Check Out the Images in our Photo Galleries Section and more Details on the Event in Our Council Round Table Link
The rest of the crew arrives.
Brother Joe Irwin and Ed Monroe get right to work on the Atonement Round Table Project. See Round Table section and Photo Galleries for more information.
Dr. Paul Ku gives guidance and supervision with the Trail Life Scouts.
Brother Knights Tom Dum and Phil Sevilla with John M. Sevilla assist in Parking duties at Kings Fair 2016 at Our Lady of The Atonement Catholic Church
Mike Henriquez, Field Agent and First Degree Member Tyler Miazga assist Brother Tom and Phil in parking approximately 200 vehicles at the event.
A great time was had by all. Not pictured here are past Grand Knight Andy Wilburn who along with Brother Belisario Garza manned the Barbeque Pit.
Thank You Sisters For All OF Your Years OF Service!!!
122 Sisters Attended This Year!!!
Thanks to the parishioners and knights who made this possible, our council was able to present a check for $12,500 to Catholic Charities
Council Announcements
Eugene S. Mireles went to the Lord on November 28, 2016.
All services will be December 5, 2016 at St Luke Catholic Church
Visitation at 1:15 PM
Rosary at 1:30 PM
Funeral Mass at 2:00 PM
Please try to attend the services for Gene. He will truly be missed.
Ken Boone
Financial Secretary
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