Father Capodanno council Council #6522


Click on a photo below to open a photo gallery.


Mark's picnic

Ft Richard dinner

Deacon Mike

50 th aniversary

50th anniversary

50th anniversary

police officer


2022 high school scholarship

breakfast fundraiser

2019 scholarship

tnamk you for donations

2018 scholarship

MSGR Cassidy Dinner

memorial day

Christmas party

state spelling bee 2017Catlin Spafford 2017 state spelling bee winner

soup & sandwich

In house scholarship 2016

Poster Contest

St Pius Celebration

Pride in our Priest Dinner

St Patrick's Dinner

2016 soup and sandwich

High School Scholarship

Installation of officers

soup & sandwich

Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest

Pig Roast

Vets Party

Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Party

St Pius fish fry

Vets Lunch

August 17 picnic

high school scholarship

Msgr. Cassidy Birthday

Scholorship 2013

ceremony of departed members

2018 spelling bee
