Maintained by Worthy PGK David Kukral
A 501c3 charity and Respect Life ministry that buries abandoned babies, providing them with a proper Catholic funeral And burial in a Catholic cemetery.
CLICK HERE Holy Rosary Council #4483, Arlington Heights
CLICK HERE Fr. John J Dussman Council #3731, Glenview
CLICK HERE Holy Ghost Council #4977, Palatine
CLICK HERE Holy Family Council #11981, Inverness
CLICK HERE Divine Word Council #7331, Techny
CLICK HERE Queen of Peace Council #3954, Lake Zurich
CLICK HERE St. Alphonsus Ligouri Council #17238
CLICK HERE St. Vincent DePaul OLD website
CLICK HERE St. Vincent DePaul NEW website
CLICK HERE St. Vincent DePaul ELEMENTOR website
CLICK HERE St. Vincent DePaul EVENT CADDY website