Our Lady of the Rosary Council #12982

About Our Council

Meeting Schedule & Location

Council Officers Planning Meeting Schedule

1st Monday of the month at 7:30PM, Rosary @ 7PM

Council Meeting Schedule

3rd Monday of the month at 7:30PM, Rosary @ 7PM

Meetings Location

8213 Linton Hall Road
Father McGivney Hall
Gainesville, VA 20155 US

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Mailing Address

8213 Linton Hall Road
Bristow, VA 20155 US

In Support Of:

Holy Trinity Catholic Church
8213 Linton Hall Road
Gainesville, VA 20155 US
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The founding and a short history of our council

The Catholic population in northern Virginia was growing rapidly when in June 2001 Holy Trinity Parish was established in Gainesville. Just after the founding of the parish, the administrator of the parish, Father Francis J. Peffley, requested that a Knights of Columbus Council be formed to help him with all the work needed to start the new parish. As a Brother Knight and priest he had a strong appreciation for the energy and assistance that the Knights could provide. With the establishment of the parish boundaries and the first Mass celebrated in August 2001, a group of Knights now living within the Holy Trinity boundaries began the process of forming a new council.


It was an experienced group of Brother Knights; many had served in council positions previously in the area as Grand Knights, Navigators, and in state-level positions. They were led by Cy Alba, then the New Council Development chairmen for the State Council of Virginia and now a Past State Deputy and Marshal of the Virginia District of the Calvert Province. District Deputies Tom Walbroehl and Tony Pasieka assisted him. The first organizational meeting of the group occurred in the basement of the George Brent Council home in early September 2001. More than 30 Brother Knights came together, officers were elected, and the new council was formed.


Our Lady of the Rosary Council #12982 was instituted on October 7, 2001, during a ceremony in the Brentsville District High School auditorium, which the parish was using for Sunday masses. The name was chosen by the Council membership, given the dedication of Father Peffley to Our Lady and to the Rosary, along with October being a month for Marian observance and the Rosary. The charter Grand Knight was Rick Martin and the Deputy Grand Knight was Dr. (now Deacon) Scott Ross.


The Council initially met at the Nokesville Fire Hall. In 2004, the Council moved to a more central location at the Kingsbrooke clubhouse. With the completion and dedication of Holy Trinity Church in February 2008, the Council moved to its current home in the Parish Center. Work began in 2011 to establish a permanent meeting room in the church basement. The work on the council meeting room was completed in June 2014 and was named after our Order's founder. Father McGivney Hall was open for business for the start of the 2014-2015 fraternal year in July.

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Men: Are You Ready to Accept the Challenge?

Our communities need strong Catholic men to answer the call to lead with faith, protection of families, service to others and to defend our values. If you’re interested in growing in your faith, helping those in need, serving your parish and having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you.


For over one hundred years, Knights of Columbus have done exactly that, standing up for the Church, serving the least among us, and strengthening our parishes and families. Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life. We are a band of brothers, a network of men in communities around the world dedicated to doing good in the service of God and our neighbor. At Holy Trinity Parish, Council 12982 promotes service through spiritual and social activities such as organizing blood, food and coat drives throughout the year, supporting crisis pregnancy centers in the area, adoration, praying the rosary as a group before our meetings, and supporting the Parish in many ways such as its Annual Picnic, its March For Life effort, and putting on the its Lenten Fish Fry dinners.


Eligible Catholic men can now join the Knights of Columbus online in a simple, streamlined process. As a member, you join a worldwide community of nearly two million men, including tens of thousands here in Virginia, who stand together. Men have a duty to lead, protect, serve and defend. The world needs more committed, unified Catholic men to answer the call. Will you answer?


Visit kofc.org/joinus to learn more about the many benefits of membership in the Knights of Columbus. To get more information about Our Lady of the Rosary Council, you can contact our Membership Chairman, Jaime Albizures, via email at membership@kofc12982.org.

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The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal organization dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut founded our Order on March 29, 1882. Our Lady of the Rosary Council 12982 was chartered in October 2001. We are honored to serve Holy Trinity Parish and the Arlington Diocese.

Together we make up an organization fortified by its past and driven by its goals for the future. It's through five areas of service that we could truly make a difference.


As Knights our faith is our foundation. Dedicated to the Catholic Church's growth and her good works, we support religious outreach, promote vocations and provide financial support for seminarians. This way, we help strengthen our personal faith.


Serving our families is not only part of what we do; it is part of who we are. To that end, Knights of Columbus councils offer programs that help strengthen family and marital/family bonds by holding family-focused events. Most importantly, as Knights, we are able to provide assistance and support to Knights and their families wherever there is a need.


As committed as we are to the Catholic Church, we are committed to our communities just as much. By leading the charge in pro-life advocacy and by supporting Special Olympics and various charitable organizations in our area, our Council members in conjunction with Knights all over the world have helped countless communities prosper.


To be a Knight means to believe in each other as we believe in ourselves, realizing that by creating social and supportive local councils, we can help create a stronger Order worldwide.


The importance of helping today's youth become tomorrow's leaders is a huge focus of the Order. Knights of Columbus assist all youth in building a strong sense of civic and religious responsibility. To this end, our Council charters all of the Scouting organizations at Holy Trinity Parish.

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