2019 Family Christmas Party
Presentation by the St. Vincent DePaul Society
Spreading the joy of Christmas with collecting and packing our donations for Boxes of Joy 2018.
Our newest 4th Degree Members
The entire group at the 4th Degree
Team from our first Trivia Night
Lots of fun at Trivia Night
Team from our first Trivia Night
Spread at our Soup and Bread Dinner
Our newest members, Scott Superior (left) and Kenny Fusco (right). Welcome Brothers!
We assisted our Faith Formation program in preparing 43 Gift boxes for Latin American children.
2019 Basketball Free Throw Contest
BBFT council 8159 participants
Members who participated in our latest 3rd Degree Ceremony.
Jim Varnish
New 2nd Degree Member
Dave couldn't figure out what his Scarecrow was missing.
All in all, everyone had a good time and got along.
The kids were full of energy, but our scarecrows were a little tired.
Church members enjoying our free Breakfast!
The Cooks are always happy to serve!
Serving those who attended the 3rd Degree Ceremony
Beware visiting Priests. We put you to work!
It seems someone enjoyed our Annual Scarecrow Building Event!
Yes, in fact, the Deacon did help us at our last breakfast!
Even the birds got some Breakfast with Santa leftovers!
Breakfast served to the Parish with Santa!
We are testing out our new cell phones!
Council Announcements
As Knights, let us pray for continued courage, strength, and sensitivity.
Unity begins with us.
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