News & Announcements



⇑ Here is a quick summary of planned events for each month in the upcoming year.  

Check back for updates!

Emergency Response Team

Emergency Response Team Member FORM

Click here to get the Emergency Response PLAN


hurricane season is not far off and bad storms can happen at any time. Please pray for
those in Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Tennessee and other areas hammered by tornadoes and bad storms this past March.

We have a good emergency response plan in place and a pretty good response kit containing safety gear and Red Cross Flood cleanup kits.  I ask you all to re-familiarize yourself with our plan. You can access it by clicking HERE . We would also like all Knights who are willing, to complete an Emergency Response Team Member form that will contain all your contact information, skill sets and is an easy way for each of us to list tools we have and are willing to bring to a response. Simply click the link below to access the form, fill it out, scan it and return to me via email. I will compile and maintain the data.

The link to the form is:


Thank you, Brother Knights, for your response!


Additionally, make sure your contact information with the Council is up to date. We will use it to
contact everyone at the time of need and send out email blasts with information.  Lastly, it is each Knight’s job to keep my contact information handy.  Use it to ask for assistance or energize the council emergency response to help fellow Knights and parishioners.



Jerry Novosad
Council Emergency Response Coordinator

Food Handler Training for our Council

Fish Fries, Pancake Breakfasts, Fellowship Sondays, Fundraising Activities


As knights, one of the ways we serve the Church is by serving food to our fellow parishioners. When serving food, we should use the same safe practices as fine dining restaurants do. To that end, all knights and helpers handling unpackaged foods including fish, pancakes, hot dogs and hamburgers etc. are required to have a State of Texas Food Handler certificate. The certificate is good for 3 years. If you are a food handler in the Mercy Ministry, the food handler certificate is also required.


What: Texas Food Handler Certificate
Cost of training, exam and certificate: $ 7
Link for training, exam and certificate:

The on-line training takes about 2 hours, but you can pace yourself and start and stop as needed. You must get a minimum score of 70 on the exam but you can retake it until you pass. After you get your certificate, please forward a copy to Tony Pickett at

The goal for Council 8482 is to have all knights certified as food handlers so that after COVID-19 is under control, we can start serving food again.

We will also need Certified Food Managers to be present anytime there is a food event. This certificate is $35 and requires separate training. If you are interested in getting the food manager certificate, please contact Tony Pickett at 281-782-2634 to obtain training materials.


Join the Knights of Columbus TODAY!

Becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus has never been easier, and I personally invite all Practical Catholic men, 18 and over, to prayerfully consider joining this wonderful group of men.  Our organization is dedicated to caring for the fraternal brothers and families of our departed brothers, supporting the church, our communities and the those being persecuted for our faith.

I hear many reasons as to why a man doesn’t join.  I also hear why those same reasons end up disappearing, when that same man joins.  The Prince of Peace K of C Council 8482 is looking for good Catholic men, who want to better serve and give back to their Church (POP) and community.  With more good men, we can better provide for our faith.

Contact Brother Knight Steve Beckholt if you have any questions on how to join the largest Catholic Fraternal Organization in the WORLD

Also view this video invitation to the Knights of Columbus by clicking the following link:

Invitation to join the Knights of Columbus

PAY Your Knights of Columbus Annual Membership Renewal Dues


You should have received an email notifying you of your annual membership dues options. If you have any questions, please confirm your dues amount with the Financial Secretary BEFORE attempting to pay.

Continue paying your annual renewal dues online by selecting the applicable payment option in the drop-down and entering your Knights of Columbus membership number below.

KC Council 8482 Membership Renewal Dues
Clicking the "Pay Now" button will redirect to the PayPal website to complete your credit card purchase.

NOTE: IF you do not have a PayPal account, then simply click the button "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" on the PayPal page! Otherwise, you may login to your PayPal Account!