Christopher Council Council #3182

Christopher Council making 300+ sandwiches for the homeless and needy during the pandemic.

It takes an assembly line to make 300+ sandwiches every week!

Making the bagged lunches with a sandwich, fruit, and snack for the homeless and needy.

Getting the bagged lunches ready for transportation to the Emanuel Dining Room.

Finishing up the packing - job well done Christopher Council.

What it means to be a Knight!
Ronald McDonald House 7/15/17

Keep up the good work!
Ronald McDonald House 7/15/17

This is easy!
Ronald McDonald House 7/15/17

Breakfast is served!
Ronald McDonald House 7/15/17

Dinner time!
Ronald McDonald House 7/15/17

Christopher Council helping distribute over 40,000 pounds of food for the needy.

Example Frame

Council Announcements

Online Exemplification of Charity, Unity, & Fraternity is available for viewing by clicking on the link below:
REMINDER:  Starting in July Monthly Council Business and Social Meetings will begin at 7:30 PM.

Upcoming Council Events

No events hosted by this council are scheduled within the next 60 days.

About Our Council

Council Business Meeting Schedule

1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm

Council Officers Meeting Schedule

1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm

Meetings Location

Brandywine Club
135 Princeton Avenue
Claymont, DE 19703 US

Council Officers

State Deputy's Message

Message from the State Deputy


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