WELCOME to our Knights of Columbus Council 4849 Eighth Annual Mark Bancroft Memorial Run/Walk for Charity October 5, 2024. It’s Hybrid again (live and virtual).
REGISTER HERE to run/walk and see the race details.
DONATE HERE to sponsor a team. CLICK HERE to print the race flyer. CLICK HERE to print the sponsorship form. Contact Tim St.Clair at 630-301-1173 (tstclair81@comcast.net), or Rick Marsh at 708-466-2593 (richardmarsh2@aol.com) for additional info.
FREE online membership using the promo code JSPADA. Every man (18 years or older) who joins online at kofc.org/joinus will pay $0 first-year dues. Enter our council number, 4849.
CLICK HERE for Field Agent Joe Spada's contact information. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE INSURANCE BENEFITS that the Knights can offer to you and your families.
Click HERE for a 3-minute video where Bishop Malloy indicates that he is a member of the Knights of Columbus and outlines what it means to be a Knight of Columbus, and asks all Catholic men to prayerfully consider joining the Knights of Columbus.