Knight’s Prayer
Our Lady, Queen of the Knights, bless all the activities of our Order. Keep us true to our pledge, to extend the kingship of thy divine son on earth. Through Thine intercession, win for us the grace, ever to exemplify in our public and private lives, the virtues that should characterize those especially dedicated to the service of the heavenly court. Make us always aware that as your Knights, we are constantly observed, our faith judged, and our Order appreciated. Accept, O Mary, this renewed pledge of fealty and devotion, of Thy Servants, the Knights of Columbus.
March 2024 - KofC Knights in Action
Council 9748 Coats for Kids Recognition
Deputy Grand Knight Rodrigo Sandoval, a member of San Francisco de Asis Council 17128 in Nochistlán, Mexico West, distributes coats donated by St. Frances Cabrini Council 9748 in Granbury, Texas, through the Coats for Kids program. In addition to donating nearly 200 coats to people in Granbury, Council 9748 was asked by Father Fernando Preciado, pastor of St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, to support San Francisco de Asis Parish, his childhood church in Nochistlán. The Texas Knights sent $2,000 to Council 17128 to purchase more than 70 coats and blankets, which the Knights in Nochistlán distributed in the parish.
March 2024 Knights in Action | Knights of Columbus (
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Knights of Columbus Membership E-Knight sign-up Link
Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus may apply on-line using the following E-Knight sign-up link:
Brothers: As you are aware, our council’s steering committee for this initiative presented its recommendations to the Council membership during its March meeting. The membership agreed to proceed in this worthy effort to assist a Brother in need. Included in this initiative are several specific recommended forms of assistance that may feasibly be offered to assist a Brother Knight in time of need. These approved recommendations include, among others:
- Assistance to a brother in need of transportation to Mass or to a council meeting;
- Inclusion of a brother's name in our prayer list on the council web site;
- Offering where needed one of our two wheel chairs which are available to any Brother Knight and/or member of the parish;
- Arranging for the meals on wheels service upon request.
The fundamental precept for this program is that we are a Brotherhood and we are available to assist our Brother Knights in need.
Points of Contact are: Jim White (281-802-2866, ; Carmine Esposito (817-455-5077, and Jay Worrel (713-858-1098, .
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Record Volunteer Hours Monthly
Use the Online System to Record Your Hours
Please update your volunteer hours using the new feature in the members only section. Just log in the members only section area found at the left of this page using your membership number (from your ID card) and your birthday. Go to the members listing and scroll down to your name. You will see the update hours button near your name. It is quick and easy and you can go back anytime during the year to make additional updates and adjustments. Remember to record the number of times you took part in blood drives and visits to the sick and record hours for fraternal activities like parish and community events.
Update your contact information online
Click the "Members Only" link at the left of this page and log in using your membership number and birthday. From the Members Only page, click "Members List" . Scroll down to your name and hit the "update" button. Update incorrect information and hit " Submit Corrections". There is also a section on the update page to add a recent photo if you do not already have one uploaded. Corrections are easy to make and it ensures we have updated information for communications purposes.
Pay your dues!
You can pay your dues by going to this link
It will redirect you to our online store. Thanks