellar examples of living a Christian life. They give generously of their time, treasure and talent to the Church, community and our council and most of all to their family. Delivering meals on wheels, serving as Eucharistic ministers and on Parish committees, attending daily Mass and helping our council wherever and whenever needed are just some of their activities.
Dutch & Vicky Steenbakker
The Steenbakker family contributes extensively with their rime, talents and resources to the Knights and the parish of St. Pius X. Emmanuel is our Grand Knight. He is part of our donut sales teams and our community breakfast group. Vicky is part or our Lady Knights and active in our Keep Christ in Christmas program selling Christmas Cards after Sunday Masses. She is part of the Parish Ladies Auxiliary and spent hour preparing for and participating in their Arts and Crafts show this month. The Steenbakkers prepared and served an urban dinner at their own expense as part of the Council membership drive. We increased council membership and donated the proceeds to our parish food bank. Their roles in our council and parish are essential to their success.
Al and Anne Velosa
Joe and Joan Keaney