Jeff Winkelbauer
SK Jeff Winkelbauer is a husband for 30+ years. He is the Faithful Navigator of our 4th Degree Assembly. Because of his leadership they were award Star Assembly for 2024. Jeff serves the council for 10 + years as our meeting recorder. Jeff has headed the raffles at the council fish frys for 13 years. Jeff helps with pancake breakfast and tailgates. He is always offering suggestions for improving our council and our fraternity. Jeff works as a manager of a Sierra Outdoors Store in Omaha. Jeff is a lector, EMHC and usher at our parish.
Daniel Hamik
SK Daniel Hamik is a husband, father and grandfather. He has made multiple missionary trips to Guatemala with the Archdiocesan mission IXIM. He is an ambassador for coffee sales in support of IXIM. He travels all around the state offering coffee in support of IXIMs mission. Dan has been the coordinator to the Hy-Vee grocery stores for our Fundraiser for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Dan helps at tailgate, pancake breakfast and fish fry's. He volunteers with a group of men at the Jaun Diego Catholic Charities food pantry as well as the Helping hands ministry. Dan is always there to lend a hand.
Brad Willette
Brad Willette is a husband and father of two boys. He was instrumental in securing all the golf event raffle prizes from local business in the area. That is a huge job! While being busy running his boys around he does his best to lend a hand at Knights function. That is why we would like to recognize Brad as the Knight of the Month for October.
Rick Thiesen
Rick is another of those knights who is always ready to lend a hand. Whether is is building wheel chair ramps; to fry fish or cooking eggs at pancake breakfast. To grilling hamburgers at our parish tailgates. This man is hard to keep up with! He is a great father and grandfather. He and his wife Peg's faith shows in everything they do!
Bill Novak
Bill took the lead on building a new retaining wall for Marcia Williams the widow of Brother Steve Williams. Bill helps with various projects with the Stix. He helps with at the Jaun Diego food pantry. Bill is there at our events. When you need a hand.. Bill is there!
Tom Martin
His quiet humble demeanor can be seen as he goes about his daily life. Over the past years as a Knight and as a member of the Stix he is focused on helping others. He is a regular attendant at Friday morning men’s group, Iron Sharpens Iron. He joins other brother Knights in assisting the Juan Diego food pantry on Wednesdays.
He is a skilled finish carpenter in has been a vital team member of the Tuesday Taco crew (Cinnamon Stix) for several years. His attention to detail is seen in all the tasks at hand and his ability to focus on each project's outcome can be seen in all his work.
He has built side tables for use in the chapel and the altar. He has helped refurbish kneelers and stabilize sagging or cracked pew seats.
His recent efforts to figure out a method to strengthen the St Stephen the Martyr school library bookshelves and guide the work over a three-week period. Tom is the glue that holds many of our projects together.
Steve Langenfield
We honor a brother who couldn’t be more prolife! He leads and participates in prayer outside the Plan Parenthood every week. He is a member of the SSM Prolife committee. He participates or leads the Pro-life rosaries at the parish. He hands out posters at the Life Chain events in October.. Walking in the March for Life in Lincoln in cold January. Anywhere people are standing for life.. You will find him there? He has a great devotion to our blessed mother. He is a great brother and friend to many in our council. He can be counted on to lend a hand at all our events. He will even drag around a mop and clean up our messes! That is why we want to recognize Brother Steve Langenfield
Ray Foran
We honor a brother that we see all the time and probably don’t realize all he does for our council. He is a Navy vet and continues to serve the country as support staff to USSTRACOM at Offutt AFB. He is a devoted son, brother and uncle to his family. He is the lynch pin for our fish fry events. Ray has designed, programmed and supplied all the equipment which allow us to process Fish Fry orders in an efficient way. He trains everyone in the operation of the order process. He greets all the customers at the serving line. But additionally, you see him at the register for tailgates and pancake breakfast. Ray is always there to lend a hand.
Alan Blubaugh
Alan is a man who faces many challenges and yet he gives his talents to our council. Many of you know Alan as our dishwasher at the Fish Frys. He has such excitement for these event and works really hard. He is kind to those who are lucky enough to work with him. Alan works at Bakers on West Center, he attends mass every week. He loves and respects his family and friends. We all need to be more like Alan.
Scott Zier
Scott Zier is one of those guys who can’t do everything but when he does show up it is full force! You may know Scott from the washroom at the fish frys where is laugh and smile is contagious. He is a busy guy at work but breaks away as soon as he can to run up to the fish fry to work one of the most dirty jobs around. He is a constant force at the fish fry and we couldn’t do it without him! He is one of the last to go home as he is cleaning and carrying the mats downstairs. He is always asking if there is anything that needs to be done. And with a smile no less! Then he is happy to help finish off the beer for good measure! That is why we would like to recognize Scott Zier as the knight of the month for March!
Ed Woll
Ed is a leader and organizer of all our beautiful statues in and outside the church. He has served our parish on the finance council chair for years and helps at Catholic charities Juan Diego center. He is a lecturer, usher, and is very philanthropic with fundraising efforts. He and his wife Alice are staple workers in our parish food pantry. Ed is a great servant to our parish family!
Hank Hardy
Hank does so much for our council. He is a trustee of our council where he works with the other trustee to keep an eye of the books and finances. He is our community director and manages and distributes the scholarship program for the council. He volunteered to chair our successful fish fry events and manned the condiment and refreshment tables during the events. He and his finance Debbie made cool fish fry tee shirts for the guys. He has volunteered to chair this year’s Lenten event too. Hank is a steady volunteer for all the activities in the council. He is a brother we can all count on! It is our pleasure to recognize Brother Hardy as the Knight of the Month for January
Bob Irwin
Bob Irwin is one of those Knights who always has a smile on his face. You wouldn’t even know he has fought with cancer . Bob loves our blessed mother and makes rosaries to give out to anyone in need. He will lead first Saturday or morning rosaries after working an overnight shift at UP. He is a big supporter of all knights' events. Bob is a veteran and is always looking for ways to support the troops. He was the point man on the recent Stand Down event to support homeless vets in Omaha. He and his wife Mary have been married for over 30 years. He has 2 daughters and one grand son.
Mike Macholan
Mike is a perfect example of “Where there is a need, there is a Knight” and at all times an example of a good Catholic gentleman. A regular attendee at Daily Mass, he is an active participating member of Iron Sharpens Iron. He is a regular volunteer for all Knights activities, and still finds time for volunteer work. He has spent untold hours helping parishioners in need, doing weekly food pickup, delivery, and pantry stocking at Catholic Charities St. Theresa’s and Juan Diego Center. He and his “Husker Bus” served a key function in helping the Council of Catholic Women in their Diaper Drive this past October, collecting, storing, and delivering diapers to different charitable outlets throughout the city. He serves the Parish as an Usher and Homebound EMHC, is a member of the parish Landscape Ministry, the Respect Life Ministry, and sits on the parish Finance Council. Throughout the growing season you can usually find Mike on the parish grounds assisting in weeding and watering the trees, shrubs, and flowers on our campus. Congratulations Mike!
Steve Cinnamon
Our Knight of the Month for October is SK Steve Cinnamon. Steve is an extremely busy Knight, most recently organizing the sold-out Knights Golf Tournament that benefited Holy Family Ranch. As the head of the Parish Landscape Committee, he can be found most days on the Parish grounds, watering, weeding, pruning, or planting something. Around fifteen years ago he started a men’s group that came to be known as the Cinnamon Stix. They can be found on Tuesdays at Taco John’s having lunch before they split up to go work on volunteer projects benefiting our parishioners, our Parish, and the community. Retired National Park Service and an Air Force veteran, he is active in the Patriotic Fourth Degree Assembly, raising awareness of veteran’s affairs and needs in the community.
Jerry Kozney
Deacon Jerry Kozney is a pillar of our faith community. He has offer our precious lord to us during communion services before meetings. He comforts the grieving and lifts up the sorrowful. He is not afraid to live his faith in the parish or on the sidewalk.
Pat Welch
Pat is most deserving to be named our Knight of the Month for August. Pat is a Navy veteran, a retired USPS employee and a tireless worker around the parish, and at all Knights functions. He is a regular member of the Tuesday afternoon Stix group helping those in need or working on the parish grounds. He volunteers every week at the Juan Diego food pantry. Pat and his wife Lucy also help care for the Mary Garden behind the GPC, keeping the grass mowed and the garden looking nice.
Congratulations Pat!
Gail Klien
A most deserving winner of the July Knight of the Month. Gail exemplifies the very essence of a Catholic Gentleman. He has been active in the Stix service group for many years, he helps stock the shelves at Catholic Charities Juan Diego Center every Wednesday afternoon, works hard to keep our Parish Grounds looking good by helping in mowing the grass. He is there at our Breakfasts, Tailgates, and Fish Fries keeping the Dish Washing room light with his ever-present smile and laughter. Gail helped his wife Cindy through RCIA to become a valuable member of the Catholic Faith, and is a valuable member of the Welcome Weekend group.
Allen Hoffman
Allen exemplifies the meaning of a Catholic Gentleman. If there is a need - Allen is there. He has volunteered on Wednesdays at Catholic Charities Juan Diego food pantry for many years. Active with the Stix group helping those in our parish and in our community with projects that they may be unable to do themselves. He is always one of the first to sign up to help at our Breakfasts, Tailgates and Fish Fry's, and usually one of the last to leave. Thank you, Allen, for all your continued good works and friendship.
Hank Hardy
Hank does so much for our council. He is a trustee of our council where he works with the other trustee to keep an eye of the books and finances. He is our community director and manages and distributes the scholarship program for the council.
He volunteered to chair our successful fish fry events and manned the condiment and refreshment tables during the events. He and his finance Debbie made cool fish fry tee shirts for the guys. He has volunteered to chair next year’s Lenten event too.
Hank is a steady volunteer for all the activities in the council. He is a brother we can all count on! It is our pleasure to recognize Brother Hardy as the Knight of the Month for May.
Rick Thiesen
We are honored to name SK Rick Thiesen as the Knight of the month for April! Rick and his wife Peggy are long time members of the St. Stephen’s parish family, and active supporters of many events over the years. Rick is the current Advocate for our Council, a regular member of the Tuesday Stix group working to help the elderly and disabled in our parish family as well as throughout the community. He is always one of the first to arrive when help is needed around the parish. He is volunteering to help keep our parish grounds looking beautiful this summer by being on the mowing crew. Most recently Rick was the Fish Fryer for our Lenten Fish Frys and got numerous thank-you’s for the delicious fish that we served. The guys who work the fryers have a thankless job, hot, dirty, and dangerous but they show up every year to help make our Fish Fry the best in Omaha.
Tom Hacker
Anyone who has worked any of our events has worked along side Tom Hacker. Many of you know him as the Coleslaw and Salmon guy. But he does so much more for our council. Tom buys much of the fish fry supplies that we don’t have delivered from US FOOD's. He takes inventory at the end of the knight and even takes the dirty towels home and cleans them. He is another of those guys who are the first to arrive and the last to leave.
He is a long-standing member of the Rosary Makers Ministry at St. Stephen's, right now there is a high probability he is making Rosaries to give away. Tom works full time and takes care of his parents.
Tom is such a humble and kind person. I have seen him so many times helping the elderly members walk in for church. For these and more ways than we can count. We have selected Tom Hacker as the Knight of the Month for March.
Brian Langel
The honors for February go to a very deserving Knight, brother Brian Langel. Brian is one of our many members who have found that the best way to get something out of being a Knight is to put something into being a Knight. In addition to being our Deputy Grand Knight he volunteered to co-chair this year's very successful Breakfasts at SSM. Brian and his wife Gina are very active in parish activities as well as new grandparents to a lovely baby girl. Congratulations Brian.
Gappa Brian
Brian is another exemplary example of the new younger Knights in our Chapter. When Brian joined the Knights, he realized that you get out of this fellowship what you put into it. As a new Knight he immediately jumped in to help wherever help was needed, volunteering to help out at the Summer Tailgates, and helping with many projects around the Parish. He was always there to help with parish grounds trimming and cleanup, building the screening wall and helping with maintenance issues. When someone needed to step up and take over leading the Breakfasts, he stepped up to offer his services.
Tom Rushing
The Council is pleased to recognize our Brother Tom Rushing as the December Knight of the Month.
Tom has been active in all of our major events, serving beer at Fis Fry's, working the line at breakfasts, and at the tailgates. Tom and his wife Barb have helped out with Sunday morning hospitality for the past many years, long before the Knights started doing hospitality. But more importantly he has headed up the Red Cross Blood Drives for the last several years.
Thank you Tom!
Bob Irwin
As our long serving Faith Director Bob has added immensely to the enrichment of our Council and our Parish through his continuing good works. He recently spearheaded the Building the Domestic Church program which brings information for all parishioners in the parish about pray, building strong families and all things Catholic. He is there, leading the first Saturday Rosary or Saturday devotions even after working a night shift and getting a few hours of sleep. Bob led and coordinated the 40 days for life day of pray for SSM at the abortion facility in Bellevue. Bob is an inspiration to his brothers for always participating in all pray services even if it is just him and another guy. Bob’s devotion to Our Lady is evident in his making and distributing hundreds of rosaries to everyone he meets. Bob just doesn’t quit!
Jim Spurgin
SK Jim Spurgin is being honored this month for the many things that he does, and has consistently done, for the Council and for our parish. He is a past Grand Knight and current Treasurer of our Council. He organizes the Knights weekly efforts at Catholic Charities Juan Diego food pantry, and the monthly drive-up food collection for the SSM food pantry. For years he has spearheaded the Coats for Kids drive as well as the used coats drive. He Is active mowing and trimming the parish grounds, as well as beautification projects inside the church. He is always involved in the Knights activities and usually one of the first to arrive and the last to leave the Breakfasts, Tailgates and Fish Fries.
Randy Jespersen
We want to recongize Randy for his work and support to the V2 boys camp ministry. His involvement with the mentorship program at Skutt Catholic High school. His creation and leadership in the Hearts Open Wide ministry feeding some 3000 lunches last year. His leadership in the Men's Welcome ministry and particpation in the Exodus 90 journey. We don't always see Randy at the regular knights events but he is representing the Knights of Columbus in big ways.
Steve Cinnamon
Steve Cinnamon is being recognized for his dedication to service. As the leader of an ad hoc group of men (mostly Knights) from our parish, the "Cinnamon Stix" have for years been of service to parishioners who need minor help around their home. They have installed safety handrails, built access ramps and steps, replaced light fixtures, built two Habitat for Humanity homes and spent innumerable hours on the parish grounds, assisting as needed. Steve is also the Chairman of the Parish Landscape Ministry, working to maintain and beautify the parish grounds. In his spare time, he along with his wife Connie started the annual KofC Golf Outing to raise money for charitable causes.
Congratulations Steve, Job Well Done.
Scott Napierala
Sir Knight Scott Napierala - for his service as Grand Knight for the last 2 years and during a pandemic no less. Scott could always be counted on at any knights event. You may have seen him moving and stocking the serving line at the fish fry. You would see him unloading groceries from cars during food drives. Selling roses after mass to help out EPS and serving beer at Millard Days. These are just some of the many
ways Scott contributed to the success of our council. Well done!
John Christiansen
The Knight of the Month award for June goes to John Christiansen in recognition for his years of parish work. John's knowledge and expertise in the HVAC industry has saved our parish tens of thousands of dollars due to his oversight of the new Chiller purchase in 2021, the upgrading of the parish HVAC operating system, the upgrading of our long-neglected irrigation system, and his oversight of the maintenance needs of the parish rectory. Thank you John!
Steve Williams
Steve is being honored this month for his outstanding leadership, under trying personal circumstances, in this year's very successful Fish Fry. Thank you Steve
Steven Simonsen
Steve, along with Mike Macholan, is being honored this moth for their unselfish efforts in going to Clevland Ohio to bring brother Richard Bloom from his successful surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. Well done guys.
Mike Macholan
Mike, along with Steve Simonsen, is being honored this moth for their unselfish efforts in going to Clevland Ohio to bring brother Richard Bloom from his successful surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. Well done guys.
Ray Foran
Ray was honored this month in recognition of his technical expertise and all of the hard work put into the order taking system used for our events like Fish Fry's and Tailgating dinners.
Bob Irwin
Bob is recognized this month for all of the work he does and has done, in our Council and in our Parish. Bob is currently our Council Inside Guard and Faith Program Director. Bob leads the monthly 1st Saturday Rosary, hosts the monthly Life Teen Dinner and has been active in promoting and participating in the annual Walk for Life. Congratulations Bob.
Mike Leahy
Mike has worked tirelessly, for many years now, as our financial secretary. He spends many hours each week throughout the year in support of our council.
Thank you Mike
Gail Klien
Gail was honored this month for his continuing and tireless efforts to help those less fortunate among use. Most recently in organizing a group of fellow Knight's to help reconstruct and winterize damage homes in the King Lake area.
Steve Simonsen
Steve was honored this month for his efforts in supporting and rejuvenating the fall/winter Breakfasts.
John Burger
John is being recognized for his efforts this, and in past years, on our Tootsie Roll campaign to raise funds to help children with intellectual disabilities.
Thank you John
Toby Korenski
Toby is being recognized this month for his efforts in organizing and directing Camp Virtus et Veritas for boys.
Dan Hamik
Dan is being recognized for his efforts on the Archdiocese’s Ixim - Spirit of Solidarity mission to Huehuetenango Guatemala this past June.
Jason Castor
Jim Doll and John Christensen
These two gentlemen are being recognized for their outstanding efforts on this year’s Fish Fry.
Bob Irwin
In recognition of his commitment to getting the 1st Saturday/1st Sunday Rosary in place.
Rich Johns
Chuck Harvey
Tom Hacker