About our Council
The council was founded May 5, 2004 in Dallas, Texas. Our name reminds us of one of our missions - to provide the light, faith, hope and charity through our energy and efforts. We know that this light is made possible through the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Indeed, on the day of our founding, as we pondered our name and reflected on our work...the answer came in the days gospel: Jesus says in John 12: 44-50: "I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness." The Knights of Columbus Council at All Saints Church proudly named our council Lumen Christi...The Light of Christ. Most of the charter membership received ceremonial exemplification through our "parent" council, Santa Maria Council No. 6065 serving both St. Mark the Evangelist Parish of Plano, Texas and All Saints Parish of Dallas, Texas. Being that Santa Maria Council was affiliated with St. Mark’s – one of the first parishes north of 635 – council 6065 can link their membership to a number of other area councils as Plano has grown over the years. There are certainly direct ties to St. Paul’s, St. Elizabeth Seton, and now, All Saints. There are also a number of indirect links to councils at Prince of Peace, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Gabriel, St. Michael and St. Anthony. This is certainly a tribute to the solid foundation and commitment to the values of the Knights of Columbus instilled upon its membership by Santa Maria Council. Many thanks are certainly in order to those who have kept 6065 a solid council since 1968. Many good wishes for the council as 6065 continues its significant contributions to the Plano area and the Catholic community in general. Some of the charter members of Lumen Christi Council boasted over 20 years tenure at Santa Maria Council. Some of us were there for a few years and some others were “newcomers” to the council. Regardless of the number of years of involvement, the ties we have made with our brother knights at Santa Maria were hard to break in the formation of our new council. A lot of us had tough decisions to make considering the fraternity that was built at Santa Maria, but ultimately it came down to using the fine work that 6065 has done over the years as an example for what we could do at All Saints. The Lumen Christi council at All Saints gives us the opportunity to expand the good work of the Knights of Columbus in our "home" parish and work to bring the same values of charity, unity and fraternity to the other organizations of the parish and the faith community of All Saints.