Deacon Robert Garza
Joe Torres
Rene Olivares
Rafael Perez
Dennis Fitzpatrick
Garza Deacon Robert
MacDonald Ernest
Rios Michael
Anthony Paniagua
Ernie MacDonald
Rene Olivares
Anthony Paniagua
Deacon Robert Garza
Rene Olivares
Rene was recognized for taking the pictures at the July Officer Installation, the Spiritual Reflection retreat in September and for taking over as webmaster of the website. He also added the ability to pay dues online via our website using PayPal.
Jesse Moya
Felix Yruegas
Felix started our monthly Newsletter
Anthony Paniagua
Ross Cantu
For leading the Men of St Joseph meeting at 6 am every Tuesday, where 10-30 men gather in pray to discuss and reflect on the Sunday readings.
Ernest MacDonald
For taking on the task of starting & guiding our new members
Sir Knight Tony Paniagua
Tony organize and recruited Knights to help Beautify the St Luke Church Graounds.
David Beales
David took the Lead for Into the Breach Series for 8 weeks
Sir Knight Joseph Torrez
For being a Wonderful Field Agent by checking in on all our members during the pandemic
David Beales
For doing a Fantastic job as our Financial Secretary
Andrew Luck
Awarded Knight of the Month for Revising our By-Laws
Dominic Griego
Eloy Rodriguez
Oscar Valdez
For organizing the Blood Drive
Ernest MacDonald
For being Chairman of the Election Committee
Martin & Vanessa Gonzalez
Felix & Lillian Yruegas
Anthony & Christina Hanson
Ramiro & Gloria Garza
Felipe & Gloria Jimenez
Edgar & Melinda Lozano
Ernie & Roxann MacDonald
Wayne & Margaret Romo
Joe De La Pena & Daughter Isabel
Carmen Lopez
Galo & Gladys Gutierrez
Richard & Diana Sarfin
David & Sharon Beales
Gilbert & Eva Garcia
Wayne & Margaret Romo
Wayne and Margaret became extremely active at the beginning of the Corona 19 virus pandemic last year and have not stopped since then. Wayne is the director of Liturgy and Manager of Religious Education. He was instrumental in the implementation of the various technical and livestreaming media of the masses. In addition, he and his wife Margaret serve as Lectors, Eucharistic ministers, sacristans. The couple can be seen and present at most of the daily and Sunday Masses. This couple is fully engaged and love to serve in the pastoral ministry of the St. Luke Parish Community. Wayne and Margaret are well deserving of this honor.
Nat and Dahlia Chavez
A special recognition to the Chavez family, for all they have done throughout the beginning of St Luke Knights 10240.
PGK Jesse & Monica Alonzo
For Assisting in various duties at St Luke Catholic Church
Reno & Cathy Puente
For taking on the role of the Grand Knight for Council 10240