St Peter Damian Council Council #8699


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Monday, February 17, 2025

from 7:00 pm 'til 10:00 pm

Host Council:  St Peter Damian Council Council #8699

SK Lawrence R White is the Event Chairman for this event
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The Knights of Columbus are always looking for Catholic men 18 years and older to join our ranks.

While the Knights are very visible in giving back to our parish and our community, with programs like food drives, blood drives, pro-life activities, disaster relief and fund raising, there are benefits to being a Knight too. We host programs to deepen our faith, to support each other in being husbands and fathers. We’re not all about work, we have fun too, and you’ll have the opportunity to make new friends. We host family activities like baseball outings, social get togethers and attending Mass as a group.

The Knights primary responsibility, which has not changed in 140 years, is making sure the widows and children of our members are taken care of should something happen to one of us. We truly are a brotherhood, and we would like nothing more than to count you as one of us. If you think this might be for you, please contact Larry White at 630-391-0655 to learn more, or visit our website You’ll be glad you did.

The Knights of Columbus are holding an initiation ceremony on Monday February 17th at 7:30 pm in the Chapel. All men of the parish over the age of 18 are invited to join us.

Spouses and families are invited to come and observe the ceremony.

Light refreshments will be served in the chapel basement after.




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