St. Mary of Mokena Council #6993

About Our Council

Council Meetings Location

19515 South 115th Avenue
Mokena, IL 60448 US

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Council Mailing Address

19515 South 115th Avenue
K of C / St Mary Mokena Coouncil
Mokena, IL 60448 US

Meeting Schedule & Location

Council Business Meeting Schedule

2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 PM

Council Officers Meeting Schedule

4th Tuesday of the month at 7 PM

In Support Of:

St Mary Catholic Church
19515 South 11th Avenue
Mokena, IL 60448 US
To Website


About Our Council

6993 Council was founded in 1977 through the efforts of many past and current knights. It was originally named St Francis of the Woods Council. St. Francis of the Woods is a retirement center for nuns. This was a central location between three parishes from which our original members came. Since that time two other councils were formed which now serve those parishes. To better reflect our service to the one parish the name was changed to St. Mary Mokena Council around 1998. 


Our Council works closely with St Mary Parish in Mokena Illinois, providing funds for various projects with members being active participants in their parish.


The Council does not have a building. We use the church as our meeting place, St Mary in Mokena (


The council meets the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings normally are held in the Parish Hall which is directly below the church. Meetings start at 7:00 PM and usually last an hour. Before the meetings at 6 PM we have refreshments and a social time. See the newsletter for any changes.

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Fourth Degree Info - Council is a Member of Joliet Assembly 204

Any Third Degree member in good standing is eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree. The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism by promoting responsible citizenship and a love of and loyalty to the Knights' respective countries through active membership in local Fourth Degree groups (called "assemblies"). Certain members of the Fourth Degree serve as honor guards at civic and religious functions, an activity that has brought worldwide recognition to the Knights of Columbus.

St. Mary Mokena Council is part of the Joliet Assembly.

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