News & Announcements
Chaplain's Corner Holy Week Message
LENT: Through the Desert God Leads us to Freedom
CUARESMA: A través del desierto Dios nos guía a la Libertad
paz y bien peace & all that is good
fray/friar Chris,ofm
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Fray/Friar Christopher J Dunn, ofm
-Parochial Vicar, St Francis of Assisi, Triangle, VA
Transfer to Potomac Council 9259
Potomac Coats for Kids donaion
KofC Potomac Council donated to needy kids in Stafford via the Coats for Kids program. The thank you note is enclosed.
Signup for March for Life Marshals 2023
Marshals for March For Life 2024
The March For Life is the largest grass roots Civil Rights event of the year. Your help as a Marshal is needed to assist the participants, guide the march, and help have a successful March For Life.
The 2024 March for Life marshal sign up is at
Click ‘Sign Up’ then click ‘Save and Continue’. Complete the form and click ‘Sign Up Now’. Done!
I hope you will join me in leading the way by signing up today for this coming 51st March for Life on January 19.
If you want some background, keep reading. Otherwise, thanks for reading this far and I look forward to working with you at the March for Life on January 19. For over 50 years Virginia Knights have been the national March for Life marshals. We cannot just rely on you, the same guys who have “always done it.” I'm counting on your help, if able, but now is the time to invite some new brothers to share with you this amazing experience of helping the largest annual peaceful civil rights demonstration in the world.
The March For Life is the largest grass roots Civil Rights event of the year. Your help as a Marshal is needed to assist the participants, guide the march, and help have a successful March For Life.
Please note the starting time!
Meet at the Pickup Truck on the National Mall near 10th Street and Jefferson between 9:00 and 9:30 AM on Friday, January 19, 2024. We will finish up at the Supreme Court around 3:30 PM.
I can car pool if we get 3 or more riders. Send me an email at, we will have to leave at 8 AM. You must sign up on the website above.
Pay your Council Dues Here
Pick the Dues amount for your situation from the pull down.
The Optional Penny per Knight per Day (PKD) is a Virginia State Council charitable fund that is used specifically to promote and support the deacons, priests and sisters that serve our Diocese.
If the amount of your invoice is not payable by the choices, then send a copy of the bill with a check for the due amount to:
KofC 9259
PO Box 26
Triangle, VA. 22172
How to use the website
Welcome to the new Council Website. There are many new features in this site.
Click on members and you can send an email to other members, and you can send an address or email change that will get the web site and the KofC records updated. You can also add a picture of yourself.
The event calendar is designed to show the Council events. Clicking on the event brings up information about the event and how to sign up and participate.
If you are an event chair - we can set up your event information for you.