Los Crusados Council #1990

Fr Matt Murphy's installation Mass at St James.

Wine tasting event.

Click Our Home Corp button for more info on Booking Events at the Knights Event Center

100 Year Anniversary Council Photo - Ready for the next century !

Sommelier Jeff describes the characteristics of various wines being tasted.

Our Hall will be reopened to host your event with new facilities in 2021 (once COVID is defeated)

SuperBowl Fundraising cooking with Bill and Mitch!

Fish Fry Cooking

St Patty's Day Celebration includes Irish Dancers

Fish Fry Eating - making a good Lent!

Cinco De Mayo --Celebrating Mexican ties!

KofC Soccer Challenge keeping our kids active!

KofC 1990 Knights with Seminarians we help sponsor

Visit from the Easter Bunny - Easter Egg Hunt 2019

Santa and Christmas Tree with Children getting presents

Setting up for an Event in the council hall - which is available for Rent

Example Frame

Council Announcements


Knights of Columbus - Council 1990 Super Bowl 2025 Tri-Tip Fundraiser

The Knights of Columbus Council 1990 offers their usual Tri-tip to-go meal to support various charities, including six seminarians.

A special sous-vide and grilled Tri-tip, which feeds 3-4 people, is offered for $40. Optional sides of mashed potatoes and steamed green beans are available for $7 each. 


Pre-orders will be taken through an online form (see QR code or short link) until 11:59 p.m. Monday, February 3, 2025. The knights will also take orders in person after Sunday Morning Masses at:

  • Saint Lawrence Martyr on January 5 and 19 after the 7 a.m., 9 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. masses
  • Saint James on January 12 and 26 after the 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 12 p.m. masses
  • Saint John Fisher on February 2 after the 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., and 11 a.m. masses

All orders will be distributed on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9, 2025, at the Knights of Columbus Council 1990 Hall (214 Ave I, Redondo Beach, CA 90277) between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. Home delivery option is available for an extra convenience charge ($10) (within 3 miles of St James, St John Fisher, and St Lawrence Martyr) between 10 am and 2 pm. 


Please call Alan Baptista at alanjbaptista@gmail.com or (214) 729-8582 if you have any questions regarding this fundraiser.


Link: https://forms.gle/jC8eoQ1TqBhBhpSh8 

QR Code:




  Please Pay your KofC Council 1990 Dues

    It is that time of year to collect the Knights of Columbus Council 1990 Dues.

    You may pay 1 year, as well as donate funds to the council.

    Please pay by Jan 31, 2025.


Interested in Joining the Knights of Columbus?

Catholic men are invited to visit the site below to learn more and register for online membership.  We generally have members from St James, St Lawrence Martyr and St John Fisher parishes in the South Bay area, but all are welcome.  Please indicate Council #1990 as your preference when registering. Special Code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY for free online membership. If you're working with a KofC insurance agent, ours is Adolph Rangel, a code can be entered.  This is not a required field. Please sign up here:

Join Us | Knights of Columbus (kofc.org) 


The Knights Event Center run by the CHS is Open for Business. Click here for more information on rates and booking a date:



Upcoming Council Events

About Our Council

About our council Home Corp

Council Business Meeting Schedule

1st Monday of the month at 8 pm

Council Open Meeting Meeting Schedule

3rd Monday of the month at 7 pm

Council Holding Society Meeting Schedule

3rd Thursday of the month at 8 pm

Meetings Location

214 Avenue I
Redondo Beach, CA 90277 US

Council Officers

Current Newsletter

Family of the Month

The Wheeler Family

Brother Bob Wheeler and his wife have been dedicated to the support and welfare of the Council's seminarians who are receiving financial support from the council. Brother Bob has been program director for Vocations over the last two years and his dedicati...

Knight of the Month

John Maloney

Past Grand Knight John Maloney continues his lifelong dedication to the Knights of Columbus by editing and producing out council's newsletter, The Compass News, 6 times a year. This is a extremely valuable service to our council that requires unseen time ...

MEMBERS ONLYAs an additional security measure access to MEMBERS ONLY  
is now available through this button only.  
