Jim Copenheaver
Jim is our Knight of the Month for September for his support of the council and the upcoming National Life Chain event.
Don Cheatle
Don Cheatle is our Knight of the Month for August to recognize him for all his support to the council, especially in his role as Recorder.
Ted Pugliese
Ted Pugliesie is our Knight of the Month for July to thank him for his past service as GK.
Craig Rush
Craig Rush is the Knight of the Month for his help in the Eucharistic procession for Corpus Christi.
Rich Gisondi
Rich Gisondi is the May Knight of the Month for all his volunteer work to the council.
Mike Kunigonis
Mike Kunigonis is our Knight of the Month for all the work he does for the church and the council as our Church Director.
Joe Carideo
Joe and Greg shared the Knight of the Month award for serving as our Easter Bunnies at the March Pancake Breakfast.
Greg Gallo
Glenn Monroe
Glenn Monroe is one of our February Knights of the Month. Glenn's coordination of the Super raffle drawing raised over $9,000 for the council.
Joe Grotenrath
Joe Grotenroth is one of our February Knights of the Month. Joe coordinated the January social meeting which included a guest speaker on men's prostate health.
Ed Roff
Ed Roff is our Knight of the Month for all his efforts coordinating our monthly Pancake Breakfast.
Larry Gross
Larry Gross is our Knight of the Month for providing a truck and trailer for the Somers Point Christmas parade.
Ron Rogiers
Ron Rogiers is our Knight of the Month for his work at the Pumpkin Run event.
Jim Copenheaver
Jim Copenheaver is our Knight of the Month for coordinating the National Life Chain event at St. Joseph's.
Father Carlo Santa Teresa
Father Carlo Santa Teresa is the Knight of the Month.
Joe Carideo
Joe is our Knight of the Month for July.
Tony Cannata
Tony is the June Knight of the Month.
Roy Metzlaff
Roy is our Knight of the Month for May taking over the breakfast.
Tom Sutherland
Tom is our April Knight of the Month.
Tom Sutherland
Ken Blankenbuehler
Thanks for Honoring me.
Michael Kunigonis
Mike is a stalwart Member involved in all phases of Church activity.
Kevin Bradberry
Past Grand Knight was honored for his contributions to the Council.
Father Carlo Santa Teresa
Our Chaplain and Parish Parochial Vicar Knight of the Money
Blankenbuehler Ken
Ken is the Treasurer and a PGK.
Avis Jask
Jack was instrumental in the movement of donated pews for the church basement reconstruction.
Joe Jacobs
Joe is a consummate sales man selling our Super Bowl subs,
Gallo Greg
Knight of the month Greg Gallo has distinguished himself in his first year as a member.
Joe Jacobs
Joe is a consummate salesman and leads the Council in raffle sales. He is the Knight of the month.
Dan Norman
Dan and Jim Norman were selected to be the Knights of the Month for their work in cleaning the kitchen after 20 months of idle kitchen work for our October Breakfast. Dan and Jim also showed up the Saturday after the Breakfast to do the Street Clean with Bernie and Ken.
Congratulations Jim and Dan.
Mike Kunigonis
Mike is our September Grand Knight an active member who heads of the parish Columbus Day Golf Tournament with Sir Knight Tony Cannata and other volunteers.
Ken Blankenbuehler
Ken handles the Baptism assignments for the COUNCILS FOUR Baptism Knights, Sir Knights Ken, Mike Kunigonis, Ed Roff and Sir Knight Rich Gisondi all Past Grand Knights.
Ray Norman
Ray our member recruitment Chairman has been working diligently to get Walmart of Egg Harbor Township to agree to allow the Council to have a fund raiser outside of their facility. Walmart has approved the Council request and it will be implemented when the Company approves these activities.
Kenneth Blankenbuehler
Chancellor Blankenbuehler was awarded the Knight of the Month for December
Jerry Griffin
Jerry is awarded the October award for service to the Council
Joe Jacobs
Joe is our Knight of the Month for September. He is a tireless worker for our Council and the best at gathering donations for our programs.
Michael Kunigonis
Our Knight of the Month Mike Kunigonis assisted the parish in the reopening the church. Designing the seating system and scheduling our Council members for Saturday and Sunday masses as ushers. Members were also briefed on cleaning methods to utilize after mass.
Kevin Bradberry
Kevin was awarded the New Jersey State Council Knight of the Month for May 2020 by District Deputy Christopher Tomasello, JR.
Bernie Griffin
Congratulations to Bernie Griffin our Knight of the Month for December.
Kevin Bradberry
Kevin is being honored for his efforts in resuscitating a customer at Harbor Pines Golf Club. Kevin is our Deputy Grand Knight and a credit to our Order.
Gerard Griffin
Our Knight of the month was instrumental in selling tickets to fill the theater for the movie UNPLANNED.
Don Cheatle
Don as usual does a great job organizing our Super Bowl Sub sale each year.
Alan Parmalee
Alan displayed his skills as Santa Claus during our December Breakfast with Santa.
Rafael Maldonado
Rafael distributed turkeys to needy residents of Atlantic City, NJ prior to Thanksgiving. Rafael has continually put charity to his community in his endeavors as owner of City Wide Towing.
Joe Jacobs
Our Knight for the month of August Joe Jacobs raised significant donations in our American Flag giveaway at the Atlantic City Air Show. Joe's untiring work on the boardwalk also helped in our sales of the Thunderbird Gear.
Ray Norman
Ray organized the KofC State Tootsie Roll Drive raising money for the Special Olympics, Faces For Autism.
Dominick Yacovelli
Congratulation to our January Knight of the Month Youth Chairman, Dominic Yacovelli.
Dennis Flanagan
Dennis started out as our Santa Claus at the December Breakfast but passed the banner to Alan Parmlee. Dennis has always been a volunteer and outstanding Knight of Columbus
Tom Vasallo
Tom has been our Sunday breakfast cook for the past year. He has done a great job for the Council.
Michael Kunigonis
Mike has been integral member of the Parish Team in the success of the Annual Columbus Day Golf Tournament raising thousands of dollars to support St. Joseph's Parish. Mike is an involved member Past Grand Knight and Color Color Corps Commander of Assembly 662.
Jack Avis
James Armstrong
Our Knight of the Month Jim Armstrong has been with the Council since December 2016 having advanced to the third degree of full knighthood. Jim has already proved to be a credit to our council with his dedication to our programs. Congratulations Jim.
Ray Norman
Our Trustee Ray Norman shows again why he is a valuable member of the Council.
Lepre Chris
Our Knight of the Month for November is Chris Lepre. Chris has maintained the kitchen as well as performing needed work around the church over the last few years. He is an invaluable member of our Council and we will miss him as he ventures to Philadelphia to live. Good Luck Chris.
Danny Norman
Dan is recognized for his contributions to our Council at Saturdays 5:30pm mass and tending to the cleaning of pots, pans, utensils and miscellaneous items at each Sunday breakfast held during the year.
We should call him "Dan the dishpan Man".
Glenn Monroe
Glenn our First Year Trustee has been the rain maker for our annual Atlantic City Air Show event.
Glenn works tirelessly for the Council.
Raymond Norman
Knight of the Month Ray Norman continues to devote his time to our Council. Congratulations Ray.
Ray Norman
Ray is a hard working doer for the Council.
Jamie Mazzara
Knight Jamie Mazzara is always available to assist our Council.
Ray Norman
Ray is our Knight of the Month. He has worked to fund the Feed The Needy Program which this year is being run by Bud Hanlin. Ray is a tireless worker always involved in Council activities and willing to what is necessary for success. He is one of a kind.
Michael Kunigonis
Mike along with Joe Craddock and Tony Cannata were instrumental in the success of the Councils sponsorship of the Parish Columbus Day Open on October 13. Mike is a Past Grand Knight and tireless worker for the Knights And Parish.
Michael Kunigonis
Mike was instrumental in the success of the Parish Golf Tournament. He is a tireless worker for the Council, Assembly and Parish
Bernard Griffin
Bernie Griffin is our Knight of The Month for September. He has shown true volunteerism by placing himself at all the events in September including the breakfast and three donut and coffee weekends. Coming in early and setting up.