Atlanta Council #660


Return to the Upcoming Events

Saturday, January 6, 2024

from 8:00 am 'til 9:00 am

Kenneth L Prevost is the Event Chairman for this event
E-mail Me

Co-Chair: Mr Anthony Kurt Brown

Co-Chair: SK Mr Nicholas R Henner

We are embarking on a new program called Brothers in the Word. The program will consist of a one hour per week ZOOM meeting which will be held on Saturday mornings at 8:00am. The purpose of the weekly meeting will be to read and discuss the bible readings for the upcoming Sunday. The goal of the weekly meeting is to bring brother knights closer to the Word, closer to each other, and closer to our duty as missionary disciples.
The first meeting will be held this Saturday September 16th at 8am. If you would like to give it a try, click the button below this Saturday around 8am.

Event Location

, GA  US