Incarnate Word Council #9981

Offical (main) Website for the IWKnights is at

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Council Announcements

Links of Interest
  IW Knights - Annual Lenten Fish Fry
IW Knights Annual DD Drive IW Sunday Bulletin Inserts  

Welcome to the IW Knights Website!

Incarnate Word Catholic Parish - Our beloved home Parish

Incarnate Word Catholic Parish
Our beloved home Parish


We are the IW Knights of Columbus Council #9981. Our home parish is Incarnate Word – located in Chesterfield, Missouri.


The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization that was founded by the Servant of God, Fr. Michael McGivney in 1882. The organization was initially formed to help support the surviving families of deceased members. Over the years the organization has grown to over 1.7 million men in more than 13000 councils in 12 countries.


The main principle of the organization is charity, and to that end, the councils engage in a variety of activities aimed at helping those in need. The Incarnate Word Knights hosts a variety of charitable undertakings each year including the annual fish fries, the “tootsie roll” drive, blood drives, golf tournaments and many others.


Officially Chartered in 1989, our Council here at Incarnate Word has made significant financial contributions to the parish over the years. Funds raised through our charitable events have helped to provide furniture for the new rectory, the establishment of the Adoration Chapel, and many others.


IW Knights Mission Statement    

All the good works we do are informed by our four core principles:



Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, by volunteering at Special Olympics, and by supporting, both spiritually and materially, mothers who choose life for their babies. Knights recognize that our mission, and our faith in God, compels us to action. There is no better way to experience love and compassion than by helping those in need, a call we answer every day.



None of us is as good as all of us. Members of the Knights of Columbus all know that – together – we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually. So we stick together…we support one another. That doesn’t mean that we always agree or that there is never a difference of opinion. It does mean that – as a Knight of Columbus – you can count on the support and encouragement of your brother Knights as you work to make life better in your parish and community.



The Venerable Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died – often prematurely. The Order’s top-rated insurance program continues to do this today, as do individual Knights, who last year gave more than 10 million hours of their time to assist sick and/or disabled members and their families. In the Knights of Columbus, we watch out for and take care of one another.



Members of the Knights of Columbus, be they Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Cubans, Filipinos, Poles, or Dominicans, are patriotic citizens. We are proud of our devotion to God and country, and believe in standing up for both. Whether it’s in public or private, the Knights remind the world that Catholics support their nations and are amongst the greatest citizens.


Want to Contact the IW Knights?

Click here to contact the IWKnights.


New Insurance Agent website!

the new websites for the Ryan Lister Agency are now as follows:

Knights of Columbus Insurance Agency Website


Knights of Columbus Ins. Field Agent's Website


The UKnight website at is no longer valid for our insurance agent nor for the agency he is associated with.


Upcoming Council Events

No events hosted by this council are scheduled within the next 60 days.

About Our Council

Council Business Meeting Schedule

2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm

Council Planning Meeting Schedule

4th Thursday of the month at 7:00pm

Meetings Location

13416 Olive Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO 63017 US

Council Officers

MEMBERS ONLYAs an additional security measure access to MEMBERS ONLY  
is now available through this button only.  
