St. Francis Council #11136

Links of Interest

Donate To KOVAR

KOVAR was established in 1971 to provide financial assistance through grants and home loans to tax exempt organizations providing training and opportunities to Virginians with intellectual disabilities.  Online KOVAR donations handled through Local Independent Charities (LIC.ORG).

VKCCI Donation Page

Virginia Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. (VKCCI) can provide grants only to residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Grant recipients do not need to be members of the Knights of Columbus, and do not need to be Roman Catholic, to qualify for a grant.

The Rev Michael J. Bader Memorial Scholarship Program

Donations are critical to the long-term sustainment of fund award levels. In recent years donations have not matched award levels. Donations may be made at any time during the Fraternal Year. Donations must be sent directly to the State Secretary. Donations can come from individuals or any KofC entity including Councils, Assemblies, Circles, Corporations, State Council, 4th Degree District, and Ladies of Virginia.

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