Council 13049, Winner of the Best Council Award, Division #5, 1st Place, 2021-2022
Our council was founded on the 24th of January 2002. This award is dedicated to all members, past and present of Council 13049.
Our Council has received many other awards, recognizing the work of our members over 20 years.
History of Saint Edith Stein Knights of Columbus Council

News Article From The Vision Newspaper - Installation Of The New Council Officers
Saint Edith Stein Parish began when a small group of English parishioners came together to form a distinct English Faith Community in Rockland. The liturgy was initially celebrated at Ste-Felicité Church in Clarence Creek and then moved to the gymnasium in St. Patrick School Rockland in 1999.
The idea of establishing a new Knights of Columbus Council associated with Saint Edith Stein Parish, began in April 2001. Mr. Lloyd Maier along with Mr. Paul Brunette met with State and District officials to create a Council formation committee. In short order they had collected over 30 names of men who wanted to join the new Council.
When the Council received its Charter from Supreme there were 35 members. The Supreme Secretary assigned #13049 to the new council. The meetings were initially held in the auditorium of Saint Patrick School in Rockland.
The officers for the first council meeting were:
Grand Knight: Lloyd Maier
Deputy Grand Knight: Paul Brunette
Chancellor: Gaetan Gendron
Financial Secretary: Barry Lightowlers
Recorder: Darryl Power
Warden: Christopher Oldford
Treasurer: Real Munger
Lecturer: Deacon Maurice Malouin
3rd Year Trustee: Timothy Halderson
2nd Year Trustee: Michel Legault
1st Year Trustee: Christopher Manders
Advocate: James Leonard
Inside Guard: Robert Baldwin
Outside Guard: Randolph Gratton
The council got off to a fast start by assisting with World Youth Day activities in the summer and a blood donor clinic on July 9th 2002. This was the first of two decades of support to local blood donor clinics.
Since the Council was established, we have been recognized with many KofC and community awards for the hard work of our members for our parish and community. The many awards our Council has received can be found by Clicking Here.
Over the past 20 years our council has grown to over 60 members who contribute to many community and parish activities in Rockland. Our parish affiliation has evolved with Saint Edith Stein amalgamating with Saint Margaret Mary in Cumberland. The parish would become known as St. Margaret Mary and St. Edith Stein Parish, pending the selection of a new name. The two parishes were officially united as one on July 1, 2018. The name of Saint Faustina Parish was chosen and the new parish was established on July 1st 2019. Our Council’s charitable activities have grown to include the Cumberland community as well as Rockland.
So even though our parish affiliations have evolved over 20 years we still proudly carry the name of Saint Edith Stein Knights of Columbus Council #13049.
Charter Members
CLICK HERE to see the Council 13049 Charter
Our council was founded on the 24th of January 2002 as Saint Edith Stein Council #13049, in Rockland, Ontario.
The Charter Members were:
Rev. Yves J. A. Marchildon Jean-Pierre Allaire Bernard M. Anderson Roger M. Annett Christopher D Aylward Robert D. Baldwin Glen F. Benson Paul G. Brunette Sergio J. Coccia Keith J Doucette Jerome A. Gagnier Richard Gervais |
Randolph R. Gratton Timothy Halderson Steven D. Karwaski Timothy J Karwaski John Larabie Michel G Legault James T. Leonard Barry Lightowlers Charles F. Maheu Lloyd A. Maier (Grand Knight) Maurice W. Malouin |
Christopher L. S. Manders David W. McIsaac Réal J. R. Munger Ernest J. Murray Austin E. Nunan Christopher C. Oldford Marcel R. Payette Darryl V. Power Eric W. Reisinger Richard Sigouin Barry C. Thirnbeck |
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