Knights of Columbus
St. Peter Damian Council 8699
The St. Peter Damian Knights of Columbus are offering College Scholarships for the upcoming school year. There are four one-time $500.00 scholarships available for students attending 4-year Colleges/Universities, or two-year community or technical college. Eligibility is open to all whose families are active members of St. Peter Damian Parish. Recipients of the previous year’s scholarships may apply this year as well.
The funds may be used for any college related expenses including tuition, books, fees, supplies, room and board, or incidentals like dorm furnishings, Transportation, or moving expenses. Checks will be made out to the student.
To apply, the student should provide a cover letter that includes their name, contact information, including email address, the school they are attending, their major or course of study. The letter should also include their current high school and course of study as well as their participation in any Church Activities, Youth Group, Sports, Community Activities, Volunteerism, Family Activities and Work Experience if any. Finally, the student should include their post-graduation and career plans.
The last portion of the application is an essay. The subject is: What do your Catholic Faith and Values mean to you at this point in your life, what challenges you face in keeping that Faith in the current world climate and what you feel it means to be a Catholic Youth today.
Finalists may be asked to come for an in-person interview with the scholarship committee. Arrangements will be made for those who attend school out of town. In the event of a tie, ranking will be determined by lottery.
Once complete, please email the application as either a word document or PDF file to: SPDKofCScholarship@gmail.com . Please put either two-year or four-year scholarship in the subject line. You may also submit any questions you have to this email or call Bill Manton at 630-878-1093.
The deadline to apply is Sunday April 6th at midnight. Winners will be announced on or about June 15th.